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InvItem.count sometimes returns 1 even if I have multiple items in inventory

edited April 2023 in Technical Q&A

Hi there,
I have a script that sets a variable to true if the selected item is multiple in inventory in this way:

private void OnInventorySelect(InvItem invItem)
        if (invItem.count > 1)
            AC.GlobalVariables.SetBooleanValue(28, true);

this works flawlessly if I give myself the item by checking "carry on start": writing in console invItem.count returns the actual number of item in inventory and boolean is set to true, but somehow when I take the item through the action Inventory-> Add invItem.count is always 1. It happens both if selection mode is single or all.
Am I missing something? Thanks a lot


  • Admittedly it's a little confusing, but a by-product of improvements to the inventory system from the older releases.

    Esssentially, the InvItem class always refers to the original data - as set in the Inventory Manager. For runtime data, you'll need to access InvInstance instead.

    If you hook into the OnInventorySelect_Alt event instead of OnInventorySelect, that'll give you the associated InvInstance class - with the correct count value.

  • I'm afraid I need further assistance here.
    This is (part of) my original script:

    private void OnEnable()
                    EventManager.OnInventoryDeselect += OnInventoryDeselect;
                    EventManager.OnInventorySelect += OnInventorySelect;
    private void OnDisable()
                    EventManager.OnInventoryDeselect -= OnInventoryDeselect;
                    EventManager.OnInventorySelect += OnInventorySelect;
    private void OnInventorySelect(InvItem invItem)
                if (invItem.count > 1)
                                    AC.GlobalVariables.SetBooleanValue(28, true);

    changing it into

        private void OnEnable()
            EventManager.OnInventoryDeselect += OnInventoryDeselect;
            EventManager.OnInventorySelect += OnInventorySelect_Alt;
        private void OnDisable()
            EventManager.OnInventoryDeselect -= OnInventoryDeselect;
            EventManager.OnInventorySelect += OnInventorySelect_Alt;
        private void OnInventorySelect_Alt(InvItem invItem)
        if (invItem.count > 1)
                            AC.GlobalVariables.SetBooleanValue(28, true);

    doesn't give any error but invitem.count stills returns 1 as before.

    if doing like this:

        private void OnEnable()
                        EventManager.OnInventoryDeselect += OnInventoryDeselect;
                        EventManager.OnInventorySelect_Alt += OnInventorySelect;

    I got this error: No overload for 'OnInventorySelect' matches delegate 'EventManager.Delegate_Inventory_Alt'

  • OnInventorySelect_Alt is a separate event with its own parameters - see the link to it above.

    private void OnEnable()
        EventManager.OnInventoryDeselect += OnInventoryDeselect;
        EventManager.OnInventorySelect_Alt += OnInventorySelect;
    private void OnDisable()
        EventManager.OnInventoryDeselect -= OnInventoryDeselect;
        EventManager.OnInventorySelect_Alt += OnInventorySelect;
    private void OnInventorySelect (InvCollection invCollection, InvInstance invInstance)
        if (invInstance.Count > 1)
            AC.GlobalVariables.SetBooleanValue(28, true);
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