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Using Right Click to Examine Inventory Items and Display Close-Up

edited June 2023 in Technical Q&A

Hi there,

I found the code below from The Chamber Demo: I modified the code and its setup. I created two menus: one that shows what I just picked up for 1 second and automatically disappears, and another menu that should display a close-up image of the inventory item when I right-click on it (Examine interaction).

I tried using the code below, but the problem is that when I right-click (Examine) an item in the inventory, the ItemGraphic refers to the recently added item instead of the item I right-clicked on. I tried using OnInventoryInteract and OnInventorySelect instead of OnInventoryAdd, but it either gives me an error message or simply doesn't update the graphic on the menu. I would be really grateful if anyone could guide me with correct references or provide alternative suggestions. Thank you so much

using UnityEngine;

namespace AC.TheChamber

    public class NewItemMenuSetup : MonoBehaviour

        #region Variables

        private const string menuName = "NewItem";
        private const string inventoryMenuName = "Inventory";
        private const string nameElement = "ItemName";
        private const string graphicElement = "ItemGraphic";


        #region UnityStandards

        private void OnEnable ()
            EventManager.OnInventoryAdd += OnInventoryAdd;
            EventManager.OnMenuTurnOn += OnMenuTurnOn;
            EventManager.OnMenuTurnOff += OnMenuTurnOff;

        private void OnDisable ()
            EventManager.OnInventoryAdd -= OnInventoryAdd;
            EventManager.OnMenuTurnOn -= OnMenuTurnOn;
            EventManager.OnMenuTurnOff -= OnMenuTurnOff;


        #region CustomEvents

        private void OnInventoryAdd (InvItem invItem, int count)
            Menu newItemMenu = PlayerMenus.GetMenuWithName (menuName);

            MenuLabel itemNameLabel = newItemMenu.GetElementWithName (nameElement) as MenuLabel;
            itemNameLabel.label = invItem.GetLabel (Options.GetLanguage ());
            itemNameLabel.UpdateLabelText ();

            MenuGraphic itemGraphic = newItemMenu.GetElementWithName (graphicElement) as MenuGraphic;
            itemGraphic.SetNormalGraphicTexture (invItem.tex);

            newItemMenu.TurnOn ();

        private void OnMenuTurnOn (Menu menu, bool isInstant)
            if (menu.title == menuName)
                PlayerMenus.GetMenuWithName (inventoryMenuName).ignoreMouseClicks = true;
                KickStarter.playerInput.dragOverrideInput = "DragOverride";
                KickStarter.stateHandler.SetInteractionSystem (false);

        private void OnMenuTurnOff (Menu menu, bool isInstant)
            if (menu.title == menuName)
                PlayerMenus.GetMenuWithName (inventoryMenuName).ignoreMouseClicks = false;
                KickStarter.playerInput.dragOverrideInput = string.Empty;
                KickStarter.stateHandler.SetInteractionSystem (true);





  • The script is intended only for the "new item" menu. If you want to make modifications for an "examine" menu, be sure to use a copy so that it doesn't affect the original menu's behaviour.

    Because it's intended to be for the "new item" menu, ItemGraphic is set when the Player picks up a new Inventor item - by hooking into the OnInventoryAdd event.

    You could try using OnInventoryInteract, but this event uses different parameters to OnInventoryAdd - you'll need to update the function's parameters to go along with it:

    OnInventoryInteract (InvInstance invInstance, int iconID)

    This will run when an item is interacted with in any way - so you'll need to compare the "iconID" parameter with your examine icon ID if you want to filter it just for examine interactions.

  • Thank you so much again! It works perfectly

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