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  • Just to clarify and add a bit more. Yes, Steam automatically updates the same file every time you update. The player won't have extra files after every update. The same files just get overwritten. But Steam doesn't automatically break up your game …
  • Hello, I highly recommend using the Unity Addressables system. It's basically the updated version for bundles. Bundles break down your games assets into smaller chunks. If you only see a handful of files and 1 really large file after exporting your…
  • It seems using "public class References : ScriptableObject" is a bit different than using "MonoBehaviour". I don't believe an "On Awake" can be called in a ScriptableObject, "private void OnEnable()" can. &qu…
  • Managed to get the number down to 700ish, but it's barely noticeable during the initial load. AC is working fine. Apparently, the video/graphics menu was causing long initial loading times. Probably had something to do with the texture rendering dif…
  • Solution: The information below are tips that may, or may not be necessary. This is what works for me. This has been tested on Steam, using Addressables. This works for spawned sound effects, Addressables, non-Addressables and audio sources located …
  • Yes. Normally, if I added the prefab directly to the scene with the AC sound component, it would work. But it doesn't work because it's pulled in from a project folder (from a footstep for example). Upon loading a scene, if there is an audio mixer …
  • It works now, in Unity. I will test it, and give an update once I get everything on Steamworks. uint appID_u = (uint) appID); <- This line needed a " ( ". I added it here, and removed the space. Is this correct? -> uint appID_u = …
  • Hello. The error for Line 22 was resolved with your edit. Also added a " ( " to (appID);. The Line 21 error moved down to Line 22. ActionCheckDLC.cs(22,43): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'int' to 'uint' Line 22 = AppId_t…
  • AC Version: 1.74.2 Unity Version: 2019.4.18f1 SteamworksNet: 15.0.1 Hello. I tried adding the above script to my build, but I am receiving a couple errors in the console. ActionCheckDLC.cs(21,43): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'int…
  • Seems to be possible to add all scenes to the Build Player, then gather text. After the text is gathered, generated text ID seems to carry over to Addressables even after removing the scenes from the Build Player. I'll perform another "Default …
  • Modified fix for the audio issue. Tags: Audio Mixer Groups, Addressables Reference: If you're having issues adjusting your audio volume (while using audio mixers) at runtime after buildin…
  • For the most part, this is an update. Still trying to figure this out. From what I've read, this Audio Mixer issue has been around for a while with other Unity users. If an Audio Mixer is called in the Build Settings and as an Addressable, it creat…
  • Also, the Audio Mixer is Addressable. My first build, I added all dependencies to the Addressable System. I tried adding them to Resources and to the actual Build Settings too. Didn't seem to take. The mixers are attached to prefab audio source obje…
  • Have you tried changing the Timeline game object (directorTimeline2) to Hold? Maybe you could drag the NPC into the Timeline again (2 of the same NPC in the Timeline), hit record, then rotate the character manually. Or, after rotating, right click…
  • I changed an actionlist which fixed the Loading issue I was having. Everything seems to load fine now. I'm actually using AC's Scene: Switch Action to load each Scene. Seems to be working properly. I was searching for Addressable scripts because I w…
  • Just to clarify, AC works fine when using the normal Unity build system, but when switching to the Addressable System, things get crazy. I'm pretty sure it's an Addressable dependency issue. I have one build in the build settings, which transfers t…
  • Here's one I found from the Unity Youtube Channel. Doesn't seem to do what I need though. It loads a Scene, a Prefab and a Sprite. using UnityEngine;using UnityEngine.UI;using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Async…
  • An easy way to pause audio in the Timeline is to create a Signal Track in the Timeline. First, add a Game Object to the scene and configure it to use Adventure Creator's audio (Use a mixer or the AC audio component). Once you have that Game Object …
  • There it is! In a way. The issue was the multiple speech tracks for the same character, but instead of coming from the same Timeline, it was coming from the previous Timeline. You were correct in the above and I received the same reaction after rem…
  • The First Timeline Speech track starts at frame 399. After choosing the Conversation option, The Second Timeline Speech track starts at 272. Only my animations and Camera tracks start on the first frame (I understand adding certain tracks to frame 1…

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