For me unfortuantely the update screwed it up somehow. I even did a "clean install" by emptying the Adventure Creator folder of my project and did a fresh import.
Now I have the two errors left:
Assets\AdventureCreator\Scripts\Game engine\SceneSettings.cs(385,35): error CS0619: 'MovieTexture' is obsolete: 'MovieTexture is removed. Use VideoPlayer instead.'
Assets\AdventureCreator\Scripts\Game engine\SceneSettings.cs(86,11): error CS0619: 'MovieTexture' is obsolete: 'MovieTexture is removed. Use VideoPlayer instead.'
so ALLOW_MOVIETEXTURES seems to be defined somewhere. I'm lost now.
I use Unity Version 2020.2.1f1
Edit: Strange thing is, this file hasn't changed with the update.
Ok. I finally solved the issue. May be of use for someone else:
I had to delete the PackageManager Cache of Unity (located in %APPDATA%) and re-downloaded and re-imported it.
I am using Unity 2019.4.6f1. I face some problems about ActionList after updated to AC1.73.3 from 1.72.4:
Some actions, when copy and paste, has wrong object reference. For example, an Object > Send Message action will make the object to affect reference become another object after copy and paste.
Some actions in some actionlist seems to skip at random times. Like, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.
@Rekize I'll need more specific steps to recreate, particularly 2). Please share full details in a new thread.
Are you using custom Actions? If so, the Actions API was updated - see this page for details. Otherwise, it may be best to PM me files that demonstrate the issue.
Unfortunately I have rolled back so I kind of lost that version...
But for the problems occasions:
Happens when I copied and pasted an Object > Send Message action that turns on a Hotspot.
Happens after a QTE > Mash Button action. If it is success, then the following Actions are skipped sometimes. I experienced this in build, haven't tried many times in Editor so unsure if it happens in Editor.
If the issues cannot be recreated, I will try to update again later and see if I can reproduce them. But I need to wait til a game demo ship out as it is under tight schedule.
Great update Chris, as always.
I've noticed that after an update to version 1.73.3, AC_InteractionMethod is not any longer part of the menuInventoryBox.HandleDefaultClick.
Is an alternative way to set the interaction method according to left or right-click as this example was working before?
The Settings Manager's "Aspect ratio" property's Set Minimum option has been replaced with Range, allowing a maximum aspect ratio to be set
The Char script's GetAnimatedPortraitRect has been removed - read GetPortrait ().GetAnimatedRect instead
Added: Ability to use the "ActionList: Set parameter" Action to set an Inventory Item parameter's value based on an Integer or String Global Variable
Added: Ability to use the "ActionList: Set parameter" Action to set a Document parameter's value based on an Integer Global Variable
Added: If a Conversation's dialogue option is linked to an Inventory item, that item's texture is used as an icon if none other is assigned
Added: Warning when running the "Engine: Control Timeline" Action if it runs a Timeline that includes multiple Speech tracks that affect the same character
Added: OnPlayerJump event - triggered whenever the Player character is made to jump
Added: Ability to map a DialogList element to a Conversation's specific Dialogue Option ID
Added: Ability to define a maximum aspect ratio in the Camera Settings
Added: Character expression replacement tokens can now be copied to the text buffer from the Inspector
Added: Console message if a character has multiple Animator components attached
Added: If a Sprites Unity character is missing an animation, the Console now reports which Animator is missing it
Added: GetProfileVariable function to the Options class - use to get the value of a specific variable associated with a specific profile
Added: Ability to set the text colour when displaying the selected Inventory item's count
Added: Option for InventoryBox and Crafting elements to display an Inventory item's count if is only one, but stackable
Added: Ability for the "Inventory: Select" Action to select a fixed amount of the given item, if multiple instances of the item can be held
Changed: Removed restriction of InventoryBox elements of type "Hotspot Based" to "Choose Hotspot Then Interaction" mode
Changed: The Char script's GetAnimatedPortraitRect has been removed - read GetPortrait ().GetAnimatedRect instead
Fixed: Menus set to appear During Gameplay not turning off when in a script-enforced cutscene
Fixed: Camera rotation issues when constraining a GameCamera's spin or pitch
Fixed: Issue with previewing DialogList menu elements linked to a fixed option
Fixed: Stackable Inventory items not stacking after being removed from Crafting menu elements
Fixed: Character portrait graphics flickering when mixing animated and non-animated textures
Fixed: Inventory items being removed if two items of the same type are combined while having a Slot capacity of 1
Fixed: Incorrect warning message appearing when a scene begins with a Sprites Unity character that uses a separate layer for head animation
Fixed: Setting a Menu's isLocked state to True through script not automatically turning the Menu off as well
Fixed: Action fields sometimes changing values when copying/pasting Actions in Unity 2019.2 or newer
Fixed: UI Buttons set to display "only when effective" not disabling correctly
Fixed: "Choose Interaction Then Hotspot" mode not respecting the Settings Manager's "Unhandled interactions deselect active item?" property
Fixed: Settings Manager's "Left-click deselects active item?" property overriding "Unhandled interactions deselect active item?" when clicking on a Hotspot
@tzivaeris Thanks for the alert - yes, the script's outdated now. Though, so long as your "Inventory interactions" property is set to Single, it should default to left/right clicks.
You can hook into the OnMenuTurnOff event to reset your game's interaction method when the Inventory menu closes, e.g.:
Thanks for the update, Chris! Everything I reported/requested seems to work very well.
The one additional feature I would suggest would be to allow the inventory cursor to display item amounts when holding one unit of a stackable item, in line with the new "only if stackable" option for inventory boxes.
I would suggest would be to allow the inventory cursor to display item amounts when holding one unit of a stackable item, in line with the new "only if stackable" option for inventory boxes.
I'd prefer not to have two options that do the same thing. Perhaps the new option should be removed per-box and replaced with a global setting.
I'd prefer not to have two options that do the same thing. Perhaps the new option should be removed per-box and replaced with a global setting.
That would work for my use case! Though I can see the argument against it: AC's inventory boxes are very flexible and can be repurposed for things that don't behave like a normal container/inventory, so the ability to customise each one is really useful, e.g. you might not want to display how many items a vendor has in stock (while displaying amounts in the player inventory). The global setting could also prove problematic depending on how you're using a box as an ability/spell bar.
An unfortunate copy/paste bug appeared in 1.73.4 - this minor update addresses it:
Version 1.73.5
Added: Ability to override the "count" text displayed over the cursor when multiple instances of an Inventory Item is selected by subclassing RuntimeInventory
Fixed: Speech lines that use different audio for different Player characters not working with Addressables
Fixed: Momentary animation glitch when swapping the active 2D Player
Fixed: Actions sometimes disconnecting after copy/pasting in v1.73.4
Added: Ability to refer to scenes by name in save game files, as opposed to build index number
Added: Ability to animate the Hotspot icon assigned in the Settings Manager
Added: OnCharacterSetExpression event - called whenever a character's expression is set
Added: Warning if the New Game Wizard failed to generate all menus that make up the default interface
Added: GetDocumentsInCategory function to the InventoryManager class
Added: Option for the "Camera: Switch" Action wait for an GameCamera Animated to complete its animation before ending
Added: The "Hotspot: Rename" Action now accepts String parameters to override the new label text
Added: Minor optimisations to the initialisation process
Changed: If the "Sound: Play music" or "Sound: Play ambience" Action is used to resume the track already being played, it's "loop" state will be updated by the Action
Changed: Replaced the "Engine: Check platform" Action's check for the deprecated WebPlayer platform for WebGL
Changed: When an NPC following another character gets too far away, they will now run closer until midway-between the min/max distances set
Fixed: Combining two inventory items resulting in the wrong item's "Unhandled combine" interaction being run
Fixed: Issues when turning on Unity UI-based menus that are dynamic in size and are set to "Appear At Cursor Then Freeze"
Fixed: Playback issues with the "Engine: Control Timeline" Action when referencing a Timeline from an ActionList asset
Fixed: Speech playback issue when using Addressables for audio and a post-line delay
Fixed: Issue with controller input when Direct movement is limited to Eight Directions
Fixed: Hotspot icons not animating when drawn in World Space
Fixed: Empty speech lines playing forever if scrolling is enabled
Fixed: Lipsync timing issues when dialogue text makes use of tokens
Fixed: Non-scrolling dialogue text ignoring the position of any [continue] tag inside
Fixed: Subtitle menus showing even when a line of dialogue has no visible text
Fixed: Subtitle menus sometimes re-appearing for a dialogue line once it has been skipped with the [continue] tag
Version 1.73.2
Thanks for the player vicinity fix! I really appreciate how fast you solved this.
