Adventure Creator  1.81.2
An adventure game toolkit for Unity, by Chris Burton, ICEBOX Studios 2013-2024
AC.MainCamera Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for AC.MainCamera:

Public Member Functions

void OnInitGameEngine (bool hideWhileLoading=true)
void _LateUpdate ()
void ForceOverlayForFrames (int numFrames)
 Forces an overlay for a number of frames. This is used to mask loading and intialisation, and the game will considered a 'cutscene' during this time. More...
bool IsShowingForcedOverlay ()
 Checks if an overlay is being enforced via a ForceOverlayForFrames call More...
void SetDefaultFadeTexture (Texture2D _fadeTexture)
 Sets the camera's default fade texture, which is used when not temporarily set to something else. More...
void RecalculateRects ()
void Shake (float _shakeIntensity, float _duration, CameraShakeEffect _shakeEffect, AnimationCurve _shakeCurve=null)
 Shakes the Camera, creating an "earthquake" effect. More...
bool IsShaking ()
 Checks if the Camera is shaking. More...
void StopShaking ()
virtual void PrepareForBackground ()
void SetFirstPerson ()
void DrawCameraFade ()
 Draws the Camera's fade texture. This is called every OnGUI call by StateHandler. More...
float GetFadeAlpha ()
Texture2D GetFadeTexture ()
void ResetProjection ()
void ResetMoving ()
void SnapToAttached ()
void Crossfade (float _transitionDuration, _Camera _linkedCamera, AnimationCurve _fadeCurve)
 Crossfades to a new _Camera over time. More...
void StopCrossfade ()
void TakeOverlayScreenshot ()
_Camera GetTransitionFromCamera ()
 Gets the _Camera being transitioned from, if the MainCamera is transitioning between two _Cameras. More...
void SetGameCamera (_Camera newCamera, float transitionTime=0f, MoveMethod _moveMethod=MoveMethod.Linear, AnimationCurve _animationCurve=null, bool _retainPreviousSpeed=false, bool snapCamera=true)
 Sets a _Camera as the new attachedCamera to follow. More...
void SetFadeTexture (Texture2D tex)
 Sets the MainCamera's fade texture More...
void FadeOut (float _fadeDuration, Texture2D tempTex, bool forceCompleteTransition=true, CameraFadePauseBehaviour _cameraFadePauseBehaviour=CameraFadePauseBehaviour.Cancel, AnimationCurve _fadeCurve=null)
 Fades the camera out with a custom texture. More...
virtual void FadeIn (float _fadeDuration, bool forceCompleteTransition=true, CameraFadePauseBehaviour _cameraFadePauseBehaviour=CameraFadePauseBehaviour.Cancel, AnimationCurve _fadeCurve=null)
 Fades the camera in. More...
virtual void FadeOut (float _fadeDuration, bool forceCompleteTransition=true, CameraFadePauseBehaviour _cameraFadePauseBehaviour=CameraFadePauseBehaviour.Cancel, AnimationCurve _fadeCurve=null)
 Fades the camera out. More...
virtual bool isFading ()
 Checks if the Camera is fading in our out. More...
Vector3 PositionRelativeToCamera (Vector3 _position)
 Converts a point in world space to one relative to the Camera's forward vector. More...
void SetCameraRect ()
Vector2 CorrectScreenPositionForUnityUI (Vector2 screenPosition)
 Corrects a screen position Vector to account for the MainCamera's viewport Rect. This is necessary when positioning Unity UI RectTransforms while an aspect ratio is enforced, because the original screen position assumes a default Rect. More...
Vector2 GetWindowViewportDifference ()
 Gets the difference between the window size and the game's viewport. More...
void DrawBorders ()
bool IsOrthographic ()
 Checks if the Camera uses orthographic perspective. More...
Vector2 LimitToAspect (Vector2 position)
 Limits a point in screen-space to stay within the Camera's rect boundary, if forceAspectRatio in SettingsManager = True. More...
bool IsPointInCamera (Vector2 point)
 Checks if a point in screen-space is within the Camera's viewport More...
Vector2 GetMainGameViewOffset ()
 Returns the amount by which the screen dimensions are offset as a result of an enforced aspect ratio.
The screen dimensions

Rect LimitMenuToAspect (Rect rect)
 Resizes an OnGUI Rect so that it fits within the Camera's rect, if forceAspectRatio = True in SettingsManager. More...
void SetSplitScreen (_Camera _camera1, _Camera _camera2, CameraSplitOrientation _splitOrientation, bool _isTopLeft, float _splitAmountMain, float _splitAmountOther)
 Creates a new split-screen effect. More...
void SwapSplitScreenMainCamera ()
void StartSplitScreen (float _splitAmountMain, float _splitAmountOther)
 Adjusts the screen ratio of any active split-screen effect. More...
void SetBoxOverlay (_Camera underlayCamera, _Camera overlayCamera, Rect _overlayRect, bool useRectCentre=true)
 Create a new box-overlay effect More...
void RemoveSplitScreen ()
Rect GetSplitScreenRect (bool isMainCamera)
 Gets a screen Rect of the split-screen camera. More...
float GetFocalDistance ()
 Gets the current focal distance. More...
void Disable ()
void Enable ()
bool IsEnabled ()
 Checks if the Camera is enabled. More...
void SetCameraTag (string _tag)
 Sets the GameObject's tag. More...
void SetAudioState (bool state)
 Sets the state of the AudioListener component. More...
_Camera GetLastGameplayCamera ()
 Gets the previously-used gameplay _Camera. More...
Vector2 GetPerspectiveOffset ()
 Gets the current perspective offset, as set by a GameCamera2D. More...
PlayerData SaveData (PlayerData playerData)
 Saves data related to the camera. More...
void LoadData (PlayerData playerData, bool snapCamera=true)
 Restores the camera state from saved data More...
void DrawStatus ()
void SetTimelineOverride (_Camera cam1, _Camera cam2, float cam2Weight, float _shakeIntensity=0f)
 Overrides the MainCamera's normal behaviour, using Timeline to control it. More...
void ReleaseTimelineOverride ()
 Ends Timeline's overriding of normal behaviour, so that the Main Camera resumes normal behaviour. More...
void SetTimelineFadeOverride (Texture2D _timelineFadeTexture, float _timelineFadeWeight)
void ReleaseTimelineFadeOverride ()
Rect GetPlayableScreenArea (bool relativeToScreenSize, bool invertY=false)
 Gets a Rect that describes the area of the screen that the game is played in. This accounts both for the "safe" area of the screen, as well as borders added to due an enforced aspect ratio. More...
bool IsInTransition ()
virtual void OnInitialiseScene ()
void ShowGUI ()

Static Public Member Functions

static Vector3 RightVector ()
 Gets the Camera's right vector. More...
static Vector3 ForwardVector ()
 Gets the Camera's forward vector, not accounting for pitch. More...
static Vector2 ConvertToMenuSpace (Vector2 point)
 Converts a screen-space position (e.g. the cursor position) into one in the same co-ordinate system as the AC menu system. More...
static Vector2 ConvertRelativeScreenSpaceToUI (Vector2 point)
 Converts a screen-space position (relative to the screen's actual size) into one in the same co-ordinate system that Unity UI uses. More...
static bool AllowProjectionShifting (Camera _camera)

Public Attributes

_Camera lastNavCamera
MainCameraForwardDirection forwardDirection = MainCameraForwardDirection.MainCameraComponent

Protected Types

enum  MainCameraMode { NormalSnap, NormalTransition }

Protected Member Functions

virtual void OnDestroy ()
virtual void OnAfterChangeScene (LoadingGame loadingGame)
virtual void RemoveBackground ()
void UpdateCameraFade ()
void OnEnterGameState (GameState gameState)
IEnumerator CheckGameStateNextFrame ()
void UpdateLastGameplayCamera ()
void UpdateCameraTransition ()
IEnumerator StartCrossfade (object[] parms)
void SmoothChange (float _transitionDuration, MoveMethod method, AnimationCurve _timeCurve=null)
void ReleaseFadeTexture ()
void AssignFadeTexture ()
void CalculatePlayableScreenArea ()
bool SetAspectRatio ()
void CalculateUnityUIAspectRatioCorrection ()
void CreateBorderCamera ()
Vector2 LimitVector (Vector2 point, float xBorder, float yBorder)
void SetMidBorder ()
void ApplyCameraData (_Camera _camera1, _Camera _camera2, float camera2Weight, MoveMethod _moveMethod=MoveMethod.Linear, AnimationCurve _timeCurve=null)
void ApplyCameraData (GameCameraData cameraData1, GameCameraData cameraData2, float camera2Weight, MoveMethod _moveMethod=MoveMethod.Linear, AnimationCurve _timeCurve=null)
void ApplyCameraData (GameCameraData cameraData)

Protected Attributes

Texture2D fadeTexture
Texture2D tempFadeTexture = null
_Camera _attachedCamera
_Camera lastNavCamera2
bool renderFading = true
bool renderBorders = true
_Camera transitionFromCamera
MainCameraMode mainCameraMode = MainCameraMode.NormalSnap
bool isCrossfading
Texture2D crossfadeTexture
Vector2 perspectiveOffset = new Vector2 (0f, 0f)
float fadeDuration
int drawDepth = -1000
float alpha = 0f
FadeType fadeType
CameraFadePauseBehaviour cameraFadePauseBehaviour = CameraFadePauseBehaviour.Cancel
AnimationCurve fadeCurve
GameCameraData currentFrameCameraData
MoveMethod moveMethod
float transitionDuration
AnimationCurve timeCurve
_Camera previousAttachedCamera = null
GameCameraData oldCameraData
bool retainPreviousSpeed = false
Texture2D actualFadeTexture = null
float shakeStartTime
float shakeDuration
float shakeStartIntensity
CameraShakeEffect shakeEffect
float shakeIntensity
Vector3 shakePosition
Vector3 shakeRotation
AnimationCurve shakeCurve
Camera borderCam
float borderWidth
MenuOrientation borderOrientation
Rect borderRect1 = new Rect (0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)
Rect borderRect2 = new Rect (0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)
Rect midBorderRect = new Rect (0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)
Vector2 aspectRatioScaleCorrection =
Vector2 aspectRatioOffsetCorrection =
bool isSplitScreen
bool isTopLeftSplit
CameraSplitOrientation splitOrientation
_Camera splitCamera
float splitAmountMain = 0.49f
float splitAmountOther = 0.49f
float focalDistance = 10f
Camera ownCamera
AudioListener _audioListener
bool timelineOverride
bool timelineFadeOverride
Texture2D timelineFadeTexture
float timelineFadeWeight
Rect safeScreenRectInverted
Rect playableScreenRect
Rect playableScreenRectRelative
Rect playableScreenRectInverted
Rect playableScreenRectRelativeInverted
float playableScreenDiagonalLength
int overlayFrames


Camera Camera [get]
Transform Transform [get]
_Camera attachedCamera [get]
AudioListener AudioListener [get]
float PlayableScreenDiagonalLength [get]
GameCameraData CurrentFrameCameraData [get]

Detailed Description

This is attached to the scene's Main Camera, and must be tagged as "MainCamera". The camera system works by having the MainCamera attach itself to the "active" _Camera component. Each _Camera component is merely used for reference - only the MainCamera actually performs any rendering. Shake code adapted from Mike Jasper's code: Aspect-ratio code adapated from Eric Haines' code:

Member Function Documentation

◆ _LateUpdate()

void AC.MainCamera._LateUpdate ( )

Updates the Camera's position. This is called every frame by StateHandler.

◆ ConvertRelativeScreenSpaceToUI()

static Vector2 AC.MainCamera.ConvertRelativeScreenSpaceToUI ( Vector2  point)

Converts a screen-space position (relative to the screen's actual size) into one in the same co-ordinate system that Unity UI uses.

pointThe position to convert
The position, converted to use the same co-ordinate system as Unity UI.

◆ ConvertToMenuSpace()

static Vector2 AC.MainCamera.ConvertToMenuSpace ( Vector2  point)

Converts a screen-space position (e.g. the cursor position) into one in the same co-ordinate system as the AC menu system.

pointThe position to convert
The position, converted to use the same co-ordinate system as the AC menu system. This will be relative to the screen's actual size.

