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Add a Text Parser System ?

Good morning,

I had an idea for a game with an Text Parser System like the old Sierra games.
Can this be added in the future?
Or is this too difficult to do?


  • It would be possible with a custom interaction system - see the Manual's "Custom interaction systems" chapter for details on how these are generally implemented.

    Essentially, a script would scan the entered text for verbs, listed in the Cursor Manager, as well as Hotspots present in the scene, and then run the appropriate interaction.

    I'll see if I can whip up an example script.

  • I'll see if this can be conveted into a package on the Downloads page in the future, but for now: here's a bare-bones function that'll parse some text and attempt to run the correct Hotspot / Inventory interaction:

    void ParseText (string text)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (text)) return;
        text = text.ToLower ();
        int languageIndex = Options.GetLanguage ();
        // Detect verb
        int verbID = -1;
        int verbIndex = -1;
        foreach (var icon in KickStarter.cursorManager.cursorIcons)
            string iconLabel = icon.GetLabel (Options.GetLanguage ());
            int _verbIndex = text.IndexOf (iconLabel.ToLower ());
            if (_verbIndex >= 0)
                verbIndex = _verbIndex;
                verbID =;
        // Detect inventory item
        string useItemPrefix = KickStarter.runtimeLanguages.GetTranslation (KickStarter.cursorManager.hotspotPrefix1.label, KickStarter.cursorManager.hotspotPrefix1.lineID, languageIndex).ToLower ();
        string giveItemPrefix = KickStarter.runtimeLanguages.GetTranslation (KickStarter.cursorManager.hotspotPrefix3.label, KickStarter.cursorManager.hotspotPrefix3.lineID, languageIndex).ToLower ();
        InvInstance invInstance = null;
        foreach (InvInstance _invInstance in KickStarter.runtimeInventory.PlayerInvCollection.InvInstances)
            if (text.IndexOf (_invInstance.ItemLabel) > 0)
                invInstance = _invInstance;
        // Detect Hotspot
        Hotspot hotspot = null;
        foreach (Hotspot _hotspot in KickStarter.stateHandler.Hotspots)
            string hotspotLabel = _hotspot.GetName (Options.GetLanguage ());
            int hotspotIndex = text.IndexOf (hotspotLabel.ToLower ());
            if (hotspotIndex > 0 && HotspotIsValid (_hotspot))
                hotspot = _hotspot;
        // Item / Hotspot combine
        if (InvInstance.IsValid (invInstance) && hotspot && (text.IndexOf (useItemPrefix) >= 0 || text.IndexOf (giveItemPrefix) >= 0))
            var interaction = hotspot.GetInvButton (invInstance.ItemID);
            if (interaction != null && !interaction.isDisabled)
                hotspot.RunInventoryInteraction (invInstance.ItemID);
        // Item interaction
        if (InvInstance.IsValid (invInstance) && verbID >= 0)
            foreach (var interaction in invInstance.Interactions)
                if ( == verbID && interaction.actionList)
                    interaction.actionList.Interact ();
        // Hotspot interaction
        if (hotspot && verbID >= 0)
            var interaction = hotspot.GetUseButton (verbID);
            if (interaction != null && !interaction.isDisabled)
                hotspot.RunUseInteraction (verbID);

    This searches the text for verbs listed in the Cursor Manager, and Hotspots in the scene / Items being carried. For example, "Look at chair" will work if a Hotspot named "Chair" has a "Look at" interaction.

  • I've expanded upon this and added it as an official template to the Downloads page.

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