Adventure Creator  1.81.2
An adventure game toolkit for Unity, by Chris Burton, ICEBOX Studios 2013-2024
AC.EventManager Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for AC.EventManager:

Public Member Functions

delegate void Delegate_StartSpeech (AC.Char speakingCharacter, string speechText, int lineID)
delegate void Delegate_StopSpeech (AC.Char speakingCharacter)
delegate void Delegate_Speech (Speech speech)
delegate void Delegate_SpeechToken (AC.Char speakingCharacter, int lineID, string tokenKey, string tokenValue)
delegate void Delegate_SpeechTokenAlt (Speech speech, string tokenKey, string tokenValue)
delegate string Delegate_OnRequestSpeechTokenReplacement (Speech speech, string tokenKey, string tokenValue)
delegate string Delegate_OnRequestTextTokenReplacement (string tokenKey, string tokenValue)
delegate void Delegate_OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle (int language)
delegate void Delegate_OnSkipSpeech (Speech speech, bool justCompletingScroll)
void Call_OnStartSpeech (Speech speech, AC.Char speakingCharacter, string speechText, int lineID)
 Triggers the OnStartSpeech and OnStartSpeech_Alt events. More...
void Call_OnSkipSpeech (Speech speech, bool justCompletingScroll)
 Triggers the OnSkipSpeech event. More...
void Call_OnStopSpeech (Speech speech, AC.Char speakingCharacter)
 Triggers the OnStopSpeech and OnStopSpeech events. More...
void Call_OnStartSpeechScroll (Speech speech, AC.Char speakingCharacter, string speechText, int lineID)
 Triggers the OnStartSpeechScroll and OnStartSpeechScroll_Alt events. More...
void Call_OnEndSpeechScroll (Speech speech, AC.Char speakingCharacter, string speechText, int lineID)
 Triggers the OnEndSpeechScroll and OnEndSpeechSroll_Alt events. More...
void Call_OnCompleteSpeechScroll (Speech speech, AC.Char speakingCharacter, string speechText, int lineID)
 Triggers the OnCompleteSpeechScroll and OnCompleteSpeechScroll_Alt events. More...
void Call_OnSpeechToken (Speech speech, string tokenKey, string tokenValue)
 Triggers the OnSpeechToken event. More...
string Call_OnRequestSpeechTokenReplacement (Speech speech, string tokenKey, string tokenValue)
 Triggers the OnRequstSpeechTokenReplacement event. More...
string Call_OnRequestTextTokenReplacement (string tokenKey, string tokenValue)
 Triggers the OnRequstTextTokenReplacement event. More...
void Call_OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle (int language)
 Triggers the OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle event. More...
delegate void Delegate_ChangeGameState (GameState gameState)
void Call_OnChangeGameState (GameState oldGameState, GameState newGameState)
 Triggers the OnEnterGameState and OnExitGameState events. More...
delegate void Delegate_Conversation (Conversation conversation)
delegate void Delegate_ConversationChoice (Conversation conversation, int optionID)
void Call_OnStartConversation (Conversation conversation)
 Triggers the OnStartConversation event. More...
void Call_OnEndConversation (Conversation conversation)
 Triggers the OnEndConversation event. More...
void Call_OnClickConversation (Conversation conversation, int optionID)
 Triggers the OnClickConversation event. More...
delegate void Delegate_ChangeHotspot (Hotspot hotspot)
delegate void Delegate_InteractHotspot (Hotspot hotspot, AC.Button button)
delegate void Delegate_OnHotspotSetInteractionState (Hotspot hotspot, AC.Button button, bool newState)
delegate List< HotspotDelegate_HotspotCollection (DetectHotspots hotspotDetector, List< Hotspot > hotspots)
void Call_OnChangeHotspot (Hotspot hotspot, bool wasSelected)
 Triggers either the OnHotspotSelect or OnHotspotDeselect event. More...
void Call_OnInteractHotspot (Hotspot hotspot, AC.Button button)
 Triggers the OnHotspotInteract event. More...
void Call_OnDoubleClickHotspot (Hotspot hotspot, AC.Button button)
 Triggers the OnDoubleClickHotspot event, regardless of the Hotspot's doubleClickingHotspot variable. More...
void Call_OnTurnHotspot (Hotspot hotspot, bool isOn)
 Triggers either the OnHotspotTurnOn or OnHotspotTurnOff event More...
void Call_OnHotspotSetInteractionState (Hotspot hotspot, Button button, bool isOn)
 Triggers the OnHotspotSetButtonState event More...
void Call_OnHotspotStopMovingTo (Hotspot hotspot)
 Triggers the OnHotspotStopMovingTo event More...
void Call_OnHotspotReach (Hotspot hotspot, AC.Button button)
 Triggers the OnHotspotReach event More...
List< HotspotCall_OnModifyHotspotDetectorCollection (DetectHotspots hotspotDetector, List< Hotspot > hotspots)
 Triggers the OnModifyHotspotDetectorCollection event More...
void Call_OnRegisterHotspot (Hotspot hotspot, bool wasRegistered)
 Triggers the OnRegisterHotspot or OnUnregisterHotspot event More...
void Call_OnHotspotsFlash ()
delegate void Delegate_OnRunTrigger (AC_Trigger trigger, GameObject collidingObject)
void Call_OnRunTrigger (AC_Trigger trigger, GameObject collidingObject)
 Triggers the OnRunTrigger event. More...
delegate void Delegate_OnTeleport (GameObject gameObject)
void Call_OnTeleport (GameObject _object)
 Triggers the OnTeleport event More...
delegate void Delegate_OnVariableChange (GVar variable)
delegate void Delegate_OnVariableUpload (GVar variable, Variables variables)
delegate void Delegate_Timer (Timer variableTimer)
void Call_OnVariableChange (GVar _variable)
 Triggers the OnVariableChange event. More...
void Call_OnDownloadVariable (GVar _variable, Variables variables=null)
 Triggers the OnDownloadVariable event. More...
void Call_OnUploadVariable (GVar _variable, Variables variables=null)
 Triggers the OnUploadVariable event. More...
void Call_OnTimerStart (Timer timer)
 Triggers the OnTimerStart event. More...
void Call_OnTimerUpdate (Timer timer)
 Triggers the OnTimerUpdate event. More...
void Call_OnTimerComplete (Timer timer)
 Triggers the OnTimerComplete event. More...
delegate void Delegate_OnMenuElementClick (AC.Menu _menu, MenuElement _element, int _slot, int buttonPressed)
delegate void Delegate_OnMouseOverMenu (AC.Menu _menu, MenuElement _element, int _slot)
delegate void Delegate_OnMenuElementVisiblity (MenuElement _element)
delegate void Delegate_OnMenuElementShift (MenuElement _element, AC_ShiftInventory shiftType)
delegate void Delegate_OnMenuTurnOn (AC.Menu _menu, bool isInstant)
delegate void Delegate_OnUpdateDragLine (Vector2 startScreenPosition, Vector2 endScreenPosition)
delegate void Delegate_OnEnableInteractionMenus (Hotspot hotspot, InvItem invItem)
delegate void Delegate_OnModifyJournalPage (MenuJournal journal, JournalPage page, int index)
delegate string Delegate_OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel (AC.Menu _menu, MenuElement _element, int _slot, int _language)
delegate string Delegate_OnRequestInventoryCountText (InvInstance invInstance, bool isSelectedCursor)
delegate void Delegate_OnHideSelectedElement (AC.Menu _menu, MenuElement _element, int _slot)
void Call_OnMenuElementClick (AC.Menu menu, MenuElement element, int slot, int buttonPressed)
 Triggers the OnMenuElementClick event. More...
void Call_OnMouseOverMenuElement (AC.Menu menu, MenuElement element, int slot)
 Triggers the OnMouseOverMenuElement event. More...
void Call_OnMenuElementChangeVisibility (MenuElement element)
 Triggers either the OnMenuElementShow or OnMenuElementHide events, depending on the state of the element's isVisible property. More...
void Call_OnMenuElementShift (MenuElement element, AC_ShiftInventory shiftType)
 Triggers the OnMenuElementShift More...
void Call_OnGenerateMenus ()
void Call_OnMenuTurnOn (AC.Menu menu, bool isInstant)
 Triggers the OnMenuTurnOn event. More...
void Call_OnMenuTurnOff (AC.Menu menu, bool isInstant)
 Triggers the OnMenuTurnOff event. More...
void Call_OnUpdateDragLine (Vector2 startScreenPosition, Vector2 endScreenPosition)
 Updates the co-ordinates of the on-screen drag line if Touch Screen input is used, or the Movement method is Drag.</summary?

startScreenPositionThe starting position, in screen co-ordinates, of the drag line. If no dragging is occuring, this will be equal to
endScreenPositionThe ending position, in screen co-ordinates, of the drag line. If no dragging is occuring, this will be equal to