◆ CorrectScreenPositionForUnityUI()

Vector2 AC.MainCamera.CorrectScreenPositionForUnityUI ( Vector2  screenPosition)

Corrects a screen position Vector to account for the MainCamera's viewport Rect. This is necessary when positioning Unity UI RectTransforms while an aspect ratio is enforced, because the original screen position assumes a default Rect.

screenPositionThe screen position to correct.
The corrected screen position

◆ Crossfade()

void AC.MainCamera.Crossfade ( float  _transitionDuration,
_Camera  _linkedCamera,
AnimationCurve  _fadeCurve 

Crossfades to a new _Camera over time.

_transitionDurationThe duration, in seconds, of the crossfade
_linkedCameraThe _Camera to crossfade to
_fadeCurveAn animation curve used to set the transition behaviour over time

◆ Disable()

void AC.MainCamera.Disable ( )

Disables the Camera and AudioListener.

◆ DrawBorders()

void AC.MainCamera.DrawBorders ( )

Draws any borders generated by a fixed aspect ratio, as set with forceAspectRatio in SettingsManager. This will be called every OnGUI call by StateHandler.

◆ DrawCameraFade()

void AC.MainCamera.DrawCameraFade ( )

Draws the Camera's fade texture. This is called every OnGUI call by StateHandler.

◆ DrawStatus()

void AC.MainCamera.DrawStatus ( )

Displays information about the MainCamera section of the 'AC Status' box.

◆ Enable()

void AC.MainCamera.Enable ( )

Enables the Camera and AudioListener.

◆ FadeIn()

virtual void AC.MainCamera.FadeIn ( float  _fadeDuration,
bool  forceCompleteTransition = true,
CameraFadePauseBehaviour  _cameraFadePauseBehaviour = CameraFadePauseBehaviour.Cancel,
AnimationCurve  _fadeCurve = null 

Fades the camera in.

_fadeDurationThe duration, in seconds, of the fade effect
forceCompleteTransitionIf True, the camera will be faded out instantly before beginning
cameraFadePauseBehaviourHow to react to the game being paused (Cancel, Hide, Continue)
  • Parameters
    _fadeCurveAn animation curve used to describe the progress of the fade effect over time. The curve will be processed in normalised time - the _fadeDuration parameter is still used to determine the fade's duration

◆ FadeOut() [1/2]

virtual void AC.MainCamera.FadeOut ( float  _fadeDuration,
bool  forceCompleteTransition = true,
CameraFadePauseBehaviour  _cameraFadePauseBehaviour = CameraFadePauseBehaviour.Cancel,
AnimationCurve  _fadeCurve = null 

Fades the camera out.

_fadeDurationThe duration, in seconds, of the fade effect
forceCompleteTransitionIf True, the camera will be faded in instantly before beginning
cameraFadePauseBehaviourHow to react to the game being paused (Cancel, Hide, Continue)
  • Parameters
    _fadeCurveAn animation curve used to describe the progress of the fade effect over time. The curve will be processed in normalised time - the _fadeDuration parameter is still used to determine the fade's duration

◆ FadeOut() [2/2]

void AC.MainCamera.FadeOut ( float  _fadeDuration,
Texture2D  tempTex,
bool  forceCompleteTransition = true,
CameraFadePauseBehaviour  _cameraFadePauseBehaviour = CameraFadePauseBehaviour.Cancel,
AnimationCurve  _fadeCurve = null 

Fades the camera out with a custom texture.

_fadeDurationThe duration, in seconds, of the fade effect
tempTexThe texture to display full-screen
forceCompleteTransitionIf True, the camera will be faded in instantly before beginning
cameraFadePauseBehaviourHow to react to the game being paused (Cancel, Hide, Continue)
_fadeCurveAn animation curve used to describe the progress of the fade effect over time. The curve will be processed in normalised time - the _fadeDuration parameter is still used to determine the fade's duration

◆ ForceOverlayForFrames()

void AC.MainCamera.ForceOverlayForFrames ( int  numFrames)

Forces an overlay for a number of frames. This is used to mask loading and intialisation, and the game will considered a 'cutscene' during this time.

numFramesThe number of frames to enforce the overlay for. This is frame-rate independent, so it will still apply while the game is paused.

◆ ForwardVector()

static Vector3 AC.MainCamera.ForwardVector ( )

Gets the Camera's forward vector, not accounting for pitch.

The Camera's forward vector, not accounting for pitch

◆ GetFadeAlpha()

float AC.MainCamera.GetFadeAlpha ( )

The alpha value of the current fade effect (0 = not visible, 1 = fully visible)

◆ GetFadeTexture()

Texture2D AC.MainCamera.GetFadeTexture ( )

The texture to display full-screen for the fade effect

◆ GetFocalDistance()

float AC.MainCamera.GetFocalDistance ( )

Gets the current focal distance.

The current focal distance

◆ GetLastGameplayCamera()

_Camera AC.MainCamera.GetLastGameplayCamera ( )

Gets the previously-used gameplay _Camera.

The previously-used gameplay _Camera

◆ GetPerspectiveOffset()

Vector2 AC.MainCamera.GetPerspectiveOffset ( )

Gets the current perspective offset, as set by a GameCamera2D.

The current perspective offset, as set by a GameCamera2D.

◆ GetPlayableScreenArea()

Rect AC.MainCamera.GetPlayableScreenArea ( bool  relativeToScreenSize,
bool  invertY = false 

Gets a Rect that describes the area of the screen that the game is played in. This accounts both for the "safe" area of the screen, as well as borders added to due an enforced aspect ratio.

relativeToScreenSizeIf True, the returned Rect will be scaled relative to the screen's size
invertYIf True, the Rect will be flipped along the Y-axis
The Rect that describes the area of the screen that the game is played in.

◆ GetSplitScreenRect()

Rect AC.MainCamera.GetSplitScreenRect ( bool  isMainCamera)

Gets a screen Rect of the split-screen camera.

isMainCameraIf True, then the Rect of the MainCamera's view will be returned. Otherwise, the Rect of the other split-screen _Camera's view will be returned
A screen Rect of the split-screen camera

◆ GetTransitionFromCamera()

_Camera AC.MainCamera.GetTransitionFromCamera ( )

Gets the _Camera being transitioned from, if the MainCamera is transitioning between two _Cameras.

The _Camera being transitioned from, if the MainCamera is transitioning between two _Cameras.

◆ GetWindowViewportDifference()

Vector2 AC.MainCamera.GetWindowViewportDifference ( )

Gets the difference between the window size and the game's viewport.

The difference between the window size and the game's viewport.

◆ IsEnabled()

bool AC.MainCamera.IsEnabled ( )

Checks if the Camera is enabled.

returns>True if the Camera is enabled

◆ isFading()

virtual bool AC.MainCamera.isFading ( )

Checks if the Camera is fading in our out.

True if the Camera is fading in or out

◆ IsInTransition()

bool AC.MainCamera.IsInTransition ( )

Checks if the camera is currently mid-transition between two GameCameras

◆ IsOrthographic()

bool AC.MainCamera.IsOrthographic ( )

Checks if the Camera uses orthographic perspective.

True if the Camera uses orthographic perspective

◆ IsPointInCamera()

bool AC.MainCamera.IsPointInCamera ( Vector2  point)

Checks if a point in screen-space is within the Camera's viewport

pointThe point to check the position of
True if the point is within the Camera's viewport

◆ IsShaking()

bool AC.MainCamera.IsShaking ( )

Checks if the Camera is shaking.

True if the Camera is shaking

◆ IsShowingForcedOverlay()

bool AC.MainCamera.IsShowingForcedOverlay ( )

Checks if an overlay is being enforced via a ForceOverlayForFrames call

True if an overlay is being enforced


◆ LimitMenuToAspect()

Rect AC.MainCamera.LimitMenuToAspect ( Rect  rect)

Resizes an OnGUI Rect so that it fits within the Camera's rect, if forceAspectRatio = True in SettingsManager.

rectThe OnGUI Rect to resize
The resized OnGUI Rect

◆ LimitToAspect()

Vector2 AC.MainCamera.LimitToAspect ( Vector2  position)

Limits a point in screen-space to stay within the Camera's rect boundary, if forceAspectRatio in SettingsManager = True.

positionThe original position in screen-space
The point, repositioned to stay within the Camera's rect boundary

◆ LoadData()

void AC.MainCamera.LoadData ( PlayerData  playerData,
bool  snapCamera = true 

Restores the camera state from saved data

playerDataThe data class to load from
snapCameraIf True, the active camera will be snapped to

◆ OnInitialiseScene()

virtual void AC.MainCamera.OnInitialiseScene ( )

Called as the scene is initialised, but before the Player is spawned.

◆ PositionRelativeToCamera()

Vector3 AC.MainCamera.PositionRelativeToCamera ( Vector3  _position)

Converts a point in world space to one relative to the Camera's forward vector.

A point in world space to one relative to the Camera's forward vector.

◆ PrepareForBackground()

virtual void AC.MainCamera.PrepareForBackground ( )

Prepares the Camera for being able to render a BackgroundImage underneath scene objects.

◆ ReleaseTimelineOverride()

void AC.MainCamera.ReleaseTimelineOverride ( )

Ends Timeline's overriding of normal behaviour, so that the Main Camera resumes normal behaviour.

◆ RemoveSplitScreen()

void AC.MainCamera.RemoveSplitScreen ( )

Ends any active split-screen effect.

◆ ResetMoving()

void AC.MainCamera.ResetMoving ( )

Resets the transition effect when moving from one _Camera to another.

◆ ResetProjection()

void AC.MainCamera.ResetProjection ( )

Resets the Camera's projection matrix.

◆ RightVector()

static Vector3 AC.MainCamera.RightVector ( )

Gets the Camera's right vector.

The Camera's right vector

◆ SaveData()

PlayerData AC.MainCamera.SaveData ( PlayerData  playerData)

Saves data related to the camera.

playerDataThe PlayerData class to update with current data
A PlayerData class, updated with current camera data

◆ SetAudioState()

void AC.MainCamera.SetAudioState ( bool  state)

Sets the state of the AudioListener component.

stateIf True, the AudioListener will be enabled. If False, it will be disabled.

◆ SetBoxOverlay()

void AC.MainCamera.SetBoxOverlay ( _Camera  underlayCamera,
_Camera  overlayCamera,
Rect  _overlayRect,
bool  useRectCentre = true 

Create a new box-overlay effect

underlayCameraThe full-screen camera to go underneath the overlay
overlayCameraThe camera to overlay
_overlayRectA Rect that describes the position and size of the overlay effect

◆ SetCameraRect()

void AC.MainCamera.SetCameraRect ( )

Updates the camera's rect values according to the aspect ratio and split-screen settings.

◆ SetCameraTag()

void AC.MainCamera.SetCameraTag ( string  _tag)

Sets the GameObject's tag.

_tagThe tag to give the GameObject

◆ SetDefaultFadeTexture()

void AC.MainCamera.SetDefaultFadeTexture ( Texture2D  _fadeTexture)

Sets the camera's default fade texture, which is used when not temporarily set to something else.

_fadeTextureThe new fadeTexture to use, if not null

◆ SetFadeTexture()

void AC.MainCamera.SetFadeTexture ( Texture2D  tex)

Sets the MainCamera's fade texture

texThe MainCamera's new fade Texture

◆ SetFirstPerson()

void AC.MainCamera.SetFirstPerson ( )

Activates the FirstPersonCamera found in the Player prefab.

◆ SetGameCamera()

void AC.MainCamera.SetGameCamera ( _Camera  newCamera,
float  transitionTime = 0f,
MoveMethod  _moveMethod = MoveMethod.Linear,
AnimationCurve  _animationCurve = null,
bool  _retainPreviousSpeed = false,
bool  snapCamera = true 

Sets a _Camera as the new attachedCamera to follow.

newCameraThe new _Camera to follow
transitionTimeThe time, in seconds, that it will take to move towards the new _Camera
_moveMethodHow the Camera should move towards the new _Camera, if transitionTime > 0f (Linear, Smooth, Curved, EaseIn, EaseOut, CustomCurve)
_animationCurveThe AnimationCurve that dictates movement over time, if _moveMethod = MoveMethod.CustomCurve
_retainPreviousSpeedIf True, and transitionTime > 0, then the previous _Camera's speed will influence the transition, allowing for a smoother effect
snapCameraIf True, the new camera will snap to its target position instantly

◆ SetSplitScreen()

void AC.MainCamera.SetSplitScreen ( _Camera  _camera1,
_Camera  _camera2,
CameraSplitOrientation  _splitOrientation,
bool  _isTopLeft,
float  _splitAmountMain,
float  _splitAmountOther 

Creates a new split-screen effect.

_camera1The first _Camera to use in the effect
_camera2The second _Camera to use in the effect
_splitOrientationHow the two _Cameras are arranged (Horizontal, Vertical)
_isTopLeftIf True, the MainCamera will take the position of _camera1
_splitAmountMainThe proportion of the screen taken up by this Camera
_splitAmountOtherThe proportion of the screen take up by the other _Camera

◆ SetTimelineOverride()

void AC.MainCamera.SetTimelineOverride ( _Camera  cam1,
_Camera  cam2,
float  cam2Weight,
float  _shakeIntensity = 0f 

Overrides the MainCamera's normal behaviour, using Timeline to control it.

cam1The first AC camera in the Timeline track mix
cam2The second AC camera in the Timeline track mix
cam2WeightThe weight of the second AC camera in the Timeline track mix
shakeIntensityThe intensity of a camera shaking effect

◆ Shake()

void AC.MainCamera.Shake ( float  _shakeIntensity,
float  _duration,
CameraShakeEffect  _shakeEffect,
AnimationCurve  _shakeCurve = null 

Shakes the Camera, creating an "earthquake" effect.

_shakeIntensityThe shake intensity
_durationThe duration of the effect, in sectonds
_shakeEffectThe type of shaking to make (Translate, Rotate, TranslateAndRotate)

◆ SnapToAttached()

void AC.MainCamera.SnapToAttached ( )

Snaps the Camera to the attachedCamera instantly.

◆ StartSplitScreen()

void AC.MainCamera.StartSplitScreen ( float  _splitAmountMain,
float  _splitAmountOther 

Adjusts the screen ratio of any active split-screen effect.

_splitAmountMainThe proportion of the screen taken up by this Camera
_splitAmountOtherThe proportion of the screen take up by the other _Camera

◆ StopCrossfade()

void AC.MainCamera.StopCrossfade ( )

Instantly ends the crossfade effect.

◆ StopShaking()

void AC.MainCamera.StopShaking ( )

Ends the "earthquake" shake effect.

◆ TakeOverlayScreenshot()

void AC.MainCamera.TakeOverlayScreenshot ( )

Places a full-screen texture of the current game window over the screen, allowing for a scene change to have no visible transition.

Member Data Documentation

◆ forwardDirection

MainCameraForwardDirection AC.MainCamera.forwardDirection = MainCameraForwardDirection.MainCameraComponent

How the MainCamera's "forward" direction is calculated, which is used for various camera and movement behaviours

◆ lastNavCamera

_Camera AC.MainCamera.lastNavCamera

The last active camera during gameplay

◆ renderBorders

bool AC.MainCamera.renderBorders = true

If True, borders will be drawn outside of the playable screen area.

◆ renderFading

bool AC.MainCamera.renderFading = true

If True, the fade texture will be rendered on the script automatically. If False, the user can read this script's GetFadeTexture and GetFadeAlpha values to render it with a custom technique.

Property Documentation

◆ attachedCamera

_Camera AC.MainCamera.attachedCamera

The current active camera, i.e. the one that the MainCamera is attaching itself to

◆ Camera

Camera AC.MainCamera.Camera

The MainCamera's Camera component.

◆ CurrentFrameCameraData

GameCameraData AC.MainCamera.CurrentFrameCameraData

Data related to the MainCamera's currently-active camera and transition

◆ PlayableScreenDiagonalLength

float AC.MainCamera.PlayableScreenDiagonalLength

The distance between opposing corners of the playable screen area

◆ Transform

Transform AC.MainCamera.Transform

A cache of the MainCamera's transform component