I am using inventory menu from the demo, but when i am doing combination of items in my inventory
the empty slot remains,
inventory setting:
Source: Adventure Creator
inventoryBox setting:
When slot is empty: Disable Object
i do not know how to attach screenshot to my post (it required URL...)
This is a bug which will be fixed in the next release, but the method I've described will be the same.
I'm having trouble recreating this, as I don't know what your interaction is. Are you removing an inventory item and adding in another? Please show exactly what the Inventory looks like before and after the problem occurs.
Also try replacing your Settings and Inventory Managers with the Demo game's. If it then works, we may be able to narrow down the problem.
Alternatively, you can PM me your Manager assets, your Inventory item graphics, and the ActionList asset that performs the combine, and I will try to use them on my end. Please leave all other unnecessary assets out of the .unitypackage file, however.
If you want to remove that space, just uncheck that option and all will display as you intend.