void Call_OnEnableInteractionMenus (Hotspot hotspot, InvInstance invInstance)
 Triggers the OnEnableInteractionMenus event More...
void Call_OnModifyJournalPage (MenuJournal journal, JournalPage page, int index, bool wasAdded)
 Triggers either the OnJournalPageAdd or OnJournalPageRemove event More...
string Call_OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel (AC.Menu _menu, MenuElement _element, int _slot, int language)
 Triggers the OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel event More...
string Call_OnRequestInventoryCountText (InvInstance invInstance, bool isSelectedCursor)
 Triggers the OnRequestInventoryCountText event More...
void Call_OnHideSelectedElement (AC.Menu menu, MenuElement element, int slot)
 Triggers the OnHideSelectedElement event. More...
delegate void Delegate_OnChangeCursorMode (int cursorID)
delegate void Delegate_OnSetHardwareCursor (Texture2D cursorTexture, Vector2 clickOffset)
delegate void Delegate_OnCursorLock (bool isLocked)
void Call_OnChangeCursorMode (int cursorID)
 Triggers the OnChangeCursorMode. More...
void Call_OnSetHardwareCursor (Texture2D cursorTexture, Vector2 clickOffset)
 Triggers the OnSetCursor event. More...
void Call_OnCursorLock (bool isLocked)
 Triggers the OnCursorLock event More...
delegate void Delegate_Generic ()
delegate void Delegate_SaveFile (SaveFile saveFile)
delegate void Delegate_SaveID (int saveID)
delegate void Delegate_OnSwitchProfile (int profileID)
void Call_OnSave (FileAccessState fileAccessState, int saveID, SaveFile saveFile=null)
 Triggers either the OnBeforeSaving, OnFinishSaving or OnFailSaving events. More...
void Call_OnLoad (FileAccessState fileAccessState, int saveID, SaveFile saveFile=null)
 Triggers either the OnBeforeLoading, OnFinishLoading or OnFailLoading events. More...
void Call_OnImport (FileAccessState fileAccessState)
 Triggers either the OnBeforeImporting, OnFinishImporting or OnFailImporting events. More...
void Call_OnSwitchProfile (int profileID)
 Triggers the OnSwitchProfile event More...
void Call_OnRestartGame ()
void Call_OnPrepareSaveThread (SaveFile saveFile)
 Triggers the OnPrepareSaveThread event More...
delegate void Delegate_Player (Player player)
delegate void Delegate_OnCharacterTimeline (AC.Char character, PlayableDirector director, int trackIndex)
delegate void Delegate_OnCharacterEndPath (AC.Char character, Paths path)
delegate void Delegate_OnCharacterSetPath (AC.Char character, Paths path)
delegate void Delegate_OnCharacterReachNode (AC.Char character, Paths path, int node)
delegate void Delegate_OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind (AC.Char character, ref Vector3 targetPosition)
delegate void Delegate_SetHeadTurnTarget (AC.Char character, Transform headTurnTarget, Vector3 targetOffset, bool isInstant)
delegate void Delegate_ClearHeadTurnTarget (AC.Char character, bool isInstant)
delegate void Delegate_OnOccupyPlayerStart (Player player, PlayerStart playerStart)
delegate void Delegate_OnPointAndClick (ref Vector3[] pointArray, bool run)
delegate void Delegate_OnSetLookDirection (AC.Char character, Vector3 direction, bool isInstant)
delegate void Delegate_OnCharacterSetExpression (AC.Char character, Expression expression)
delegate void Delegate_OnCharacterTeleport (AC.Char character, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
delegate void Delegate_OnCharacterHoldObject (AC.Char character, GameObject heldObject, int attachmentPointID)
void Call_OnSetPlayer (Player player)
 Triggers the OnSetPlayer event. More...
void Call_OnPlayerSpawn (Player player)
 Triggers the OnPlayerSpawn event. More...
void Call_OnPlayerRemove (Player player)
 Triggers the OnPlayerRemove event. More...
void Call_OnPlayerJump (Player player)
 Triggers the OnPlayerJump event. This event will also be fired if a jump attempt is made, but the Player does not have the correct Rigidbody component to do so More...
void Call_OnCharacterTimeline (AC.Char character, PlayableDirector director, int trackIndex, bool isEntering)
 Calls either the OnCharacterEnterTimeline or OnCharacterExitTimeline events More...
void Call_OnSetHeadTurnTarget (AC.Char character, Transform headTurnTarget, Vector3 targetOffset, bool isInstant)
 Triggers the OnSetHeadTurnTarget event. More...
void Call_OnClearHeadTurnTarget (AC.Char character, bool isInstant)
 Triggers the OnClearHeadTurnTarget event. More...
void Call_OnCharacterEndPath (AC.Char character, Paths path)
 Triggers the OnCharacterEndPath event. More...
void Call_OnCharacterSetPath (AC.Char character, Paths path)
 Triggers the OnCharacterSetPath event. More...
void Call_OnCharacterReachNode (AC.Char character, Paths path, int node)
 Triggers the OnCharacterReachNode event More...
void Call_OnOccupyPlayerStart (Player player, PlayerStart playerStart)
 Triggers the OnOccupyPlayerStart event. More...
void Call_OnPointAndClick (ref Vector3[] pointArray, bool run)
 Triggers the OnPointAndClick event. More...
void Call_OnSetLookDirection (AC.Char character, Vector3 direction, bool isInstant)
 Triggers the OnSetLookDirection event More...
void Call_OnCharacterSetExpression (AC.Char character, Expression expression)
 Triggers the OnCharacterSetExpression event More...
void Call_OnCharacterTeleport (AC.Char character, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
 Triggers the OnCharacterTeleport event. More...
void Call_OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind (AC.Char character, ref Vector3 destination)
 Triggers the OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind event More...
void Call_OnCharacterHoldObject (AC.Char character, GameObject heldObject, int attachmentPointID)
 Triggers the OnCharacterHoldObject event More...
void Call_OnCharacterDropObject (AC.Char character, GameObject heldObject, int attachmentPointID)
 Triggers the OnCharacerDropObject event More...
delegate void Delegate_ChangeInventory (InvItem invItem, int amount)
delegate void Delegate_ChangeInventory_Alt (InvCollection invCollection, InvInstance invInstance, int amount)
delegate void Delegate_CombineInventory (InvItem invItem, InvItem invItem2)
delegate void Delegate_CombineInventory_Alt (InvInstance invInstanceA, InvInstance invInstanceB)
delegate void Delegate_InteractInventory_Alt (InvInstance invInstance, int iconID)
delegate void Delegate_Inventory (InvItem invItem)
delegate void Delegate_Inventory_Alt (InvCollection invCollection, InvInstance invInstance)
delegate void Delegate_ContainerItem (Container container, InvInstance containerItem)
delegate void Delegate_Container (Container container)
delegate void Delegate_InventoryHighlight (InvItem invItem, HighlightType highlightType)
delegate void Delegate_InventoryHighlight_Alt (InvInstance invInstance, HighlightType highlightType)
delegate void Delegate_Crafting (Recipe recipe, InvInstance invInstance)
delegate void Delegate_OnInventorySpawn (InvInstance invInstance, SceneItem sceneItem)
void Call_OnChangeInventory (InvCollection invCollection, InvInstance invInstance, InventoryEventType inventoryEventType, int amountOverride=-1)
 Triggers either the OnInventoryAdd, OnInventoryRemove, OnInventorySelect or OnInventoryDeselect events. More...
void Call_OnInventoryHover (InvCollection invCollection, InvInstance invInstance)
 Triggers the OnInventoryHover event. More...
void Call_OnUseInventory (InvInstance invInstance, int iconID)
 Triggers the InventoryInteract and OnInventoryInteract_Alt events. More...
void Call_OnCombineInventory (InvInstance invInstanceA, InvInstance invInstanceB)
 Triggers the OnInventoryCombine and OnInventoryCombine_Alt events. More...
void Call_OnUseContainerFail (Container container, InvInstance invInstance)
 Triggers the OnContainerRemoveFail event. More...
void Call_OnContainerOpenClose (Container container, bool wasOpened)
 Triggers either the OnContainerOpen or OnContainerClose event. More...
void Call_OnCraftingSucceed (Recipe recipe, InvInstance resultingInvInstance)
 Triggers the OnCraftingSucceed event. More...
void Call_OnInventoryHighlight (InvInstance invInstance, HighlightType highlightType)
 Triggers the OnInventoryHiglight and OnInventoryHighlight_Alt event More...
void Call_OnInventorySpawn (InvInstance invInstance, SceneItem sceneItem)
 Triggers the OnInventorySpawn event More...
delegate void Delegate_OnMoveable (DragBase dragBase)
delegate void Delegate_OnDraggableSnap (DragBase dragBase, DragTrack track, TrackSnapData trackSnapData)
void Call_OnGrabMoveable (DragBase dragBase)
 Triggers the OnGrabMoveable event. More...
void Call_OnDropMoveable (DragBase dragBase)
 Triggers the OnDropMoveable event. More...
void Call_OnDraggableSnap (DragBase dragBase, DragTrack track, TrackSnapData trackSnapData)
 Triggers the OnDraggableSnap event. More...
delegate void Delegate_OnPickUpThrow (Moveable_PickUp pickUp)
void Call_OnPickUpThrow (Moveable_PickUp pickUp)
 Triggers the OnPickUp throw event More...
delegate void Delegate_OnSwitchCamera (_Camera fromCamera, _Camera toCamera, float transitionTime)
delegate void Delegate_OnShakeCamera (float intensity, float duration)
delegate void Delegate_OnCameraSplitScreenStart (_Camera camera, CameraSplitOrientation splitOrientation, float splitAmountMain, float splitAmountOther, bool isTopLeftSplit)
delegate void Delegate_OnCameraSplitScreenStop (_Camera camera)
void Call_OnSwitchCamera (_Camera fromCamera, _Camera toCamera, float transitionTime)
 Triggers the OnSwitchCamera event. More...
void Call_OnShakeCamera (float intensity, float duration)
 Triggers the OnShakeCamera event. More...
void Call_OnUpdatePlayableScreenArea ()
void Call_OnCameraSplitScreenStart (_Camera camera, CameraSplitOrientation splitOrientation, float splitAmountMain, float splitAmountOther, bool isTopLeftSplit)
 Triggers the OnCameraSplitScreenStart event More...
void Call_OnCameraSplitScreenStop (_Camera splitCamera)
 Triggers the OnCameraSplitScreenStop event More...
delegate void Delegate_OnChangeLanguage (int language)
delegate void Delegate_OnChangeVolume (SoundType soundType, float volume)
delegate void Delegate_OnChangeSubtitles (bool showSubtitles)
void Call_OnChangeLanguage (int language)
 Triggers the OnChangeLanguage event. More...
void Call_OnChangeVoiceLanguage (int voiceLanguage)
 Triggers the OnChangeVoiceLanguage event. More...
void Call_OnChangeVolume (SoundType soundType, float volume)
 Triggers the OnChangeLanguage event. More...
void Call_OnChangeSubtitles (bool showSubtitles)
 Triggers the OnChangeSubtitles event. More...
delegate void Delegate_NoParameters ()
delegate void Delegate_AfterSceneChange (LoadingGame loadingGame)
delegate void Delegate_OnCompleteScenePreload (string nextSceneName)
delegate void Delegate_Scene (SubScene subScene)
delegate void Delegate_OnDelayChangeScene (SceneInfo sceneInfo, System.Action callback)
void Call_OnBeginGame ()
void Call_OnBeforeChangeScene (string nextSceneName)
 Triggers the OnBeforeChangeScene event. More...
void Call_OnDelayChangeScene (SceneInfo sceneInfo, System.Action callback)
 Triggers the OnDelayChangeScene event. More...
void Call_OnAddSubScene (SubScene subScene)
 Triggers the OnAddSubScene event More...
void Call_OnAfterChangeScene (LoadingGame loadingGame)
 Triggers the OnAfterChangeScene event. More...
void Call_OnStartScene ()
void Call_OnCompleteScenePreload (string preloadedSceneName)
 Triggers the OnCompleteScenePreload event. More...
void Call_OnAwaitSceneActivation (string nextSceneName)
 Triggers the OnAwaitSceneActivation event. More...
delegate object Delegate_OnDebugLog (object message, DebugLogType debugLogType, UnityEngine.Object context, bool isDisplayed)
void Call_OnManuallySwitchAC (bool turnOn)
 Triggers either the OnManuallyTurnOnAC or OnManuallyTurnOfAC event More...
void Call_OnInitialiseScene ()
object Call_OnDebugLog (object message, DebugLogType debugLogType, UnityEngine.Object context, bool isDisplayed)
 Triggers the OnDebugLog event More...
delegate void Delegate_HandleDocument (DocumentInstance documentInstance)
void Call_OnHandleDocument (DocumentInstance documentInstance, bool isOpening)
 Triggers either the OnDocumentOpen or OnDocumentClose events. More...
void Call_OnAddRemoveDocument (DocumentInstance documentInstance, bool isAdded)
 Triggers either the OnDocumentAdd or OnCloseDocument events. More...
delegate void Delegate_HandleObjective (Objective objective, ObjectiveState state)
void Call_OnObjectiveUpdate (ObjectiveInstance objectiveInstance)
 Triggers the OnUpdateObjective event More...
void Call_OnObjectiveSelect (ObjectiveInstance objectiveInstance)
 Triggers the OnObjectiveSelect event More...
delegate void Delegate_OnPlaySoundtrack (int trackID, bool loop, float fadeTime, int startingSample)
delegate void Delegate_OnStopSoundtrack (float fadeTime)
delegate void Delegate_PlayFootstepSound (AC.Char character, FootstepSounds footstepSounds, bool isWalkingSound, AudioSource audioSource, AudioClip audioClip)
delegate void Delegate_OnHandleSound (Sound sound, AudioSource audioSource, AudioClip audioClip, float fadeTime)
delegate void Delegate_FootstepSounds (FootstepSounds footstepSounds)
void Call_OnPlaySoundtrack (int trackID, bool isMusic, bool loop, float fadeTime, int startingSample)
 Triggers either the OnPlayMusic or OnPlayAmbience events More...
void Call_OnStopSoundtrack (bool isMusic, float fadeTime)
 Triggers either the OnStopMusic or OnStopAmbience events More...
void Call_OnPlayFootstepSound (AC.Char character, FootstepSounds footstepSounds, bool isWalkingSound, AudioSource audioSource, AudioClip audioClip)
 Triggers the OnPlayFootstepSound event. More...
void Call_OnPlaySound (Sound sound, AudioSource _audioSource, AudioClip audioClip, float fadeInTime)
 Triggers the OnPlaySound event More...
void Call_OnStopSound (Sound sound, AudioSource _audioSource, AudioClip audioClip, float fadeOutTime)
 Triggers the OnStopSound event More...
void Call_OnRequestFootstepSounds (FootstepSounds footstepSounds)
 Triggers the OnRequestFootstepSounds event More...
delegate void Delegate_OnBeginActionList (ActionList actionList, ActionListAsset actionListAsset, int startingIndex, bool isSkipping)
delegate void Delegate_OnEndActionList (ActionList actionList, ActionListAsset actionListAsset, bool isSkipping)
delegate void Delegate_OnPauseActionList (ActionList actionList)
void Call_OnBeginActionList (ActionList actionList, ActionListAsset actionListAsset, int startingIndex, bool isSkipping)
 Triggers the OnBeginActionList event. More...
void Call_OnEndActionList (ActionList actionList, ActionListAsset actionListAsset, bool isSkipping)
 Triggers the OnEndActionList event. More...
void Call_OnPauseActionList (ActionList actionList)
 Triggers the OnPauseActionList event. More...
void Call_OnResumeActionList (ActionList actionList)
 Triggers the OnResumeActionList event. More...
void Call_OnSkipCutscene ()
delegate void Delegate_OnQTEBegin (QTEType qteType, string inputName, float duration)
delegate void Delegate_OnQTEWinLose (QTEType qteType)
void Call_OnQTEBegin (QTEType qteType, string inputName, float duration)
 Triggers the OnQTEBegin event More...
void Call_OnQTEEnd (QTEType qteType, bool wasWon)
 Triggers either the OnQTEWin or OnQTELose events More...
delegate void Delegate_ActiveInput (ActiveInput activeInput)
void Call_OnActiveInputFire (ActiveInput activeInput)

