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Player Place-able Objects (2D Top Down RPG)

I would like to create a system that allows the player to select an item in their inventory and place it. For example, a table can only be placed on the floor, a picture only on the wall, etc. I found some building systems on the Unity store and a few tutorials. But wanted to ask here first. Has anyone tried this with the AC inventory system? I want to stay in AC as much as possible, but this is very new territory so would love some advice.


  • Inventory items can be placed in the scene via the Inventory: Scene item Action - see this tutorial. However, AC itself isn't geared specifically towards the game style you're describing.

    It is possible to limit the use of Inventory items on certain parts of the scene, by making Hotspots and defining Inventory interactions for them (see this tutorial), but ultimately a separate asset that's dedicated to the exact behaviour you want may be best.

  • Thank you! I was on the right track just playing around with the Scene Item action I was just missing a step and that tutorial got it working! I was able to use hotspots to act as placement conditions and it worked just fine :)

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