Hmm... ok, looking into the code a little bit I see that a forceReload parameter has been added to ChangeScene (SceneChanger.cs ln 124)
That doesn't seem to be exposed to/controllable by the change scene action though so not sure how I could ever ge…
Semi random aside: I just noticed after the update the character dialogue backgrounds auto expand to fully encompass any dialogue lines that are overly long (previously dialogue that was > 2 lines would get cut off)
Nice! I was afraid to upgrade …
Oh man... that was it... I was doing the scene change via code!
I replaced the call with a call to
and my custom UIs come across fine.
Looking into the Engine: Change sc…
Sorry, I forgot to say there were no error messages this time, that's why I didn't post anything. The ones I mentioned earlier went away once I revived the stuff specific to my game after the upgrade (basically I've added some components to the Pers…
Issue persists after upgrade to 1.50d
Trying various things now to see if I can circumvent it somehow...
I noticed my custom (unity ui) menu game objects get spawned in the frontend scene (interestingly they get spawned regardless of whether I have …
Ah yes of course, forgot about that (embarrassingly, as I am already using it elsewhere)
I am in the process of upgrading already... currently trying to track down changes I made to any Adventure Creator specific stuff so I can reinstate them. Fun t…
I was hoping to avoid upgrading as I am 99% done now...
Oh well I guess I might have to bite the bullet
I just tried re-enabling the menus in frontend and I still get the same crashes when the gameplay scene loads (and the UI gameobjects are missing…
So I am getting another weird problem now and I am hitting a bit of a brick wall trying to debug it on my own so I thought I'd seek your wisdom once again...
I've set up some custom menus which use a mixture of AC menus and Unity UI menus. The way i…
Right again Chris. It was the ConstantID. To test I actually carried on playing so the game would autosave the next level and once I loaded that one I noticed I didn't have the issue. So as you said it had nothing to do with the frontend stuff, I ju…
Thanks Jacob!
The final educational game build is almost ready (should be getting wrapped up by the end of this week) so I'll update this thread with links etc once it's done as I would really love for people to have a stab at it and find bugs for m…
Hello again!
So following your advice I set up my frontend scene as an AC scene and hooked things up accordingly.
It all seems to work more or less as intended, I am however having one issue:
When I load into a gameplay scene with the autosave, t…
similar approach here. I also usually just place the common setup in an interaction (in the scene or as an asset depending on my needs) and just call that from both places instead. means *when* I later realise I've forgotten to do somethi…
Oh I see now what you mean... interesting. In fact I find it interesting that based on what you're saying (although I've not experienced such issues myself) it sounds like AC is actually persisting some of the object state as it relates to its anima…
Afaik this exists already... The Save/Load system is pretty powerful and usable. I've even piggybacked on it to write my own Quest Management and Achievements Management system using the ISave stuff to do persistence and it works really nicely/clean…
Hello! Many thanks 2finger and JosephSco for trying out the demo and filling out the survey, I really appreciate it!
Since posting this we've set up a facebook group to coordinate the playtesting so if you'd like you can join that group here:
Hi Chris, thanks for the reply!
A) Yup AC is all up to date too, what you're saying re the age of the asset is very possible, I will try to update the ActionLists when I get the chance. For now I've given up on this endeavor as the WebGL build of t…