Static Public Attributes

static Delegate_ChangeHotspot OnHotspotSelect
static Delegate_ChangeHotspot OnHotspotDeselect
static Delegate_InteractHotspot OnHotspotInteract
static Delegate_InteractHotspot OnDoubleClickHotspot
static Delegate_ChangeHotspot OnHotspotTurnOn
static Delegate_ChangeHotspot OnHotspotTurnOff
static Delegate_ChangeHotspot OnHotspotStopMovingTo
static Delegate_InteractHotspot OnHotspotReach
static Delegate_HotspotCollection OnModifyHotspotDetectorCollection
static Delegate_ChangeHotspot OnRegisterHotspot
static Delegate_ChangeHotspot OnUnregisterHotspot
static Delegate_OnHotspotSetInteractionState OnHotspotSetInteractionState
static Delegate_Generic OnHotspotsFlash
static Delegate_OnRunTrigger OnRunTrigger
static Delegate_OnTeleport OnTeleport
static Delegate_OnVariableChange OnVariableChange
static Delegate_OnVariableUpload OnUploadVariable
static Delegate_OnVariableUpload OnDownloadVariable
static Delegate_Timer OnTimerStart
static Delegate_Timer OnTimerUpdate
static Delegate_Timer OnTimerComplete
static Delegate_OnMenuElementClick OnMenuElementClick
static Delegate_OnMouseOverMenu OnMouseOverMenu
static Delegate_OnMenuElementVisiblity OnMenuElementShow
static Delegate_OnMenuElementVisiblity OnMenuElementHide
static Delegate_OnMenuElementShift OnMenuElementShift
static Delegate_Generic OnGenerateMenus
static Delegate_OnMenuTurnOn OnMenuTurnOn
static Delegate_OnMenuTurnOn OnMenuTurnOff
static Delegate_OnUpdateDragLine OnUpdateDragLine
static Delegate_OnEnableInteractionMenus OnEnableInteractionMenus
static Delegate_OnModifyJournalPage OnJournalPageAdd
static Delegate_OnModifyJournalPage OnJournalPageRemove
static Delegate_OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel
static Delegate_OnRequestInventoryCountText OnRequestInventoryCountText
static Delegate_OnHideSelectedElement OnHideSelectedElement
static Delegate_OnChangeCursorMode OnChangeCursorMode
static Delegate_OnSetHardwareCursor OnSetHardwareCursor
static Delegate_SaveID OnBeforeSaving
static Delegate_SaveFile OnFinishSaving
static Delegate_SaveID OnFailSaving
static Delegate_SaveFile OnBeforeLoading
static Delegate_SaveID OnFinishLoading
static Delegate_SaveID OnFailLoading
static Delegate_Generic OnBeforeImporting
static Delegate_Generic OnFinishImporting
static Delegate_Generic OnFailImporting
static Delegate_OnSwitchProfile OnSwitchProfile
static Delegate_Generic OnRestartGame
static Delegate_SaveFile OnPrepareSaveThread
static Delegate_Player OnSetPlayer
static Delegate_Player OnPlayerSpawn
static Delegate_Player OnPlayerRemove
static Delegate_Player OnPlayerJump
static Delegate_OnCharacterTimeline OnCharacterEnterTimeline
static Delegate_OnCharacterTimeline OnCharacterExitTimeline
static Delegate_OnCharacterEndPath OnCharacterEndPath
static Delegate_OnCharacterSetPath OnCharacterSetPath
static Delegate_OnCharacterReachNode OnCharacterReachNode
static Delegate_OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind
static Delegate_SetHeadTurnTarget OnSetHeadTurnTarget
static Delegate_ClearHeadTurnTarget OnClearHeadTurnTarget
static Delegate_OnOccupyPlayerStart OnOccupyPlayerStart
static Delegate_OnPointAndClick OnPointAndClick
static Delegate_OnSetLookDirection OnSetLookDirection
static Delegate_OnCharacterSetExpression OnCharacterSetExpression
static Delegate_OnCharacterTeleport OnCharacterTeleport
static Delegate_OnCharacterHoldObject OnCharacterHoldObject
static Delegate_OnCharacterHoldObject OnCharacterDropObject
static Delegate_ChangeInventory OnInventoryAdd
static Delegate_ChangeInventory_Alt OnInventoryAdd_Alt
static Delegate_ChangeInventory OnInventoryRemove
static Delegate_ChangeInventory_Alt OnInventoryRemove_Alt
static Delegate_Inventory OnInventorySelect
static Delegate_Inventory_Alt OnInventorySelect_Alt
static Delegate_Inventory OnInventoryDeselect
static Delegate_Inventory_Alt OnInventoryDeselect_Alt
static Delegate_Inventory_Alt OnInventoryHover
static Delegate_ChangeInventory OnInventoryInteract
static Delegate_InteractInventory_Alt OnInventoryInteract_Alt
static Delegate_CombineInventory OnInventoryCombine
static Delegate_CombineInventory_Alt OnInventoryCombine_Alt
static Delegate_ContainerItem OnContainerAdd
static Delegate_ContainerItem OnContainerRemove
static Delegate_ContainerItem OnContainerRemoveFail
static Delegate_Container OnContainerOpen
static Delegate_Container OnContainerClose
static Delegate_Crafting OnCraftingSucceed
static Delegate_InventoryHighlight OnInventoryHighlight
static Delegate_InventoryHighlight_Alt OnInventoryHighlight_Alt
static Delegate_OnInventorySpawn OnInventorySpawn
static Delegate_PlayFootstepSound OnPlayFootstepSound


static Delegate_StartSpeech OnStartSpeech
static Delegate_Speech OnStartSpeech_Alt
static Delegate_StopSpeech OnStopSpeech
static Delegate_Speech OnStopSpeech_Alt
static Delegate_StartSpeech OnStartSpeechScroll
static Delegate_Speech OnStartSpeechScroll_Alt
static Delegate_StartSpeech OnEndSpeechScroll
static Delegate_Speech OnEndSpeechScroll_Alt
static Delegate_StartSpeech OnCompleteSpeechScroll
static Delegate_Speech OnCompleteSpeechScroll_Alt
static Delegate_SpeechToken OnSpeechToken
static Delegate_SpeechTokenAlt OnSpeechToken_Alt
static Delegate_OnRequestSpeechTokenReplacement OnRequestSpeechTokenReplacement
static Delegate_OnRequestTextTokenReplacement OnRequestTextTokenReplacement
static Delegate_OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle
static Delegate_OnSkipSpeech OnSkipSpeech
static Delegate_ChangeGameState OnEnterGameState
static Delegate_ChangeGameState OnExitGameState
static Delegate_Conversation OnStartConversation
static Delegate_ConversationChoice OnClickConversation
static Delegate_Conversation OnEndConversation
static Delegate_OnCursorLock OnCursorLock
static Delegate_OnMoveable OnGrabMoveable
static Delegate_OnMoveable OnDropMoveable
static Delegate_OnDraggableSnap OnDraggableSnap
static Delegate_OnPickUpThrow OnPickUpThrow
static Delegate_OnSwitchCamera OnSwitchCamera
static Delegate_OnShakeCamera OnShakeCamera
static Delegate_Generic OnUpdatePlayableScreenArea
static Delegate_OnCameraSplitScreenStart OnCameraSplitScreenStart
static Delegate_OnCameraSplitScreenStop OnCameraSplitScreenStop
static Delegate_OnChangeLanguage OnChangeLanguage
static Delegate_OnChangeLanguage OnChangeVoiceLanguage
static Delegate_OnChangeVolume OnChangeVolume
static Delegate_OnChangeSubtitles OnChangeSubtitles
static Delegate_Generic OnBeginGame
static Delegate_OnCompleteScenePreload OnBeforeChangeScene
static Delegate_AfterSceneChange OnAfterChangeScene
static Delegate_NoParameters OnStartScene
static Delegate_OnCompleteScenePreload OnCompleteScenePreload
static Delegate_OnCompleteScenePreload OnAwaitSceneActivation
static Delegate_Scene OnAddSubScene
static Delegate_OnDelayChangeScene OnDelayChangeScene
static Delegate_NoParameters OnManuallyTurnACOn
static Delegate_NoParameters OnManuallyTurnACOff
static Delegate_NoParameters OnInitialiseScene
static Delegate_OnDebugLog OnDebugLog
static Delegate_HandleDocument OnDocumentOpen
static Delegate_HandleDocument OnDocumentClose
static Delegate_HandleDocument OnDocumentAdd
static Delegate_HandleDocument OnDocumentRemove
static Delegate_HandleObjective OnObjectiveUpdate
static Delegate_HandleObjective OnObjectiveSelect
static Delegate_OnPlaySoundtrack OnPlayMusic
static Delegate_OnPlaySoundtrack OnPlayAmbience
static Delegate_OnStopSoundtrack OnStopMusic
static Delegate_OnStopSoundtrack OnStopAmbience
static Delegate_OnHandleSound OnPlaySound
static Delegate_OnHandleSound OnStopSound
static Delegate_FootstepSounds OnRequestFootstepSounds
static Delegate_OnBeginActionList OnBeginActionList
static Delegate_OnEndActionList OnEndActionList
static Delegate_OnPauseActionList OnPauseActionList
static Delegate_OnPauseActionList OnResumeActionList
static Delegate_Generic OnSkipCutscene
static Delegate_OnQTEBegin OnQTEBegin
static Delegate_OnQTEWinLose OnQTEWin
static Delegate_OnQTEWinLose OnQTELose
static Delegate_ActiveInput OnActiveInputFire

Detailed Description

Handles events that are run at certain times during a game. They can be subscribed to by custom script, to aid with third-party integration.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Call_OnActiveInputFire()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnActiveInputFire ( ActiveInput  activeInput)

Triggers the OnActiveInputFire event

◆ Call_OnAddRemoveDocument()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnAddRemoveDocument ( DocumentInstance  documentInstance,
bool  isAdded 

Triggers either the OnDocumentAdd or OnCloseDocument events.

documentInstanceThe Document instance that is affected
isOpeningIf True, the Document was opened and OnDocumentAdd is triggered. Otherwise, OnDocumentRemove is triggered.

◆ Call_OnAddSubScene()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnAddSubScene ( SubScene  subScene)

Triggers the OnAddSubScene event

subSceneThe SubScene class instance that represents the opened scene

◆ Call_OnAfterChangeScene()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnAfterChangeScene ( LoadingGame  loadingGame)

Triggers the OnAfterChangeScene event.

loadingGameThe current 'loading' state (No, InSameScene, InNewScene, JustSwitchingPlayer

◆ Call_OnAwaitSceneActivation()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnAwaitSceneActivation ( string  nextSceneName)

Triggers the OnAwaitSceneActivation event.

nextSceneNameThe name of the next scene

◆ Call_OnBeforeChangeScene()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnBeforeChangeScene ( string  nextSceneName)

Triggers the OnBeforeChangeScene event.

nextSceneNameThe name of the scene to be loaded next

◆ Call_OnBeginActionList()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnBeginActionList ( ActionList  actionList,
ActionListAsset  actionListAsset,
int  startingIndex,
bool  isSkipping 

Triggers the OnBeginActionList event.

actionListThe ActionList that is running
actionListAssetThe ActionListAsset that the Actions come from, if an asset. If this is not null, then actionList is an instance of RuntimeActionList made specifically for the asset running at this moment
startingIndexThe index number to start from, out of the List of Actions. If zero, the ActionList will start from the beginning
isSkippingIf True, then the ActionList is being skipped, and will run instantly

◆ Call_OnBeginGame()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnBeginGame ( )

Triggers the OnBeginGame event

◆ Call_OnCameraSplitScreenStart()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCameraSplitScreenStart ( _Camera  camera,
CameraSplitOrientation  splitOrientation,
float  splitAmountMain,
float  splitAmountOther,
bool  isTopLeftSplit 

Triggers the OnCameraSplitScreenStart event

cameraThe camera used in the effect
splitOrientationThe orientation of the effect (Horizontal, Vertical)
splitAmountMainThe proportion of the screen used by the MainCamera
splitAmountOtherThe proportion of the screen used by the other camera
isTopLeftSplitIf True, the MainCamera will be attached to the top or left camera (depending on the orientation)

◆ Call_OnCameraSplitScreenStop()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCameraSplitScreenStop ( _Camera  splitCamera)

Triggers the OnCameraSplitScreenStop event

splitCameraThe camera used in the effect that was not used by the MainCamera

◆ Call_OnChangeCursorMode()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnChangeCursorMode ( int  cursorID)

Triggers the OnChangeCursorMode.

cursorIDThe ID value of the new cursor. For values >= 0, the value corresponds to the ID number of the interaction cursor listed in the Cursor Manager. If -1, this is the "main" cursor. If -2, this is the "inventory" cursor.

◆ Call_OnChangeGameState()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnChangeGameState ( GameState  oldGameState,
GameState  newGameState 

Triggers the OnEnterGameState and OnExitGameState events.

oldGameStateThe previous GameState (Normal, Cutscene, DialogOptions, Paused)

◆ Call_OnChangeHotspot()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnChangeHotspot ( Hotspot  hotspot,
bool  wasSelected 

Triggers either the OnHotspotSelect or OnHotspotDeselect event.

hotspotThe Hotspot that was affected
wasSelectedIf True, the OnHotspotSelect event will be triggered. If False, the OnHotspotDeselect Event will be triggered.

◆ Call_OnChangeInventory()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnChangeInventory ( InvCollection  invCollection,
InvInstance  invInstance,
InventoryEventType  inventoryEventType,
int  amountOverride = -1 

Triggers either the OnInventoryAdd, OnInventoryRemove, OnInventorySelect or OnInventoryDeselect events.

invCollectionThe collection of items that was affected
invInstanceThe instance of the inventory item that was manipulated
inventoryEventTypeHow the inventory item was manipulated (Add, Remove, Select, Deselect)
amountOverrideIf non-negative, how many instances of the inventory item were affected, if not that used in InvInstance

◆ Call_OnChangeLanguage()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnChangeLanguage ( int  language)

Triggers the OnChangeLanguage event.

languageThe index number of the new language

◆ Call_OnChangeSubtitles()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnChangeSubtitles ( bool  showSubtitles)

Triggers the OnChangeSubtitles event.

showSubtitlesIf True, subtitles are now displayed.

◆ Call_OnChangeVoiceLanguage()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnChangeVoiceLanguage ( int  voiceLanguage)

Triggers the OnChangeVoiceLanguage event.

voiceLanguageThe index number of the new language

◆ Call_OnChangeVolume()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnChangeVolume ( SoundType  soundType,
float  volume 

Triggers the OnChangeLanguage event.

soundTypeThe SoundType that was changed (Music, SFX, Speech)
volumeThe new volume

◆ Call_OnCharacterDropObject()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCharacterDropObject ( AC.Char  character,
GameObject  heldObject,
int  attachmentPointID 

Triggers the OnCharacerDropObject event

characterThe character being affected
heldObjectThe dropped object
attachmentPointIDThe ID of the attachment point the object is attached to

◆ Call_OnCharacterEndPath()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCharacterEndPath ( AC.Char  character,
Paths  path 

Triggers the OnCharacterEndPath event.

characterThe character whose path has ended
pathThe Paths component that the character was following. If the character was pathfinding, this will be their own Paths component

◆ Call_OnCharacterHoldObject()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCharacterHoldObject ( AC.Char  character,
GameObject  heldObject,
int  attachmentPointID 

Triggers the OnCharacterHoldObject event

characterThe character being affected
heldObjectThe held object
attachmentPointIDThe ID of the attachment point the object is attached to

◆ Call_OnCharacterReachNode()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCharacterReachNode ( AC.Char  character,
Paths  path,
int  node 

Triggers the OnCharacterReachNode event

characterThe character who has reached a node
pathThe Paths component that the character is following. If the character is pathfinding, this will be their own Paths component
nodeThe index number of the paths's List of nodes that has been reached

◆ Call_OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind ( AC.Char  character,
ref Vector3  destination 

Triggers the OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind event

characterThe character being affected
destinationThe character's destination. This can be modified.

◆ Call_OnCharacterSetExpression()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCharacterSetExpression ( AC.Char  character,
Expression  expression 

Triggers the OnCharacterSetExpression event

characterThe affected character
expressionThe character's expression. This will be null if the character's expression is reset

◆ Call_OnCharacterSetPath()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCharacterSetPath ( AC.Char  character,
Paths  path 

Triggers the OnCharacterSetPath event.

characterThe character whose path has been set
pathThe Paths component that the character is following. If the character is pathfinding, this will be their own Paths component

◆ Call_OnCharacterTeleport()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCharacterTeleport ( AC.Char  character,
Vector3  position,
Quaternion  rotation 

Triggers the OnCharacterTeleport event.

characterThe character being teleported
positionThe new position
rotationThe new rotation

◆ Call_OnCharacterTimeline()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCharacterTimeline ( AC.Char  character,
PlayableDirector  director,
int  trackIndex,
bool  isEntering 

Calls either the OnCharacterEnterTimeline or OnCharacterExitTimeline events

characterThe character on the Timeline
directorThe PlayableDirector that is playing the Timeline
trackIndexThe index number of the track within the director's TimelineAsset that the character appears on
isEnteringIf True, OnCharacterEnterTimeline will be called. Otherwise, OnChracterExitTimeline will be called

◆ Call_OnClearHeadTurnTarget()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnClearHeadTurnTarget ( AC.Char  character,
bool  isInstant 

Triggers the OnClearHeadTurnTarget event.

characterThe character who is no longer turning their head
isInstantIf True, the head stops turning instantly

◆ Call_OnClickConversation()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnClickConversation ( Conversation  conversation,
int  optionID 

Triggers the OnClickConversation event.

conversationThe Conversation that was interacted with
optionIDThe ID number of the conversation's clicked ButtonDialog

◆ Call_OnCombineInventory()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCombineInventory ( InvInstance  invInstanceA,
InvInstance  invInstanceB 

Triggers the OnInventoryCombine and OnInventoryCombine_Alt events.

invInstanceAThe first inventory item instance
invInstanceBThe second inventory item instance

◆ Call_OnCompleteScenePreload()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCompleteScenePreload ( string  preloadedSceneName)

Triggers the OnCompleteScenePreload event.

preloadedSceneNameThe name of the scene that was preloaded

◆ Call_OnCompleteSpeechScroll()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCompleteSpeechScroll ( Speech  speech,
AC.Char  speakingCharacter,
string  speechText,
int  lineID 

Triggers the OnCompleteSpeechScroll and OnCompleteSpeechScroll_Alt events.

speechThe Speech class instance that has completed scrolling
speakingCharacterThe character who is speaking. If null, the line is considered to be a narration
speechTextThe dialogue text
lineIDThe ID number of the speech line, as generated by the SpeechManager

◆ Call_OnContainerOpenClose()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnContainerOpenClose ( Container  container,
bool  wasOpened 

Triggers either the OnContainerOpen or OnContainerClose event.

containerThe Container being manipulated
wasOpenedIf True, OnContainerOpen will be run. Otherwise, OnContainerClose

◆ Call_OnCraftingSucceed()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCraftingSucceed ( Recipe  recipe,
InvInstance  resultingInvInstance 

Triggers the OnCraftingSucceed event.

recipeThe Recipe that was completed
resultingInvInstanceThe instance of the resulting inventory item

◆ Call_OnCursorLock()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnCursorLock ( bool  isLocked)

Triggers the OnCursorLock event

isLockedTrue if the cursor has been locked, False if unlocked

◆ Call_OnDebugLog()

object AC.EventManager.Call_OnDebugLog ( object  message,
DebugLogType  debugLogType,
UnityEngine.Object  context,
bool  isDisplayed 

Triggers the OnDebugLog event

messageThe message being logged
debugLogTypeThe type of log
contextThe context, i.e. the object that is the reason for the log
isDisplayedIf True, the message will be displayed in the Unity Console
The message, which can be modified if necessary

◆ Call_OnDelayChangeScene()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnDelayChangeScene ( SceneInfo  sceneInfo,
System.Action  callback 

Triggers the OnDelayChangeScene event.

sceneInfoDetails of the scene to be loaded next
callbackThe callback to invoke once the delay is over

◆ Call_OnDoubleClickHotspot()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnDoubleClickHotspot ( Hotspot  hotspot,
AC.Button  button 

Triggers the OnDoubleClickHotspot event, regardless of the Hotspot's doubleClickingHotspot variable.

hotspotThe Hotspot that was double-clicked.

◆ Call_OnDownloadVariable()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnDownloadVariable ( GVar  _variable,
Variables  variables = null 

Triggers the OnDownloadVariable event.

_variableThe variable to download
variablesThe Variables component it is from, if a component variable

◆ Call_OnDraggableSnap()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnDraggableSnap ( DragBase  dragBase,
DragTrack  track,
TrackSnapData  trackSnapData 

Triggers the OnDraggableSnap event.

dragBaseThe object snapping
trackThe DragTrack the object is snapped to
trackSnapDataData related to the region that the object is snapping to

◆ Call_OnDropMoveable()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnDropMoveable ( DragBase  dragBase)

Triggers the OnDropMoveable event.

dragBaseThe object being dropped

◆ Call_OnEnableInteractionMenus()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnEnableInteractionMenus ( Hotspot  hotspot,
InvInstance  invInstance 

Triggers the OnEnableInteractionMenus event

hotspotThe Hotspot for which Interaction menus were turned on for. Null if invItem is not.
invInstanceThe Inventory item instance for which Interaction menus were turned on for. Null if hotspot is not.

◆ Call_OnEndActionList()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnEndActionList ( ActionList  actionList,
ActionListAsset  actionListAsset,
bool  isSkipping 

Triggers the OnEndActionList event.

actionListThe ActionList that is ending
actionListAssetThe ActionListAsset that the Actions come from, if an asset. If this is not null, then actionList is an instance of RuntimeActionList made specifically for the asset running at this moment
isSkippingIf True, then the ActionList was skipped, and run instantly

◆ Call_OnEndConversation()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnEndConversation ( Conversation  conversation)

Triggers the OnEndConversation event.

conversationThe Conversation that was ended

◆ Call_OnEndSpeechScroll()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnEndSpeechScroll ( Speech  speech,
AC.Char  speakingCharacter,
string  speechText,
int  lineID 

Triggers the OnEndSpeechScroll and OnEndSpeechSroll_Alt events.

speechThe Speech class instance that has stopped scrolling
speakingCharacterThe character who is speaking. If null, the line is considered to be a narration
speechTextThe dialogue text
lineIDThe ID number of the speech line, as generated by the SpeechManager

◆ Call_OnGenerateMenus()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnGenerateMenus ( )

Triggers the OnGenerateMenus event.

◆ Call_OnGrabMoveable()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnGrabMoveable ( DragBase  dragBase)

Triggers the OnGrabMoveable event.

dragBaseThe object being picked up

◆ Call_OnHandleDocument()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnHandleDocument ( DocumentInstance  documentInstance,
bool  isOpening 

Triggers either the OnDocumentOpen or OnDocumentClose events.

documentInstanceThe Document instance that is affected
isOpeningIf True, the Document was opened and OnDocumentOpen is triggered. Otherwise, OnDocumentClose is triggered.

◆ Call_OnHideSelectedElement()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnHideSelectedElement ( AC.Menu  menu,
MenuElement  element,
int  slot 

Triggers the OnHideSelectedElement event.

menuThe Menu that the hidden MenuElement is a part of
elementThe MenuElement that was hidden
slotThe slot index that was hidden, if the MenuElement consists of multiple slots (0 otherwise)

◆ Call_OnHotspotReach()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnHotspotReach ( Hotspot  hotspot,
AC.Button  button 

Triggers the OnHotspotReach event

hotspotThe Hotspot that the Player has reached
buttonThe specific Button on the Hotspot that was interacted with. This will be null if the interaction is unhandled.

◆ Call_OnHotspotSetInteractionState()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnHotspotSetInteractionState ( Hotspot  hotspot,
Button  button,
bool  isOn 

Triggers the OnHotspotSetButtonState event

hotspotThe affected Hotspot
buttonThe Button that was updated
isOnIf True, Button was enabled, otherwise it was disabled

◆ Call_OnHotspotsFlash()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnHotspotsFlash ( )

Triggers the OnHotspotsFlash event

◆ Call_OnHotspotStopMovingTo()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnHotspotStopMovingTo ( Hotspot  hotspot)

Triggers the OnHotspotStopMovingTo event

hotspotThe Hotspot that the Player is moving towards

◆ Call_OnImport()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnImport ( FileAccessState  fileAccessState)

Triggers either the OnBeforeImporting, OnFinishImporting or OnFailImporting events.

fileAccessStateThe state of the file access (Before, After, Fail)

◆ Call_OnInitialiseScene()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnInitialiseScene ( )

Triggers the OnInitialiseScene event

◆ Call_OnInteractHotspot()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnInteractHotspot ( Hotspot  hotspot,
AC.Button  button 

Triggers the OnHotspotInteract event.

hotspotThe Hotspot the was interacted with
buttonThe specific Button on the Hotspot that was interacted with. This will be null if the interaction is unhandled.

◆ Call_OnInventoryHighlight()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnInventoryHighlight ( InvInstance  invInstance,
HighlightType  highlightType 

Triggers the OnInventoryHiglight and OnInventoryHighlight_Alt event

invInstanceThe instance of the item being highlight
highlightTypeThe highlighting effect being applied

◆ Call_OnInventoryHover()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnInventoryHover ( InvCollection  invCollection,
InvInstance  invInstance 

Triggers the OnInventoryHover event.

invCollectionThe Player's InvCollection
invInstanceThe instance of the inventory item that was hovered over (will be null if the item is no longer hovered over

◆ Call_OnInventorySpawn()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnInventorySpawn ( InvInstance  invInstance,
SceneItem  sceneItem 

Triggers the OnInventorySpawn event

invInstanceThe instance of the item that was spawned. If the spawned object was detached from its source, this will not be the same as the spawned SceneItem's LinkedInvInstance.
sceneItemThe SceneItem component attached to the spawned item's Linked Prefab

◆ Call_OnLoad()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnLoad ( FileAccessState  fileAccessState,
int  saveID,
SaveFile  saveFile = null 

Triggers either the OnBeforeLoading, OnFinishLoading or OnFailLoading events.

fileAccessStateThe state of the file access (Before, After, Fail)
saveIDThe ID of the slot being loaded
saveFileThe save file being save

◆ Call_OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle ( int  language)

Triggers the OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle event.

languageThe language index of the asset bundle that was loaded

◆ Call_OnManuallySwitchAC()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnManuallySwitchAC ( bool  turnOn)

Triggers either the OnManuallyTurnOnAC or OnManuallyTurnOfAC event

turnOnTrue if AC was turned on

◆ Call_OnMenuElementChangeVisibility()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnMenuElementChangeVisibility ( MenuElement  element)

Triggers either the OnMenuElementShow or OnMenuElementHide events, depending on the state of the element's isVisible property.

elementThe MenuElement whose visibility has changed

◆ Call_OnMenuElementClick()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnMenuElementClick ( AC.Menu  menu,
MenuElement  element,
int  slot,
int  buttonPressed 

Triggers the OnMenuElementClick event.

menuThe Menu that the clicked MenuElement is a part of
elementThe MenuElement that was clicked on
slotThe slot index that was clicked, if the MenuElement consists of multiple slots (0 otherwise)
buttonPressedEquals 1 if a left-click, or 2 if a right-click

◆ Call_OnMenuElementShift()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnMenuElementShift ( MenuElement  element,
AC_ShiftInventory  shiftType 

Triggers the OnMenuElementShift

elementThe MenuElement whose slots have been shifted
shiftTypeThe direction in which the slots where shifted (ShiftLeft, ShiftRight)

◆ Call_OnMenuTurnOff()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnMenuTurnOff ( AC.Menu  menu,
bool  isInstant 

Triggers the OnMenuTurnOff event.

menuThe Menu that is being turned off
isInstantIf true, the transition is being skipped and the Menu is being turned off instantly

◆ Call_OnMenuTurnOn()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnMenuTurnOn ( AC.Menu  menu,
bool  isInstant 

Triggers the OnMenuTurnOn event.

menuThe Menu that is being turned on
isInstantIf true, the transition is being skipped and the Menu is being turned on instantly

◆ Call_OnModifyHotspotDetectorCollection()

List<Hotspot> AC.EventManager.Call_OnModifyHotspotDetectorCollection ( DetectHotspots  hotspotDetector,
List< Hotspot hotspots 

Triggers the OnModifyHotspotDetectorCollection event

hotspotDetectorThe DetectHotspots component that is modifying its own collection of Hotspots
hotspotsThe List of Hotspot components that the hotspot detector has modified
The list of Hotspot components gathered by the hotspot detector. This list can be modified to control which Hotspots are interactive, and in what order

◆ Call_OnModifyJournalPage()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnModifyJournalPage ( MenuJournal  journal,
JournalPage  page,
int  index,
bool  wasAdded 

Triggers either the OnJournalPageAdd or OnJournalPageRemove event

journalThe MenuJournal element that was modifiyed
pageThe JournalPage class that was modified
indexThe page index that was modified
wasAddedIf True, the page was added. If False, the page was removed

◆ Call_OnMouseOverMenuElement()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnMouseOverMenuElement ( AC.Menu  menu,
MenuElement  element,
int  slot 

Triggers the OnMouseOverMenuElement event.

menuThe Menu that the mouse is over
elementThe MenuElement that the mouse is over
slotThe slot index that the mouse is over, if the MenuElement consists of multiple slots (0 otherwise)

◆ Call_OnObjectiveSelect()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnObjectiveSelect ( ObjectiveInstance  objectiveInstance)

Triggers the OnObjectiveSelect event

objectiveInstanceThe instance of the selected Objective

◆ Call_OnObjectiveUpdate()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnObjectiveUpdate ( ObjectiveInstance  objectiveInstance)

Triggers the OnUpdateObjective event

objectiveInstanceThe instance of the updated Objective

◆ Call_OnOccupyPlayerStart()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnOccupyPlayerStart ( Player  player,
PlayerStart  playerStart 

Triggers the OnOccupyPlayerStart event.

playerThe Player that was affected
playerStartThe PlayerStart that the Player has been set to occupy

◆ Call_OnPauseActionList()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnPauseActionList ( ActionList  actionList)

