I keep trying but I have recipe null :(
AC.KickStarter.runtimeInventory.CraftingInvCollection.InvItems.Add(_itemSelected); AC.KickStarter.runtimeInventory.CraftingInvCollection.InvItems.Add(_itemSelectedToCombine);
AC.Recipe recipe = …
Adventure Creator: v1.73.8
Unity: 2021.1.11f1c1
I have the TextMeshProIsPresent in Scripting define symbol
Text Mesh is working with AC perfect in my project but I have only a AC warning just in this label (and other subtitles prefab relate with Su…
It work amazing Chris thanks. I just used this script for the reflex of the floor *and look great!, but If I want a mirror, for example in the wall I need the oposit animation, if the player is from the back I need reflex the front sprite... (I try …
For now I just comment some lines in the Input system integration and it work, but i know that is not the correct solution
in Custom_MousePosition
return Vector2.zero;
//return Mouse.current.position.ReadValue();
I made this and worked... because I use tap (With lean touch thirdparty component) to interact so if I use drag and drop in the inventory I need button up.
if (KickStarter.runtimeInventory.SelectedItem != null && !isSelected) { …
I'm a little embarrassed to ask again. It worked very well to activate the hotspot, but when I use an item it does not work with the hotspot and customscript.
If you are in context sensitive this works.
I try to do this but always I get null, Thank…