My game is played on keyboard only. Mouse is needed for the menu.
I have added CursorHorizontal and CursorVertical and now the cursor is moving! Thanks!
I have last little question, cursor is moving differently than the system cursor, speed is not…
I checked Lock cursor in screen's centre when game begins? and Hide cursor when locked in screen's centre? and switched Cursor rendering to Software.
Now I can control visibility of the cursor by Player: Constrain (it's progress!) but unfortunately…
Actually it's not working:-(
Cursor is visible in regular gameplay. In cutscenes it dissapear.
I tried to switch to Software cursor rendering, but in this case cursor is not visible at all. Even if try Engine: Manage systems with Software rendering…
My goal is to have player attached on the ladder, and by pressing W and S move the player up and down and play custom climb animation.
That is all I want:-)
So maybe there is another approach, I googled it here on the forum but i didn't find anyth…
Hi, @ChrisIceBox and thanks for the answer!
Unfortulately, it still doesn't work:-(
I tried this:
using UnityEngine;using AC;public class climb : MonoBehaviour{Animator anim;Player player; void Start() { anim = GetComponent<Animat…
Big news here! After eight years of the development I have an alpha version of the game! It's called SUBSEQUENCE now:-)
After five years of the development I have finally the Steam Page and an Announcement trailer now:
It's not causing any issue. For now:-)
I'll check build the game and if it will be okay I will ignore it.
Thank you very much for the fast answer.
Have a good weekend!
Thanks for the answer, Chris.
I have just one "References" file in that folder and my Unity version is 2020.3.26f1 so according that Issue Tracker it should be fixed.
Long time no post guys! I'm making announcement trailer and preparing Steam Page now, wish me luck and good luck with your projects!:-)
No, prefab doesn't show when I drop it into the scene either.
I'll check Unity forums then and yes, I assume (I hope) that I can copy all the components onto new model and make a new Player prefab and make it work again.
I think this is Unity's bu…
It doesnt work:-(
* On my Player prefab I have shapeable component with group 0:Smiles and one shape key inside it 0:Smile01
* On my Player prefab I checked "Use expressions" and "Map to shapeable" in the Player script. Here is …