Hi, I´m trying to manage different fonts for different alphabets. I look there is a tread with something like that but I had some stuff because I have different UI system. I have some UI with the UI for unity and other using ac.
I don´t know if the best its to make in all the scenes a check for language and in the different UI change or if there is a simple and more effective way to change the font.
Now i have the simple if language number is x then the code you posted. But i had a few problems like this line Menu[] allMenus = PlayerMenus.GetMenus ().ToArray (); and in the Text[] texts = menu.canvas.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); line.
error CS1061: Type `Menu' does not contain a definition for `canvas' and no extension method `canvas' of type `Menu' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
That 2 errors.
AC 1.62.5
Are prefab-based UI Menus, I think all the text didn´t find because nothing change the font.
And the complete error: