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  • I put the script in the Persistent Engine prefab and it works. Thanks a lot for the help, Chris!
  • Hi, I can't figure out how to make it work. Could you point out where I'm doing wrong? I added the script to a gameobject prefab I used Object: Send message in the …
  • I get the idea but don't know where to attach this script. Is it for Unity UI? I'm still using AC Menu for the inventory. I'll switch to Unity UI if it's the only way to achieve it.
  • Sorry Chris. I described it as not clear. I only want the inventory to shift left/right when I reach the first/last item displayed. Also I got this error when trying your solution…
  • You're right, Chris. I finally managed to make it work by following this tutorial First time making Unity UI so I still don't know how things work. Thanks for the support!
  • Thanks, Chris! Looking forward to hearing from you. I want to use the Run forever function for the QTE.
    in QTE problems Comment by Zinph March 6
  • Change the Walk speed scale seems a better choice in my case. Also great to know other options. They would fit into different situations. Thanks a lot, Chris!
  • I think it could work that way. Thanks a lot for the suggestion, Chris!
  • Thanks, I use Light 2D in Unity.
  • Update: I fixed it by uncheck Turn root object in 3D in NPC component.
  • It's like an interaction to push back the NPC so I can't use Keep out of Player's way. Btw, the engine is awesome for an artist with no knowledge of coding like me. Really appreciate you creating it.
  • 2 triggers on 2 sides make sense to me. I've never thought about it. Thanks a lot for the suggestion.
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