According to the manual, I've called this:
SaveSystem.SaveFileHandler = new CustomSaveFileHandler();
where CustomSaveFileHandler inherits from SaveFileHandler_PlayerPrefs, and it solved the problem. Thank you! :)
It solved the issue and not crush on the references on both Xbox and Nintendo Switch, thank you!
Now on Nintendo Switch, I encounter an issue with save files.
I've read in the forum that PlayerPrefs are supported and according to the log it looks l…
Okay... got the idea with "Gather Text".
To make sure I understand the right way to work with addressable scenes -
do I need to remove them from build settings in order to make it work in run time?
I'm ticking also these two in order to …
They are located in the scene.
Now that I think on that, last thing I did before it was messed up
is to change scene to Addressable.
Now I untick the addressable checkbox from the scenes and added
them to build settings, then I tried "Gather t…
The action list running are:
They are running in infinite loop:
"Cutscene_TurnOn", then "Cutscene_TurnOff", then "Cutscene_TurnOn" etc...
They are trigger when …
ok I found block of code in comment in the file SceneInfo.cs script:
after uncomment it it works :)
"Are you switching Settings Manager asset, or changing its values through script?"
I added the script you mentioned,
**console2 **screenshot added to the link:
'Academy' is an Addressable scene.
I changed Play Mode script to Simulate Groups and
run the game in the editor.
Console screenshot, Editor log and Player log attached (for Restart Game and Load Game)
I hope that's help.…
This is the full Player log of when running Load Game command:
Mono path[0] = 'D:/POTD_Unity_03_01_21/Build/New folder (9)/Plot of the Druid_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = 'D:/POTD_Unity_03_01_21/Build/New folder (9)/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
This is the full Player log of when running Restart Game command:
Mono path[0] = 'D:/POTD_Unity_03_01_21/Build/New folder (9)/Plot of the Druid_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = 'D:/POTD_Unity_03_01_21/Build/New folder (9)/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
More changes I forgot to mention:
Load Scenes From Asynchronously - checked
Load Scenes From Addressable - checked
**AddressableIsPresent ** added to Script Define Symbols
after first scene loaded I added a script that load the main menu
with this…
i will try to explain with screenshots:
1. inventory before action made
2. use spear on rag
3.the spear and rag removed. new item (spear wrapped with rag) has been added (orange circle), BUT empty slot remain (blue circle)
o.k i use your advice to narrow the problem and found that the option marked in red in the picture below cause the problem when checked.. i don't think when this option selected and combine items in the inventory by removing the two items and adding…
The bug of empty slots mentioned in this post return again in version 1.53b :-(the screenshots are the same as those attached in this can use version 1.53a as a reference, this bug was resolved there..
could you make an option for the Cursor (marked with red rectangle in the image above)to be like Main\Active graphic (marked with blue rectangle in the image above)so you have two icons for cursor - Main and Active and when you hover the cu…
you are right, normally it working, but this case is true when you not set the cursor (optional) for the item.when doing so you have only one icon for the cursor..can you please add to the AC option of working with cursor for the selected item that …