Adventure Creator  1.81.2
An adventure game toolkit for Unity, by Chris Burton, ICEBOX Studios 2013-2024
AC.KickStarter Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for AC.KickStarter:

Public Member Functions

void Initialise ()
void ClearVariables ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void SetGameEngine (GameObject _gameEngine=null)
static void ClearManagerCache ()
static void TurnOnAC ()
static void TurnOffAC ()
static void RestartGame (bool rebuildMenus, int newSceneIndex, bool killActionLists=false)
 Restarts the game, resetting the game to its original state. Save game files and options data will not be affected More...
static void RestartGame (bool rebuildMenus, string newSceneName, bool killActionLists=false)
 Restarts the game, resetting the game to its original state. Save game files and options data will not be affected More...
static void ResetData ()

Protected Member Functions

void Awake ()


static SceneManager sceneManager [get, set]
static SettingsManager settingsManager [get, set]
static ActionsManager actionsManager [get, set]
static VariablesManager variablesManager [get, set]
static InventoryManager inventoryManager [get, set]
static SpeechManager speechManager [get, set]
static CursorManager cursorManager [get, set]
static MenuManager menuManager [get, set]
static Options options [get]
static RuntimeInventory runtimeInventory [get]
static RuntimeVariables runtimeVariables [get]
static PlayerMenus playerMenus [get]
static StateHandler stateHandler [get]
static SceneChanger sceneChanger [get]
static SaveSystem saveSystem [get]
static LevelStorage levelStorage [get]
static RuntimeLanguages runtimeLanguages [get]
static RuntimeDocuments runtimeDocuments [get]
static RuntimeObjectives runtimeObjectives [get]
static ActionListAssetManager actionListAssetManager [get]
static PlayerSpawner playerSpawner [get]
static MenuSystem menuSystem [get]
static Dialog dialog [get]
static PlayerInput playerInput [get]
static PlayerInteraction playerInteraction [get]
static PlayerMovement playerMovement [get]
static PlayerCursor playerCursor [get]
static PlayerQTE playerQTE [get]
static SceneSettings sceneSettings [get]
static NavigationManager navigationManager [get]
static ActionListManager actionListManager [get]
static LocalVariables localVariables [get]
static MenuPreview menuPreview [get]
static EventManager eventManager [get]
static KickStarter kickStarter [get]
static Music music [get]
static Player player [get, set]
static MainCamera mainCamera [get, set]
static Camera CameraMain [get, set]
static Transform CameraMainTransform [get]
bool HasInitialisedAC [get]

Detailed Description

This component instantiates the PersistentEngine and Player prefabs when the game beings. It also provides static references to each of Adventure Creator's main components. It should be attached to the GameEngine prefab.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ClearManagerCache()

static void AC.KickStarter.ClearManagerCache ( )

Clears the internal Manager references. Call this when changing the assigned Managers, so that other Inspectors/Editors get updated to reflect this

◆ ClearVariables()

void AC.KickStarter.ClearVariables ( )

Unsets the values of all script variables, so that they can be re-assigned to the correct scene if multiple scenes are open.

◆ ResetData()

static void AC.KickStarter.ResetData ( )

Clears all 'live' data such as variable, inventory and other room data

◆ RestartGame() [1/2]

static void AC.KickStarter.RestartGame ( bool  rebuildMenus,
int  newSceneIndex,
bool  killActionLists = false 

Restarts the game, resetting the game to its original state. Save game files and options data will not be affected

resetMenusIf True, Menus will be rebuilt based on their original settings in the Menu Manager
newSceneIndexThe build index number of the scene to switch to
killActionListsIf True, then all ActionLists currently running will be killed

◆ RestartGame() [2/2]

static void AC.KickStarter.RestartGame ( bool  rebuildMenus,
string  newSceneName,
bool  killActionLists = false 

Restarts the game, resetting the game to its original state. Save game files and options data will not be affected

resetMenusIf True, Menus will be rebuilt based on their original settings in the Menu Manager
newSceneNameThe name of the scene to switch to
killActionListsIf True, then all ActionLists currently running will be killed

◆ TurnOffAC()

static void AC.KickStarter.TurnOffAC ( )

Turns Adventure Creator on.

◆ TurnOnAC()

static void AC.KickStarter.TurnOnAC ( )

Turns Adventure Creator off.

Property Documentation

◆ CameraMain

Camera AC.KickStarter.CameraMain

A cache of Unity's own Camera.main

◆ HasInitialisedAC

bool AC.KickStarter.HasInitialisedAC

Returns True if AC has been initialised by this component