I just tested 1.73.2 and can confirm the Container > Inventory stacking issue is fixed. Muchas gracias.
For me unfortuantely the update screwed it up somehow. I even did a "clean install" by emptying the Adventure Creator folder of my project and did a fresh import.
Now I have the two errors left:
Assets\AdventureCreator\Scripts\Game engine\SceneSettings.cs(385,35): error CS0619: 'MovieTexture' is obsolete: 'MovieTexture is removed. Use VideoPlayer instead.'
Assets\AdventureCreator\Scripts\Game engine\SceneSettings.cs(86,11): error CS0619: 'MovieTexture' is obsolete: 'MovieTexture is removed. Use VideoPlayer instead.'
so ALLOW_MOVIETEXTURES seems to be defined somewhere. I'm lost now.
I use Unity Version 2020.2.1f1
Edit: Strange thing is, this file hasn't changed with the update.
Ok. I finally solved the issue. May be of use for someone else:
I had to delete the PackageManager Cache of Unity (located in %APPDATA%) and re-downloaded and re-imported it.
Btw. It was worth it: FPS from 20 to 150 :-)
Version 1.73.3:
I am using Unity 2019.4.6f1. I face some problems about ActionList after updated to AC1.73.3 from 1.72.4:
Some actions, when copy and paste, has wrong object reference. For example, an Object > Send Message action will make the object to affect reference become another object after copy and paste.
Some actions in some actionlist seems to skip at random times. Like, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.
@Rekize I'll need more specific steps to recreate, particularly 2). Please share full details in a new thread.
Are you using custom Actions? If so, the Actions API was updated - see this page for details. Otherwise, it may be best to PM me files that demonstrate the issue.
Unfortunately I have rolled back so I kind of lost that version...
But for the problems occasions:
Happens when I copied and pasted an Object > Send Message action that turns on a Hotspot.
Happens after a QTE > Mash Button action. If it is success, then the following Actions are skipped sometimes. I experienced this in build, haven't tried many times in Editor so unsure if it happens in Editor.
If the issues cannot be recreated, I will try to update again later and see if I can reproduce them. But I need to wait til a game demo ship out as it is under tight schedule.
@Rekize: Fair enough. I believe I've addressed issue 1, and will look into 2.
Great update Chris, as always.
I've noticed that after an update to version 1.73.3, AC_InteractionMethod is not any longer part of the menuInventoryBox.HandleDefaultClick.
Is an alternative way to set the interaction method according to left or right-click as this example was working before?
I tried to set this:
But this mess with the interaction method when the inventory closes sometimes
This was working in version 1.72.4
Can you advise?
Version 1.73.4
Upgrade notes:
@tzivaeris Thanks for the alert - yes, the script's outdated now. Though, so long as your "Inventory interactions" property is set to Single, it should default to left/right clicks.
You can hook into the OnMenuTurnOff event to reset your game's interaction method when the Inventory menu closes, e.g.:
If you need more help, please start a new thread with details - it'll get cluttered here.
Thanks for the update, Chris! Everything I reported/requested seems to work very well.
The one additional feature I would suggest would be to allow the inventory cursor to display item amounts when holding one unit of a stackable item, in line with the new "only if stackable" option for inventory boxes.
So good to see the addition of the aspect ratio range feature - in my eyes this is a massive step up for AC 👍
If (I'm just saying if
) you plan to tackle UPM package next and need any help with testing or feedback, don't hesitate to reach out.
BIG congrats on the release!
Noted, thank you.
I'd prefer not to have two options that do the same thing. Perhaps the new option should be removed per-box and replaced with a global setting.
That would work for my use case! Though I can see the argument against it: AC's inventory boxes are very flexible and can be repurposed for things that don't behave like a normal container/inventory, so the ability to customise each one is really useful, e.g. you might not want to display how many items a vendor has in stock (while displaying amounts in the player inventory). The global setting could also prove problematic depending on how you're using a box as an ability/spell bar.
Fair points raised. I think I'll instead have it be possible to override the exact text through custom script.
An unfortunate copy/paste bug appeared in 1.73.4 - this minor update addresses it:
Version 1.73.5
Version 1.73.6:
Version 1.73.7: