Adventure Creator  1.79.1
An adventure game toolkit for Unity, by Chris Burton, ICEBOX Studios 2013-2022
AC.UltimateFPSIntegration Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for AC.UltimateFPSIntegration:

Protected Member Functions

void Awake ()
void Start ()

Detailed Description

This script serves as a bridge between Adventure Creator and Ultimate FPS. To use it, add it to your UFPS player's root object, and set your AC Movement method to 'First Person'.

To allow for UFPS integration, the 'UltimateFPSIsPresent' preprocessor must be defined. This can be done from Edit -> Project Settings -> Player, and entering 'UltimateFPSIsPresent' into the Scripting Define Symbols text box for your game's build platform.

This bridge script provides a robust integration for a simple UFPS character. See the comments inside the script for information on how it works. If you wish to build upon it for more custom gameplay, duplicate the script and make such changes to the copy. You can then add your new script to the UFPS player instead.