Hello Chris, appreciate your help so far.
Went through all Scripts I could find one-by-one searching for that keyword and could only found something similar on a Script for the FlashHold (which we use for Revealing Hotspots using "mouse 2&quo…
The screenshot is taken from runtime.
Went and checked, actually there was an Event System prefab configured on my MenuManager:
I went ahead and removed it from there, leaving it at "None" then checked the Event System …
Sadly it does not work, you meant in the Input Manager right? Nothing has to be changed on the Event System?
Just to recap, here´s how my stuff is configured at the moment:
I am not using Unity Input System.
The submits were not bound any of the clicks.
As an experiment, I went ahead and deleted everything from Input Manager, then AC prompted me to have a "Menu" created, so it did.
Then I created "Int…
I did! Here is my Unity Input Manager right now:
One of the Fires 2 was binded to "mouse 1", went ahead and deleted it thus unbinding it I guess, but It did not help my problem.
I notice this Manager probably has too mu…
OK, I realize I havent´t been sufficiently explaining about this, so here is a GIF.
Basically that menu acts the same as an Inventory would, except it´s not Drag&Drop, it was custom made by an old team member with help from you and it works gre…
Sorry, I was mistaken before, the menu I want Right Click to be disable on is UnityUI based, not AC.
This are my current settings:
Very basic, but I don´t know where to start.
Guess the Input I have to disable is InteractionB on the menu…
Nevermind, I realized I was making a mistake on the OnStart cutscene that purposefully would turn it OFF.
Have to say huge thanks! This turned out better than expected. You are awesome!
Everything seems to work fine now! :) The Maks are saved if you exit the CloseUp...
There´s only one little detail that is bothering me, if the player succesfully cleans and uncovers the label, I realized that if you leave the CloseUp and come bac…
Now the errors are gone and the sound works! Thanks.
Still not saving the sprite mask postion tough, I am coming from the previous scene using a different Player Start, that seems to work fine.
Not sure how exactly the Remember Mask should be used…