Hi there,
I was looking through the scripting guide to find something similar to an OnHotspotClick event in EventManager or other places but couldn't find anything. What I want is to get notified once a hotspot has been clicked (much like the OnHotspotSelect event that notifies me once a hotspot has been hovered on). Is it missing?
Please note that I'm well aware Unity offers numerous very easy ways to do exactly that but I was looking for a way to do it within AC.
That said, if the Menu you're turning on is fading in, you can cancel it by placing a Menu: Change state Action inside its ActionList when turn on asset and opting to turn it off instantly.
But this is a good point. Since the Menu function that does this, MatchInteractions, is public, it ought to be possible to write a script that does this manually and then turns the Menu in question on. Perhaps a new "See interactions with" mode of "Rely on custom event" would be appropriate here. Or perhaps something else - I'll have a think about it.