Triggers the OnPauseActionList event.

actionListThe ActionList that being paused

◆ Call_OnPickUpThrow()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnPickUpThrow ( Moveable_PickUp  pickUp)

Triggers the OnPickUp throw event

pickUpThe object being thrown

◆ Call_OnPlayerJump()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnPlayerJump ( Player  player)

Triggers the OnPlayerJump event. This event will also be fired if a jump attempt is made, but the Player does not have the correct Rigidbody component to do so

playerThe Player jumping

◆ Call_OnPlayerRemove()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnPlayerRemove ( Player  player)

Triggers the OnPlayerRemove event.

playerThe Player being removed

◆ Call_OnPlayerSpawn()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnPlayerSpawn ( Player  player)

Triggers the OnPlayerSpawn event.

playerThe Player being spawned

◆ Call_OnPlayFootstepSound()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnPlayFootstepSound ( AC.Char  character,
FootstepSounds  footstepSounds,
bool  isWalkingSound,
AudioSource  audioSource,
AudioClip  audioClip 

Triggers the OnPlayFootstepSound event.

characterThe moving character
footstepSoundsThe FootstepSounds component (if used) that triggered the audio
isWalkingSoundIf True, the character is walking. If False, the character is running
audioSourceThe AudioSource component playing the audio
audioClipThe audio being played

◆ Call_OnPlaySound()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnPlaySound ( Sound  sound,
AudioSource  _audioSource,
AudioClip  audioClip,
float  fadeInTime 

Triggers the OnPlaySound event

soundThe Sound that triggered the audio
_audioSourceThe AudioSource componet that is playing the audio
audioClipThe clip being played
fadeInTimeThe duration of the fade-in effect

◆ Call_OnPlaySoundtrack()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnPlaySoundtrack ( int  trackID,
bool  isMusic,
bool  loop,
float  fadeTime,
int  startingSample 

Triggers either the OnPlayMusic or OnPlayAmbience events

trackIDThe ID of the Music or Ambience track that is being played
isMusicIf True, the track is Music. If False, it is Ambience
loopIf True, the audio is looping
fadeTimeThe fade duration, in seconds
startingSampleThe point at which to start the new track

◆ Call_OnPointAndClick()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnPointAndClick ( ref Vector3[]  pointArray,
bool  run 

Triggers the OnPointAndClick event.

pointArrayAn array of points for the Player to move along
runIf True, the Player should run along the points

◆ Call_OnPrepareSaveThread()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnPrepareSaveThread ( SaveFile  saveFile)

Triggers the OnPrepareSaveThread event

saveFileThe SaveFile being written to

◆ Call_OnQTEBegin()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnQTEBegin ( QTEType  qteType,
string  inputName,
float  duration 

Triggers the OnQTEBegin event

qteTypeThe type of QTE that began
inputNameThe name of the input axis used to complete the QTE
durationThe duration, in seconds

◆ Call_OnQTEEnd()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnQTEEnd ( QTEType  qteType,
bool  wasWon 

Triggers either the OnQTEWin or OnQTELose events

qteTypeThe type of QTE that ended
wasWonIf True, OnQTEWin will be triggered. Otherwise, OnQTELose will be triggered.

◆ Call_OnRegisterHotspot()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnRegisterHotspot ( Hotspot  hotspot,
bool  wasRegistered 

Triggers the OnRegisterHotspot or OnUnregisterHotspot event

hotspotsThe Hotspot that was registered or unregistered from the StateHandler
wasRegisteredIf True, the Hotspot was register and OnRegisterHotspot will be triggered. Otherwise, the Hotspot was unregistered and OnUnregisterHotspot will be triggered

◆ Call_OnRequestFootstepSounds()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnRequestFootstepSounds ( FootstepSounds  footstepSounds)

Triggers the OnRequestFootstepSounds event

footstepSoundsThe FootstepSounds component

◆ Call_OnRequestInventoryCountText()

string AC.EventManager.Call_OnRequestInventoryCountText ( InvInstance  invInstance,
bool  isSelectedCursor 

Triggers the OnRequestInventoryCountText event

invInstanceThe item instance to get the "count" text for
isSelectedCursorTrue if the item is currently selected and this is for the active cursor
The custom "count" text for the item instance, or empty for the default value

◆ Call_OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel()

string AC.EventManager.Call_OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel ( AC.Menu  _menu,
MenuElement  _element,
int  _slot,
int  language 

Triggers the OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel event

_menuThe Menu containing the element
_elementThe element being requested
_slotThe element's slot index number
languageThe current language's index number, where 0 = the game's original language
A string to display in a 'Hotspot' label element. If empty, default text from the menu element will be used

◆ Call_OnRequestSpeechTokenReplacement()

string AC.EventManager.Call_OnRequestSpeechTokenReplacement ( Speech  speech,
string  tokenKey,
string  tokenValue 

Triggers the OnRequstSpeechTokenReplacement event.

speechThe Speech class instance that contains the token text
tokenKeyThe token text to the left of the colon, i.e 'var'
tokenKeyThe token text to the right of the colon, i.e '2'
A string to replace the token text with. This can be empty, which will just remove the token

◆ Call_OnRequestTextTokenReplacement()

string AC.EventManager.Call_OnRequestTextTokenReplacement ( string  tokenKey,
string  tokenValue 

Triggers the OnRequstTextTokenReplacement event.

tokenKeyThe token text to the left of the colon, i.e 'var'
tokenKeyThe token text to the right of the colon, i.e '2'
A string to replace the token text with. This can be empty, which will just remove the token

◆ Call_OnRestartGame()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnRestartGame ( )

Triggers the OnRestartGame event.

◆ Call_OnResumeActionList()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnResumeActionList ( ActionList  actionList)

Triggers the OnResumeActionList event.

actionListThe ActionList that being resumed

◆ Call_OnRunTrigger()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnRunTrigger ( AC_Trigger  trigger,
GameObject  collidingObject 

Triggers the OnRunTrigger event.

triggerThe Trigger that was run
collidingObjectThe GameObject that collided with the Trigger

◆ Call_OnSave()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnSave ( FileAccessState  fileAccessState,
int  saveID,
SaveFile  saveFile = null 

Triggers either the OnBeforeSaving, OnFinishSaving or OnFailSaving events.

fileAccessStateThe state of the file access (Before, After, Fail)
saveIDThe ID of the slot being saved
saveFileThe save file being loaded

◆ Call_OnSetHardwareCursor()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnSetHardwareCursor ( Texture2D  cursorTexture,
Vector2  clickOffset 

Triggers the OnSetCursor event.

cursorTextureThe Texture2D that the Hardware cursor was set to
clickOffsetThe offset from the top-left to use as the target point

◆ Call_OnSetHeadTurnTarget()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnSetHeadTurnTarget ( AC.Char  character,
Transform  headTurnTarget,
Vector3  targetOffset,
bool  isInstant 

Triggers the OnSetHeadTurnTarget event.

characterThe character who is turning their head.
headTurnTargetThe Transform to look at
targetOffsetAn offset in world-space to look at, relative to the headTurnTarget transform
isInstantIf True, the head-turn snaps instantly

◆ Call_OnSetLookDirection()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnSetLookDirection ( AC.Char  character,
Vector3  direction,
bool  isInstant 

Triggers the OnSetLookDirection event

characterThe character that is turning
directionThe character's intended facing direction
isInstantIf True, the character will turn instantly to face this new direction

◆ Call_OnSetPlayer()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnSetPlayer ( Player  player)

Triggers the OnSetPlayer event.

playerThe new Player object

◆ Call_OnShakeCamera()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnShakeCamera ( float  intensity,
float  duration 

Triggers the OnShakeCamera event.

intensityThe intensity of the shake
durationThe duration, in seconds

◆ Call_OnSkipCutscene()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnSkipCutscene ( )

Triggers the OnSkipCutscene event

◆ Call_OnSkipSpeech()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnSkipSpeech ( Speech  speech,
bool  justCompletingScroll 

Triggers the OnSkipSpeech event.

speechThe Speech class instance being skipped
justCompletingScrollIf True, then the Speech class has not ended - and the skipping input merely ended scrolling

◆ Call_OnSpeechToken()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnSpeechToken ( Speech  speech,
string  tokenKey,
string  tokenValue 

Triggers the OnSpeechToken event.

speechThe Speech class instance that contains the token text
tokenKeyThe token text to the left of the colon, i.e 'var'
tokenKeyThe token text to the right of the colon, i.e '2'

◆ Call_OnStartConversation()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnStartConversation ( Conversation  conversation)

Triggers the OnStartConversation event.

conversationThe Conversation that was started

◆ Call_OnStartScene()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnStartScene ( )

Triggers the OnStartScene event.

◆ Call_OnStartSpeech()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnStartSpeech ( Speech  speech,
AC.Char  speakingCharacter,
string  speechText,
int  lineID 

Triggers the OnStartSpeech and OnStartSpeech_Alt events.

speechThe Speech class instance that has begun
speakingCharacterThe character who is speaking. If null, the line is considered to be a narration
speechTextThe dialogue text
lineIDThe ID number of the speech line, as generated by the SpeechManager

◆ Call_OnStartSpeechScroll()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnStartSpeechScroll ( Speech  speech,
AC.Char  speakingCharacter,
string  speechText,
int  lineID 

Triggers the OnStartSpeechScroll and OnStartSpeechScroll_Alt events.

speechThe Speech class instance that has started scrolling
speakingCharacterThe character who is speaking. If null, the line is considered to be a narration
speechTextThe dialogue text
lineIDThe ID number of the speech line, as generated by the SpeechManager

◆ Call_OnStopSound()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnStopSound ( Sound  sound,
AudioSource  _audioSource,
AudioClip  audioClip,
float  fadeOutTime 

Triggers the OnStopSound event

soundThe Sound that triggered the audio
_audioSourceThe AudioSource componet that is playing the audio
audioClipThe clip being stopped
fadeInTimeThe duration of the fade-out effect. The audio will finish playing after this time

◆ Call_OnStopSoundtrack()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnStopSoundtrack ( bool  isMusic,
float  fadeTime 

Triggers either the OnStopMusic or OnStopAmbience events

isMusicIf True, the track is Music. If False, it is Ambience
fadeTimeThe fade duration, in seconds

◆ Call_OnStopSpeech()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnStopSpeech ( Speech  speech,
AC.Char  speakingCharacter 

Triggers the OnStopSpeech and OnStopSpeech events.

speechThe Speech class instance that has ended
speakingCharacterThe character who is speaking. If null, the line is considered to be a narration

◆ Call_OnSwitchCamera()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnSwitchCamera ( _Camera  fromCamera,
_Camera  toCamera,
float  transitionTime 

Triggers the OnSwitchCamera event.

dragBaseThe object being picked up

◆ Call_OnSwitchProfile()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnSwitchProfile ( int  profileID)

Triggers the OnSwitchProfile event

profileIDThe ID number of the profile that was switched to

◆ Call_OnTeleport()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnTeleport ( GameObject  _object)

Triggers the OnTeleport event

_objectThe object that was teleported

◆ Call_OnTimerComplete()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnTimerComplete ( Timer  timer)

Triggers the OnTimerComplete event.

timerThe Timer that was completed

◆ Call_OnTimerStart()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnTimerStart ( Timer  timer)

Triggers the OnTimerStart event.

timerThe Timer that was started

◆ Call_OnTimerUpdate()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnTimerUpdate ( Timer  timer)

Triggers the OnTimerUpdate event.

timerThe Timer that was updated

◆ Call_OnTurnHotspot()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnTurnHotspot ( Hotspot  hotspot,
bool  isOn 

Triggers either the OnHotspotTurnOn or OnHotspotTurnOff event

hotspotThe affected Hotspot
isOnIf True, OnHotspotTurnOn will be triggered. Otherwise, OnHotspotTurnOff will be triggered

◆ Call_OnUpdatePlayableScreenArea()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnUpdatePlayableScreenArea ( )

Triggers the OnUpdatePlayableScreenArea event

◆ Call_OnUploadVariable()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnUploadVariable ( GVar  _variable,
Variables  variables = null 

Triggers the OnUploadVariable event.

_variableThe variable to upload
variablesThe Variables component it is from, if a component variable

◆ Call_OnUseContainerFail()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnUseContainerFail ( Container  container,
InvInstance  invInstance 

Triggers the OnContainerRemoveFail event.

containerThe Container being manipulated
invInstanceThe inventory item instance that could not be removed from the Container

◆ Call_OnUseInventory()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnUseInventory ( InvInstance  invInstance,
int  iconID 

Triggers the InventoryInteract and OnInventoryInteract_Alt events.

invInstanceThe instance of the inventory item that was manipulated
iconIDThe ID number of the 'use' icon, as defined in CursorManager, if the item was used

◆ Call_OnVariableChange()

void AC.EventManager.Call_OnVariableChange ( GVar  _variable)

Triggers the OnVariableChange event.

_variableThe variable that was changed

◆ Delegate_ActiveInput()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_ActiveInput ( ActiveInput  activeInput)

A delegate for OnActiveInputFire event

◆ Delegate_AfterSceneChange()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_AfterSceneChange ( LoadingGame  loadingGame)

A delegate for the OnAfterSceneChange event

◆ Delegate_ChangeGameState()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_ChangeGameState ( GameState  gameState)

A delegate for the OnEnterGameState and OnExitGameState events

◆ Delegate_ChangeHotspot()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_ChangeHotspot ( Hotspot  hotspot)

A delegate for the OnHotspotSelect and OnHotspotDeselect events

◆ Delegate_ChangeInventory()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_ChangeInventory ( InvItem  invItem,
int  amount 

A delegate for the OnInventoryAdd, OnInventoryRemove and OnInventoryInteract events

◆ Delegate_ChangeInventory_Alt()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_ChangeInventory_Alt ( InvCollection  invCollection,
InvInstance  invInstance,
int  amount 

A delegate for the OnInventoryAdd_Alt and OnInventoryRemove_Alt events

◆ Delegate_ClearHeadTurnTarget()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_ClearHeadTurnTarget ( AC.Char  character,
bool  isInstant 

A delegate for the OnClearHeadTurnTarget event

◆ Delegate_CombineInventory()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_CombineInventory ( InvItem  invItem,
InvItem  invItem2 

A delegate for the OnInventoryCombine events

◆ Delegate_CombineInventory_Alt()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_CombineInventory_Alt ( InvInstance  invInstanceA,
InvInstance  invInstanceB 

A delegate for the OnInventoryCombine_Alt events

◆ Delegate_Container()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_Container ( Container  container)

A delegate for the OnContainerOpen and OnContainerClose events

◆ Delegate_ContainerItem()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_ContainerItem ( Container  container,
InvInstance  containerItem 

A delegate for the OnContainerAdd and OnContainerRemove events

◆ Delegate_Conversation()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_Conversation ( Conversation  conversation)

A delegate for the OnStartConversation event

◆ Delegate_ConversationChoice()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_ConversationChoice ( Conversation  conversation,
int  optionID 

A delegate for the OnClickConversation event

◆ Delegate_Crafting()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_Crafting ( Recipe  recipe,
InvInstance  invInstance 

A delegate for the OnCraftingSucceed event

◆ Delegate_FootstepSounds()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_FootstepSounds ( FootstepSounds  footstepSounds)

A delegate for the OnRequestFootstepSounds event

◆ Delegate_Generic()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_Generic ( )

A delegate for events that take no arguments and return null

◆ Delegate_HandleDocument()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_HandleDocument ( DocumentInstance  documentInstance)

A delegate for the OnOpenDocument and OnCloseDocument events

◆ Delegate_HandleObjective()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_HandleObjective ( Objective  objective,
ObjectiveState  state 

A delegate for the OnObjectiveUpdate and OnObjectiveSelect events

◆ Delegate_HotspotCollection()

delegate List<Hotspot> AC.EventManager.Delegate_HotspotCollection ( DetectHotspots  hotspotDetector,
List< Hotspot hotspots 

A delegate for the OnModifyHotspotDetectorCollection event

◆ Delegate_InteractHotspot()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_InteractHotspot ( Hotspot  hotspot,
AC.Button  button 

A delegate for the OnHotspotInteract event

◆ Delegate_InteractInventory_Alt()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_InteractInventory_Alt ( InvInstance  invInstance,
int  iconID 

A delegate for the OnInventoryInteract_Alt events

◆ Delegate_Inventory()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_Inventory ( InvItem  invItem)

A delegate for the OnInventorySelect and OnInventoryDeselect events

◆ Delegate_Inventory_Alt()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_Inventory_Alt ( InvCollection  invCollection,
InvInstance  invInstance 

A delegate for the OnInventorySelect_Alt and OnInventoryDeselect_Alt events

◆ Delegate_InventoryHighlight()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_InventoryHighlight ( InvItem  invItem,
HighlightType  highlightType 

A delegate for the OnInventoryHighlight event

◆ Delegate_InventoryHighlight_Alt()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_InventoryHighlight_Alt ( InvInstance  invInstance,
HighlightType  highlightType 

A delegate for the OnInventoryHighlight_Alt event

◆ Delegate_NoParameters()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_NoParameters ( )

A delegate for the events that need no parameters

◆ Delegate_OnBeginActionList()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnBeginActionList ( ActionList  actionList,
ActionListAsset  actionListAsset,
int  startingIndex,
bool  isSkipping 

A delegate for the OnBeginActionList event

◆ Delegate_OnCameraSplitScreenStart()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnCameraSplitScreenStart ( _Camera  camera,
CameraSplitOrientation  splitOrientation,
float  splitAmountMain,
float  splitAmountOther,
bool  isTopLeftSplit 

A delegate for the OnCameraSplitScreenStart event

◆ Delegate_OnCameraSplitScreenStop()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnCameraSplitScreenStop ( _Camera  camera)

A delegate for the OnCameraSplitScreenStop event

◆ Delegate_OnChangeCursorMode()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnChangeCursorMode ( int  cursorID)

A delegate for the OnChangeCursorMode event

◆ Delegate_OnChangeLanguage()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnChangeLanguage ( int  language)

A delegate for the Delegate_OnChangeLanguage event

◆ Delegate_OnChangeSubtitles()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnChangeSubtitles ( bool  showSubtitles)

A delegate for the Delegate_OnChangeSubtitles event

◆ Delegate_OnChangeVolume()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnChangeVolume ( SoundType  soundType,
float  volume 

A delegate for the Delegate_OnChangeVolume event

◆ Delegate_OnCharacterEndPath()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnCharacterEndPath ( AC.Char  character,
Paths  path 

A delegate for the OnCharacterEndPath event

◆ Delegate_OnCharacterHoldObject()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnCharacterHoldObject ( AC.Char  character,
GameObject  heldObject,
int  attachmentPointID 

A delegate for the OnCharacerHoldObject / OnCharacerDropObject events

◆ Delegate_OnCharacterReachNode()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnCharacterReachNode ( AC.Char  character,
Paths  path,
int  node 

A delegate for the OnCharacterReachNode event

◆ Delegate_OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind ( AC.Char  character,
ref Vector3  targetPosition 

A delegate for the OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind event

◆ Delegate_OnCharacterSetExpression()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnCharacterSetExpression ( AC.Char  character,
Expression  expression 

A delegate for the OnCharacterSetExpression event

◆ Delegate_OnCharacterSetPath()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnCharacterSetPath ( AC.Char  character,
Paths  path 

A delegate for the OnCharacterSetPath event

◆ Delegate_OnCharacterTeleport()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnCharacterTeleport ( AC.Char  character,
Vector3  position,
Quaternion  rotation 

A delegate for the OnCharacterTeleport event

◆ Delegate_OnCharacterTimeline()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnCharacterTimeline ( AC.Char  character,
PlayableDirector  director,
int  trackIndex 

A delegate for the OnCharacterEnterTimeline and OnCharacterExitTimeline events

◆ Delegate_OnCompleteScenePreload()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnCompleteScenePreload ( string  nextSceneName)

A delegate for the OnCompleteScenePreload event

◆ Delegate_OnCursorLock()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnCursorLock ( bool  isLocked)

A delegate for the OnCursorLock event

◆ Delegate_OnDebugLog()

delegate object AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnDebugLog ( object  message,
DebugLogType  debugLogType,
UnityEngine.Object  context,
bool  isDisplayed 

A delegate for the OnDebugLog event

◆ Delegate_OnDelayChangeScene()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnDelayChangeScene ( SceneInfo  sceneInfo,
System.Action  callback 

A delegate for the OnDelayChangeScene event

◆ Delegate_OnDraggableSnap()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnDraggableSnap ( DragBase  dragBase,
DragTrack  track,
TrackSnapData  trackSnapData 

A delegate for the OnDraggableSnap event

◆ Delegate_OnEnableInteractionMenus()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnEnableInteractionMenus ( Hotspot  hotspot,
InvItem  invItem 

A delegate for the OnEnableInteractionMenus event

◆ Delegate_OnEndActionList()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnEndActionList ( ActionList  actionList,
ActionListAsset  actionListAsset,
bool  isSkipping 

A delegate for the OnEndActionList event

◆ Delegate_OnHandleSound()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnHandleSound ( Sound  sound,
AudioSource  audioSource,
AudioClip  audioClip,
float  fadeTime 

A delegate for the OnPlaySound and OnStopSound events

◆ Delegate_OnHideSelectedElement()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnHideSelectedElement ( AC.Menu  _menu,
MenuElement  _element,
int  _slot 

A delegate for the OnHideSelectedElement event

◆ Delegate_OnHotspotSetInteractionState()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnHotspotSetInteractionState ( Hotspot  hotspot,
AC.Button  button,
bool  newState 

A delegate for the OnHotspotSetInteractionState event

◆ Delegate_OnInventorySpawn()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnInventorySpawn ( InvInstance  invInstance,
SceneItem  sceneItem 

A delegate for the OnInventorySpawn event

◆ Delegate_OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle ( int  language)

A delegate for the OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle event

◆ Delegate_OnMenuElementClick()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnMenuElementClick ( AC.Menu  _menu,
MenuElement  _element,
int  _slot,
int  buttonPressed 

A delegate for the OnMenuElementClick event

◆ Delegate_OnMenuElementShift()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnMenuElementShift ( MenuElement  _element,
AC_ShiftInventory  shiftType 

A delegate for the OnMenuElementShift event

◆ Delegate_OnMenuElementVisiblity()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnMenuElementVisiblity ( MenuElement  _element)

A delegate for the OnMenuElementShow and OnMenuElementHide events

◆ Delegate_OnMenuTurnOn()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnMenuTurnOn ( AC.Menu  _menu,
bool  isInstant 

A delegate for the OnMenuTurnOn and OnMenuTurnOff events

◆ Delegate_OnModifyJournalPage()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnModifyJournalPage ( MenuJournal  journal,
JournalPage  page,
int  index 

A delegate for the OnJournalPageAdd and OnJournalPageRemove events

◆ Delegate_OnMouseOverMenu()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnMouseOverMenu ( AC.Menu  _menu,
MenuElement  _element,
int  _slot 

A delegate for the OnMouseOverMenu event

◆ Delegate_OnMoveable()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnMoveable ( DragBase  dragBase)

A delegate for the OnGrabMoveable and OnDropMoveable events

◆ Delegate_OnOccupyPlayerStart()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnOccupyPlayerStart ( Player  player,
PlayerStart  playerStart 

A delegate for the OnOccupyPlayerStart event

◆ Delegate_OnPauseActionList()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnPauseActionList ( ActionList  actionList)

A delegate for the OnPauseActionList and OnResumeActionList events

◆ Delegate_OnPickUpThrow()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnPickUpThrow ( Moveable_PickUp  pickUp)

A delegate for the OnPickUpThrow event

◆ Delegate_OnPlaySoundtrack()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnPlaySoundtrack ( int  trackID,
bool  loop,
float  fadeTime,
int  startingSample 

A delegate for the OnPlayMusic and OnPlayAmbience events

◆ Delegate_OnPointAndClick()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnPointAndClick ( ref Vector3[]  pointArray,
bool  run 

A delegate for the OnPointClick event

◆ Delegate_OnQTEBegin()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnQTEBegin ( QTEType  qteType,
string  inputName,
float  duration 

A delegate for the OnQTEBegin event

◆ Delegate_OnQTEWinLose()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnQTEWinLose ( QTEType  qteType)

A delegate for the OnQTEWin and OnQTELose events

◆ Delegate_OnRequestInventoryCountText()

delegate string AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnRequestInventoryCountText ( InvInstance  invInstance,
bool  isSelectedCursor 

A delegate for the OnRequestInventoryCountText event

◆ Delegate_OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel()

delegate string AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel ( AC.Menu  _menu,
MenuElement  _element,
int  _slot,
int  _language 

A delegate for the Delegate_OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel event

◆ Delegate_OnRequestSpeechTokenReplacement()

delegate string AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnRequestSpeechTokenReplacement ( Speech  speech,
string  tokenKey,
string  tokenValue 

A delegate for the OnReqeustSpeechTokenReplacement event

◆ Delegate_OnRequestTextTokenReplacement()

delegate string AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnRequestTextTokenReplacement ( string  tokenKey,
string  tokenValue 

A delegate for the OnRequestTextTokenReplacement event

◆ Delegate_OnRunTrigger()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnRunTrigger ( AC_Trigger  trigger,
GameObject  collidingObject 

A delegate for the OnRunTrigger event

◆ Delegate_OnSetHardwareCursor()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnSetHardwareCursor ( Texture2D  cursorTexture,
Vector2  clickOffset 

A delegate for the OnSetHardwareCursor event

◆ Delegate_OnSetLookDirection()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnSetLookDirection ( AC.Char  character,
Vector3  direction,
bool  isInstant 

A delegate for the OnSetLookDirection event

◆ Delegate_OnShakeCamera()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnShakeCamera ( float  intensity,
float  duration 

A delegate for the Delegate_OnShakeCamera events

◆ Delegate_OnSkipSpeech()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnSkipSpeech ( Speech  speech,
bool  justCompletingScroll 

A delegate for the OnSkipSpeech event

◆ Delegate_OnStopSoundtrack()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnStopSoundtrack ( float  fadeTime)

A delegate for the OnStopMusic and OnStopAmbience events

◆ Delegate_OnSwitchCamera()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnSwitchCamera ( _Camera  fromCamera,
_Camera  toCamera,
float  transitionTime 

A delegate for the OnSwitchCamera event

◆ Delegate_OnSwitchProfile()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnSwitchProfile ( int  profileID)

A delegate for the OnSwitchProfile event

◆ Delegate_OnTeleport()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnTeleport ( GameObject  gameObject)

A delegate for the OnTeleport event

◆ Delegate_OnUpdateDragLine()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnUpdateDragLine ( Vector2  startScreenPosition,
Vector2  endScreenPosition 

A delegate for the OnUpdateDragLine event

◆ Delegate_OnVariableChange()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnVariableChange ( GVar  variable)

A delegate for the OnVariableChange event

◆ Delegate_OnVariableUpload()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_OnVariableUpload ( GVar  variable,
Variables  variables 

A delegate for the OnVariableUpload and OnVariableDownload events

◆ Delegate_Player()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_Player ( Player  player)

A delegate for the OnSetPlayer, OnPlayerSpawn, and OnPlayerRemove events

◆ Delegate_PlayFootstepSound()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_PlayFootstepSound ( AC.Char  character,
FootstepSounds  footstepSounds,
bool  isWalkingSound,
AudioSource  audioSource,
AudioClip  audioClip 

A delegate for the OnPlayFootstepSound event

◆ Delegate_SaveFile()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_SaveFile ( SaveFile  saveFile)

A delegate for the OnBeforeLoading and OnFinishSaving events

◆ Delegate_SaveID()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_SaveID ( int  saveID)

A delegate for the OnBeforeSaving, OnFailSaving and OnFailLoading events

◆ Delegate_Scene()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_Scene ( SubScene  subScene)

A delegate for the OnAddSubScene event

◆ Delegate_SetHeadTurnTarget()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_SetHeadTurnTarget ( AC.Char  character,
Transform  headTurnTarget,
Vector3  targetOffset,
bool  isInstant 

A delegate for the OnSetHeadTurnTarget event

◆ Delegate_Speech()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_Speech ( Speech  speech)

A delegate for the OnStartSpeech_Alt, OnStopSpeech_Alt, OnStartSpeechScroll_Alt, OnEndSpeechScroll_Alt and OnCompleteSpeechScroll_Alt events

◆ Delegate_SpeechToken()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_SpeechToken ( AC.Char  speakingCharacter,
int  lineID,
string  tokenKey,
string  tokenValue 

A delegate for the OnSpeechToken event

◆ Delegate_SpeechTokenAlt()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_SpeechTokenAlt ( Speech  speech,
string  tokenKey,
string  tokenValue 

A delegate for the OnSpeechToken_Alt event

◆ Delegate_StartSpeech()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_StartSpeech ( AC.Char  speakingCharacter,
string  speechText,
int  lineID 

A delegate for the OnStartSpeech and OnEndSpeechScroll events

◆ Delegate_StopSpeech()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_StopSpeech ( AC.Char  speakingCharacter)

A delegate for the OnStopSpeech event

◆ Delegate_Timer()

delegate void AC.EventManager.Delegate_Timer ( Timer  variableTimer)

A delegate for the OnTimerStart, OnTimerUpdate and OnTimerComplete events

Member Data Documentation

◆ OnBeforeImporting

Delegate_Generic AC.EventManager.OnBeforeImporting

An event triggered before the variables in a save game file are imported

◆ OnBeforeLoading

Delegate_SaveFile AC.EventManager.OnBeforeLoading

An event triggered before a save game file is loaded

◆ OnBeforeSaving

Delegate_SaveID AC.EventManager.OnBeforeSaving

An event triggered before a save game file is created

◆ OnChangeCursorMode

Delegate_OnChangeCursorMode AC.EventManager.OnChangeCursorMode

An event triggered when the active cursor mode is changed

◆ OnCharacterDropObject

Delegate_OnCharacterHoldObject AC.EventManager.OnCharacterDropObject

An event triggered whenever a character drops an object

◆ OnCharacterEndPath

Delegate_OnCharacterEndPath AC.EventManager.OnCharacterEndPath

An event triggered whenever a character's path is ended

◆ OnCharacterEnterTimeline

Delegate_OnCharacterTimeline AC.EventManager.OnCharacterEnterTimeline

An event triggered whenever a character is about to be controlled by a Timeline

◆ OnCharacterExitTimeline

Delegate_OnCharacterTimeline AC.EventManager.OnCharacterExitTimeline

An event triggered whenevr a character is no longer controlled by a Timeline

◆ OnCharacterHoldObject

Delegate_OnCharacterHoldObject AC.EventManager.OnCharacterHoldObject

An event triggered whenever a character holds an object

◆ OnCharacterReachNode

Delegate_OnCharacterReachNode AC.EventManager.OnCharacterReachNode

An event triggered whenever a character reaches a node along a path

◆ OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind

Delegate_OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind AC.EventManager.OnCharacterRecalculatePathfind

An event triggered whenever a character's active pathfinding is recalculated

◆ OnCharacterSetExpression

Delegate_OnCharacterSetExpression AC.EventManager.OnCharacterSetExpression

An event triggered whenever a character's expression is updated

◆ OnCharacterSetPath

Delegate_OnCharacterSetPath AC.EventManager.OnCharacterSetPath

An event triggered whenever a character's path is set

◆ OnCharacterTeleport

Delegate_OnCharacterTeleport AC.EventManager.OnCharacterTeleport

An event triggered whenever a character is teleported

◆ OnClearHeadTurnTarget

Delegate_ClearHeadTurnTarget AC.EventManager.OnClearHeadTurnTarget

An event triggered whenever a character stops looking at a target with their head

◆ OnContainerAdd

Delegate_ContainerItem AC.EventManager.OnContainerAdd

An event triggered whenever an item is added to a Container

◆ OnContainerClose

Delegate_Container AC.EventManager.OnContainerClose

An event triggered when a Container is closed

◆ OnContainerOpen

Delegate_Container AC.EventManager.OnContainerOpen

An event triggered when a Container is opened

◆ OnContainerRemove

Delegate_ContainerItem AC.EventManager.OnContainerRemove

An event triggered whenever an item is removed from a Container

◆ OnContainerRemoveFail

Delegate_ContainerItem AC.EventManager.OnContainerRemoveFail

An event triggered whenever an item cannot be removed from a Container

◆ OnCraftingSucceed

Delegate_Crafting AC.EventManager.OnCraftingSucceed

An event triggered whenever a recipe has been succesfully created

◆ OnDoubleClickHotspot

Delegate_InteractHotspot AC.EventManager.OnDoubleClickHotspot

An event triggered whenever a Hotspot is double-clicked

◆ OnDownloadVariable

Delegate_OnVariableUpload AC.EventManager.OnDownloadVariable

An event triggered whenever a Variable's value is to be downloaded from a custom script it is linked to

◆ OnEnableInteractionMenus

Delegate_OnEnableInteractionMenus AC.EventManager.OnEnableInteractionMenus

An event triggered whenever Interaction menus are enabled for a Hotspot or InvItem

◆ OnFailImporting

Delegate_Generic AC.EventManager.OnFailImporting

An event triggered after an attempt to import a game fails

◆ OnFailLoading

Delegate_SaveID AC.EventManager.OnFailLoading

An event triggered after an attempt to load a game fails

◆ OnFailSaving

Delegate_SaveID AC.EventManager.OnFailSaving

An event triggered after an attempt to save a game fails

◆ OnFinishImporting

Delegate_Generic AC.EventManager.OnFinishImporting

An event triggered after the variables in a save game file are imported

◆ OnFinishLoading

Delegate_SaveID AC.EventManager.OnFinishLoading

An event triggered after a save game file is loaded

◆ OnFinishSaving

Delegate_SaveFile AC.EventManager.OnFinishSaving

An event triggered after a save game file is created

◆ OnGenerateMenus

Delegate_Generic AC.EventManager.OnGenerateMenus

An event triggered once the Menus have been generated when the game begins

◆ OnHideSelectedElement

Delegate_OnHideSelectedElement AC.EventManager.OnHideSelectedElement

An event triggered whenever the currently-selected UI GameObject is hidden

◆ OnHotspotDeselect

Delegate_ChangeHotspot AC.EventManager.OnHotspotDeselect

An event triggered whenever a Hotspot is de-selected

◆ OnHotspotInteract

Delegate_InteractHotspot AC.EventManager.OnHotspotInteract

An event triggered whenever a Hotspot's button is interacted with

◆ OnHotspotReach

Delegate_InteractHotspot AC.EventManager.OnHotspotReach

An event triggered when the Player has finished moving and turning to a given Hotspot prior to interacting with it

◆ OnHotspotSelect

Delegate_ChangeHotspot AC.EventManager.OnHotspotSelect

An event triggered whenever a Hotspot is selected

◆ OnHotspotSetInteractionState

Delegate_OnHotspotSetInteractionState AC.EventManager.OnHotspotSetInteractionState

An event triggered whenever a Hotspot button's enabled state is changed

◆ OnHotspotsFlash

Delegate_Generic AC.EventManager.OnHotspotsFlash

An event triggered whenever the FlashHotspots input is invoked to flash all Hotspots in the scene

◆ OnHotspotStopMovingTo

Delegate_ChangeHotspot AC.EventManager.OnHotspotStopMovingTo

An event triggered when the act of the Player moving to a given Hotspot in order to interact with it is cancelled

◆ OnHotspotTurnOff

Delegate_ChangeHotspot AC.EventManager.OnHotspotTurnOff

An event triggered whenever a Hotspot is turned off

◆ OnHotspotTurnOn

Delegate_ChangeHotspot AC.EventManager.OnHotspotTurnOn

An event triggered whenever a Hotspot is turned on

◆ OnInventoryAdd

Delegate_ChangeInventory AC.EventManager.OnInventoryAdd

An event triggered whenever an item is added to the player's inventory

◆ OnInventoryAdd_Alt

Delegate_ChangeInventory_Alt AC.EventManager.OnInventoryAdd_Alt

An event triggered whenever an item is added to the player's inventory

◆ OnInventoryCombine

Delegate_CombineInventory AC.EventManager.OnInventoryCombine

An event triggered whenever two inventory items are combined together. This is triggered even if the item is "used" with itself

◆ OnInventoryCombine_Alt

Delegate_CombineInventory_Alt AC.EventManager.OnInventoryCombine_Alt

An event triggered whenever two inventory items are combined together. This is triggered even if the item is "used" with itself

◆ OnInventoryDeselect

Delegate_Inventory AC.EventManager.OnInventoryDeselect

An event triggered whenever an inventory item is de-selected by the player

◆ OnInventoryDeselect_Alt

Delegate_Inventory_Alt AC.EventManager.OnInventoryDeselect_Alt

An event triggered whenever an inventory item is de-selected by the player

◆ OnInventoryHighlight

Delegate_InventoryHighlight AC.EventManager.OnInventoryHighlight

An event triggered whenever an item is highlighted using the "Object: Highlight" Action

◆ OnInventoryHighlight_Alt

Delegate_InventoryHighlight_Alt AC.EventManager.OnInventoryHighlight_Alt

An event triggered whenever an item is highlighted using the "Object: Highlight" Action

◆ OnInventoryHover

Delegate_Inventory_Alt AC.EventManager.OnInventoryHover

An event triggered whenever an item in the Player's Inventory is hovered over (will be null when un-hovered)

◆ OnInventoryInteract

Delegate_ChangeInventory AC.EventManager.OnInventoryInteract

An event triggered whenever an inventory item is interacted with

◆ OnInventoryInteract_Alt

Delegate_InteractInventory_Alt AC.EventManager.OnInventoryInteract_Alt

An event triggered whenever an inventory item is interacted with

◆ OnInventoryRemove

Delegate_ChangeInventory AC.EventManager.OnInventoryRemove

An event triggered whenever an item is removed from the player's inventory

◆ OnInventoryRemove_Alt

Delegate_ChangeInventory_Alt AC.EventManager.OnInventoryRemove_Alt

An event triggered whenever an item is removed from the player's inventory

◆ OnInventorySelect

Delegate_Inventory AC.EventManager.OnInventorySelect

An event triggered whenever an inventory item is selected by the player

◆ OnInventorySelect_Alt

Delegate_Inventory_Alt AC.EventManager.OnInventorySelect_Alt

An event triggered whenever an inventory item is selected by the player

◆ OnInventorySpawn

Delegate_OnInventorySpawn AC.EventManager.OnInventorySpawn

An event triggered whenever an inventory item is spawned in the scene

◆ OnJournalPageAdd

Delegate_OnModifyJournalPage AC.EventManager.OnJournalPageAdd

An event triggered whenever a Journal element has a new page added to it

◆ OnJournalPageRemove

Delegate_OnModifyJournalPage AC.EventManager.OnJournalPageRemove

An event triggered whenever a Journal element has a page removed to it

◆ OnMenuElementClick

Delegate_OnMenuElementClick AC.EventManager.OnMenuElementClick

An event triggered whenever a MenuElement inside a Menu is clicked

◆ OnMenuElementHide

Delegate_OnMenuElementVisiblity AC.EventManager.OnMenuElementHide

An event triggered whenever a menu element is made invisible

◆ OnMenuElementShift

Delegate_OnMenuElementShift AC.EventManager.OnMenuElementShift

An event triggered whenever a menu element's slots are shifted

◆ OnMenuElementShow

Delegate_OnMenuElementVisiblity AC.EventManager.OnMenuElementShow

An event triggered whenever a menu element is made visible

◆ OnMenuTurnOff

Delegate_OnMenuTurnOn AC.EventManager.OnMenuTurnOff

An event triggered whenever a menu is turned off

◆ OnMenuTurnOn

Delegate_OnMenuTurnOn AC.EventManager.OnMenuTurnOn

An event triggered whenever a menu is turned on

◆ OnModifyHotspotDetectorCollection

Delegate_HotspotCollection AC.EventManager.OnModifyHotspotDetectorCollection

An event triggered whenever a DetectHotspots script modifies its internal collection of nearby Hotspots

◆ OnMouseOverMenu

Delegate_OnMouseOverMenu AC.EventManager.OnMouseOverMenu

An event triggered whenever the mouse hovers over a new menu element

◆ OnOccupyPlayerStart

Delegate_OnOccupyPlayerStart AC.EventManager.OnOccupyPlayerStart

An event triggered whenever the player snaps to a PlayerStart

◆ OnPlayerJump

Delegate_Player AC.EventManager.OnPlayerJump

An event triggered whenever the Player jumps

◆ OnPlayerRemove

Delegate_Player AC.EventManager.OnPlayerRemove

An event triggered before a Player is removed the scene

◆ OnPlayerSpawn

Delegate_Player AC.EventManager.OnPlayerSpawn

An event triggered after a Player is spawned in the scene

◆ OnPlayFootstepSound

Delegate_PlayFootstepSound AC.EventManager.OnPlayFootstepSound

An event triggered whenever the FootstepSounds component plays an AudioClip

◆ OnPointAndClick

Delegate_OnPointAndClick AC.EventManager.OnPointAndClick

An event triggered whenever the player is commanded to move via point-and-click

◆ OnPrepareSaveThread

Delegate_SaveFile AC.EventManager.OnPrepareSaveThread

An event triggered as a separate thread is about to be used to save the game

◆ OnRegisterHotspot

Delegate_ChangeHotspot AC.EventManager.OnRegisterHotspot

An event triggered whenever a Hotspot is registered to the StateHandler - typically by enabling its GameObject

◆ OnRequestInventoryCountText

Delegate_OnRequestInventoryCountText AC.EventManager.OnRequestInventoryCountText

An event triggered whenever the Inventory "Count" label for an Inventory item instance is requested

◆ OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel

Delegate_OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel AC.EventManager.OnRequestMenuElementHotspotLabel

An event triggered whenever the Hotspot label for a menu element is requested

◆ OnRestartGame

Delegate_Generic AC.EventManager.OnRestartGame

An event triggered when restarting the game

◆ OnRunTrigger

Delegate_OnRunTrigger AC.EventManager.OnRunTrigger

An event triggered whenever a Trigger is run

◆ OnSetHardwareCursor

Delegate_OnSetHardwareCursor AC.EventManager.OnSetHardwareCursor

An event triggered when the Hardware cursor is changed

◆ OnSetHeadTurnTarget

Delegate_SetHeadTurnTarget AC.EventManager.OnSetHeadTurnTarget

An event triggered whenever a character's head is given a target to look at

◆ OnSetLookDirection

Delegate_OnSetLookDirection AC.EventManager.OnSetLookDirection

An event triggered whenever a character updates their facing direction

◆ OnSetPlayer

Delegate_Player AC.EventManager.OnSetPlayer

An event triggered whenever a new Player is loaded into the scene

◆ OnSwitchProfile

Delegate_OnSwitchProfile AC.EventManager.OnSwitchProfile

An event triggered after switching profile

◆ OnTeleport

Delegate_OnTeleport AC.EventManager.OnTeleport

An event triggered when an object is teleported using the 'Object: Teleport' Action

◆ OnTimerComplete

Delegate_Timer AC.EventManager.OnTimerComplete

An event triggered when a Timer completes

◆ OnTimerStart

Delegate_Timer AC.EventManager.OnTimerStart

An event triggered when a Timer starts

◆ OnTimerUpdate

Delegate_Timer AC.EventManager.OnTimerUpdate

An event triggered when a Timer updates

◆ OnUnregisterHotspot

Delegate_ChangeHotspot AC.EventManager.OnUnregisterHotspot

An event triggered whenever a Hotspot is unregistered from the StateHandler - typically by disabling its GameObject

◆ OnUpdateDragLine

Delegate_OnUpdateDragLine AC.EventManager.OnUpdateDragLine

An event triggered every frame if the Player is drag-controlled

◆ OnUploadVariable

Delegate_OnVariableUpload AC.EventManager.OnUploadVariable

An event triggered whenever a Variable's value is to be uploaded to a custom script it is linked to

◆ OnVariableChange

Delegate_OnVariableChange AC.EventManager.OnVariableChange

An event triggered whenever a Variable is changed via an Action

Event Documentation

◆ OnActiveInputFire

Delegate_ActiveInput AC.EventManager.OnActiveInputFire

An event triggered when an Active Input is fired

◆ OnAddSubScene

Delegate_Scene AC.EventManager.OnAddSubScene

An event triggered when an AC scene is loaded in as a sub-scene (i.e. not the active scene)

◆ OnAfterChangeScene

Delegate_AfterSceneChange AC.EventManager.OnAfterChangeScene

An event triggered just after the active scene is changed

◆ OnAwaitSceneActivation

Delegate_OnCompleteScenePreload AC.EventManager.OnAwaitSceneActivation

An event triggered once the a scene load is complete, but awaits a call to SceneChanger.ActivateLoadedScene before gameplay continues

◆ OnBeforeChangeScene

Delegate_OnCompleteScenePreload AC.EventManager.OnBeforeChangeScene

An event triggered just before the active scene is changed

◆ OnBeginActionList

Delegate_OnBeginActionList AC.EventManager.OnBeginActionList

An event triggered when an ActionList is run

◆ OnBeginGame

Delegate_Generic AC.EventManager.OnBeginGame

An event triggered when the game begins

◆ OnCameraSplitScreenStart

Delegate_OnCameraSplitScreenStart AC.EventManager.OnCameraSplitScreenStart

An event triggered when the split-screen effect begins

◆ OnCameraSplitScreenStop

Delegate_OnCameraSplitScreenStop AC.EventManager.OnCameraSplitScreenStop

An event triggered when the split-screen effect ends

◆ OnChangeLanguage

Delegate_OnChangeLanguage AC.EventManager.OnChangeLanguage

An event triggered whenever the current language is changed

◆ OnChangeSubtitles

Delegate_OnChangeSubtitles AC.EventManager.OnChangeSubtitles

An event triggered whenever subtitles are turns on or off

◆ OnChangeVoiceLanguage

Delegate_OnChangeLanguage AC.EventManager.OnChangeVoiceLanguage

An event triffered whenever the current voice language is changed, provided that this is not synced to the text language

◆ OnChangeVolume

Delegate_OnChangeVolume AC.EventManager.OnChangeVolume

An event triggered whenever the Music, Speech or SFX volumes are changed

◆ OnClickConversation

Delegate_ConversationChoice AC.EventManager.OnClickConversation

An event triggered whenever a Conversation option is chosen

◆ OnCompleteScenePreload

Delegate_OnCompleteScenePreload AC.EventManager.OnCompleteScenePreload

An event triggered after a request to preload a scene is completed

◆ OnCompleteSpeechScroll

Delegate_StartSpeech AC.EventManager.OnCompleteSpeechScroll

An event triggred whenever a line of dialogue has completed scrolling

◆ OnCompleteSpeechScroll_Alt

Delegate_Speech AC.EventManager.OnCompleteSpeechScroll_Alt

An event triggred whenever a line of dialogue has completed scrolling

◆ OnCursorLock

Delegate_OnCursorLock AC.EventManager.OnCursorLock

An event triggered when the cursor's locked state is set

◆ OnDebugLog

Delegate_OnDebugLog AC.EventManager.OnDebugLog

An event triggered when a Debug message is fired at runtime

◆ OnDelayChangeScene

Delegate_OnDelayChangeScene AC.EventManager.OnDelayChangeScene

An event triggered just before the active scene is changed, but with a callback - the scene will not change until this is invoked

◆ OnDocumentAdd

Delegate_HandleDocument AC.EventManager.OnDocumentAdd

An event triggered when a Document is added to the Player's collection

◆ OnDocumentClose

Delegate_HandleDocument AC.EventManager.OnDocumentClose

An event triggered when a new Document is closed

◆ OnDocumentOpen

Delegate_HandleDocument AC.EventManager.OnDocumentOpen

An event triggered when a new Document is opened

◆ OnDocumentRemove

Delegate_HandleDocument AC.EventManager.OnDocumentRemove

An event triggered when a Document is removed from the Player's collection

◆ OnDraggableSnap

Delegate_OnDraggableSnap AC.EventManager.OnDraggableSnap

An event triggered whenever a draggable object snaps into a pre-set position

◆ OnDropMoveable

Delegate_OnMoveable AC.EventManager.OnDropMoveable

An event triggered whenever a moveable object is dropped by the player

◆ OnEndActionList

Delegate_OnEndActionList AC.EventManager.OnEndActionList

An event triggered when an ActionList is ended

◆ OnEndConversation

Delegate_Conversation AC.EventManager.OnEndConversation

An event triggered whenever a Conversation, and its dialogue option ActionLists, has ended. Note that this does not trigger when options are overridden.

◆ OnEndSpeechScroll

Delegate_StartSpeech AC.EventManager.OnEndSpeechScroll

An event triggered whenever a line of dialogue stops scrolling

◆ OnEndSpeechScroll_Alt

Delegate_Speech AC.EventManager.OnEndSpeechScroll_Alt

An event triggered whenever a line of dialogue stops scrolling

◆ OnEnterGameState

Delegate_ChangeGameState AC.EventManager.OnEnterGameState

An event triggered whenever a GameState is entered

◆ OnExitGameState

Delegate_ChangeGameState AC.EventManager.OnExitGameState

An event triggered whenever a GameState is exited

◆ OnGrabMoveable

Delegate_OnMoveable AC.EventManager.OnGrabMoveable

An event triggered whenever a moveable object is picked up by the player

◆ OnInitialiseScene

Delegate_NoParameters AC.EventManager.OnInitialiseScene

An event triggered once an AC scene is initialised, but before any save data is loaded in

◆ OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle

Delegate_OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle AC.EventManager.OnLoadSpeechAssetBundle

An event triggered whenever an audio or lipsync asset bundle has completed loading

◆ OnManuallyTurnACOff

Delegate_NoParameters AC.EventManager.OnManuallyTurnACOff

An event triggered if AC is manually turned off by calling KickStarter.TurnOffAC ();

◆ OnManuallyTurnACOn

Delegate_NoParameters AC.EventManager.OnManuallyTurnACOn

An event triggered if AC is manually turned on by calling KickStarter.TurnOnAC ();

◆ OnObjectiveSelect

Delegate_HandleObjective AC.EventManager.OnObjectiveSelect

An event triggered when a Objective is selected

◆ OnObjectiveUpdate

Delegate_HandleObjective AC.EventManager.OnObjectiveUpdate

An event triggered when a Objective's state is changed

◆ OnPauseActionList

Delegate_OnPauseActionList AC.EventManager.OnPauseActionList

An event triggered when an ActionList is paused

◆ OnPickUpThrow

Delegate_OnPickUpThrow AC.EventManager.OnPickUpThrow

An event triggered whenever a Moveable_PickUp is thrown

◆ OnPlayAmbience

Delegate_OnPlaySoundtrack AC.EventManager.OnPlayAmbience

An event triggered when an Ambience track plays

◆ OnPlayMusic

Delegate_OnPlaySoundtrack AC.EventManager.OnPlayMusic

An event triggered when a Music track plays

◆ OnPlaySound

Delegate_OnHandleSound AC.EventManager.OnPlaySound

An event triggered when a Sound component plays audio

◆ OnQTEBegin

Delegate_OnQTEBegin AC.EventManager.OnQTEBegin

An event triggered when quick-time event is begun

◆ OnQTELose

Delegate_OnQTEWinLose AC.EventManager.OnQTELose

An event triggered when a quick-time event is lost

◆ OnQTEWin

Delegate_OnQTEWinLose AC.EventManager.OnQTEWin

An event triggered when a quick-time event is won

◆ OnRequestFootstepSounds

Delegate_FootstepSounds AC.EventManager.OnRequestFootstepSounds

An event triggered when a FootstepSounds component wants to know which sounds to play

◆ OnRequestSpeechTokenReplacement

Delegate_OnRequestSpeechTokenReplacement AC.EventManager.OnRequestSpeechTokenReplacement

An event triggered whenever a speech token is used in speech text, and it's replacement is requested (it will be removed otherwise)

◆ OnRequestTextTokenReplacement

Delegate_OnRequestTextTokenReplacement AC.EventManager.OnRequestTextTokenReplacement

An event triggered whenever a custom text token is used in text, and it's replacement is requested (it will be removed otherwise)

◆ OnResumeActionList

Delegate_OnPauseActionList AC.EventManager.OnResumeActionList

An event triggered when an ActionList is resumed

◆ OnShakeCamera

Delegate_OnShakeCamera AC.EventManager.OnShakeCamera

An event triggered whenever the MainCamera is shaken

◆ OnSkipCutscene

Delegate_Generic AC.EventManager.OnSkipCutscene

An event triggered when skipping a cutscene

◆ OnSkipSpeech

Delegate_OnSkipSpeech AC.EventManager.OnSkipSpeech

An event triggered when speech is skipped due to input

◆ OnSpeechToken

Delegate_SpeechToken AC.EventManager.OnSpeechToken

An event triggered whenever a line of dialogue uses a speech token

◆ OnSpeechToken_Alt

Delegate_SpeechTokenAlt AC.EventManager.OnSpeechToken_Alt

An event triggered whenever a line of dialogue uses a speech token

◆ OnStartConversation

Delegate_Conversation AC.EventManager.OnStartConversation

An event triggered whenever a Conversation begins

◆ OnStartScene

Delegate_NoParameters AC.EventManager.OnStartScene

An event triggered whenever a scene starts, but not due to loading a save file

◆ OnStartSpeech

Delegate_StartSpeech AC.EventManager.OnStartSpeech

An event triggered whenever a new line of dialogue begins

◆ OnStartSpeech_Alt

Delegate_Speech AC.EventManager.OnStartSpeech_Alt

An event triggered whenever a new line of dialogue begins

◆ OnStartSpeechScroll

Delegate_StartSpeech AC.EventManager.OnStartSpeechScroll

An event triggered whenever a line of dialogue starts scrolling

◆ OnStartSpeechScroll_Alt

Delegate_Speech AC.EventManager.OnStartSpeechScroll_Alt

An event triggered whenever a line of dialogue starts scrolling

◆ OnStopAmbience

Delegate_OnStopSoundtrack AC.EventManager.OnStopAmbience

An event triggered when the Ambience stops

◆ OnStopMusic

Delegate_OnStopSoundtrack AC.EventManager.OnStopMusic

An event triggered when the Music stops

◆ OnStopSound

Delegate_OnHandleSound AC.EventManager.OnStopSound

An event triggered when a Sound component stops playing audio

◆ OnStopSpeech

Delegate_StopSpeech AC.EventManager.OnStopSpeech

An event triggered whenever a line of dialogue ends

◆ OnStopSpeech_Alt

Delegate_Speech AC.EventManager.OnStopSpeech_Alt

An event triggered whenever a line of dialogue ends

◆ OnSwitchCamera

Delegate_OnSwitchCamera AC.EventManager.OnSwitchCamera

An event triggered whenever the MainCamera switches to a new _Camera

◆ OnUpdatePlayableScreenArea

Delegate_Generic AC.EventManager.OnUpdatePlayableScreenArea

An event triggered whenever the MainCamera updates its internal record of the playable screen area, due to the aspect ratio or screen size changing