Mostly I used AC for variables store, save/load, checking win conditions etc. SFX/Music slider.
And of course translations, it is very powerful. (the game is translated in 25 languages)
The games items movement, dragging, dropping picking up, grid…
Sorry for raising this thread I thought I had it in the bag. But having an issue.
I don't see any font change when I run this based on your script Chris. trying to change font to Chunkfive as a test. Tried to specifically load the font and tried to …
Marvelous way to go through AC variables! Thank you Chris :)
And just for those who might wanna use it, here is the complete function-method with check condition.
void UnlockCupIcons(){ for (int i = 0; i < CupIcons.Length; i++) { …
If I may help.
1. Create a script with the code.
2. Attach it to an empty object, prefab it and delete that scene object.
3. Create a global variable bool MouseOverDetection(your ID of this variable).
4. When you run it set your variable MouseOverDe…
Check what Chris said at 12:46 today in the previous page.
Engine: Manage systems Action to lock the Movement system
You do it in your interaction actionlist (or cutscene ) that you create and attach to the Hotspot.
Instead you went looking for …
What did you put in your actionlists then?
And please explain step by step what you want.
1. Approach an NPC.
2. Cards show up.
3. Hover mouse over cards and select one.
4. Give the card to the NPC.
I think he just wants things to happen and confused.
It looks to me you have set up everything correct what Chris said. But now you want things to work.
But what exactly do you want?
Please explain in details it would save time. Don't worry about …
Interesting thread. I'd like to make a very small solitaire game with AC.
HugoMoritz, I think you gonna need to attach hotspot and collider components in order to register clicks on your prefabed cards.
For drawers open/close I use Object: Transform action.
For switches I use mecanim animations, way easier. Or just change the sprites , you turn switches so fast.
I just made a script for my invisible objects to follow the mouse cursor. Once I pick an item I set the following object visibility on and set the hotspot on on which I want to use it on and set visibility off of the picked up object . When I click …
What exactly do you want to achieve?
I think you can make use of Label Menu with Label type Global Variable.
Make Variable as string name of your actionlist.
And when you run your actionlist, check if actionlist is running then turn on your menu. So…
The inventory is always on and visible at the bottom.
Can AC invoke actionlist OnMouseEnter/Exit? I can Attach a Hotspot to the Inventory and Enbale/Disable Menu.
I can do OnMouseEnter/Exit with my custom script and AC hotspot, but just wondering i…