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  • Ah okay thanks. Just for curiosity's sake, can I ask why the mention of setting the script to a negative value in the Script Execution Order? I tested it out previously and it seemed to have to worked just fine normally. What issues does it cause n…
  • What does it mean by: "Set the script's Script Execution Order to a negative value"? Also, I'm not sure I understand the negate function. If the hotspot would only be active on the cameras I want, why would I need to negate it?
  • (Quote) Nope. It was created completely independent of AC. (Quote) Disabling any component of that UI be it the parent or the child results in this happening. All that is in the UI chain are UI components. No cameras, etc. (Quote) That's the thing…
  • When this issue ocurrs, AC status is Current Game State: Cutscene and Gameplay is Blocked. When the Dialogue System is active, the Game State changes to DialogueOptions. Whenever the Action List system is switching Camera though, it's Cutscene as we…
  • Nope, the only asset systems I'm using are AC and Dialogue System. For the most part, it seems most events in the Action List related to the Dialogue System triggering aren't firing. It's like they're being skipped over while some parts of the acti…
  • (Quote) Yep. (Quote) Yes, each scene has a Cutscene loaded in the GameEngine GameObject > Scene Settings Script > Cutscene On Start. However, separate Action Lists after the start of the new scene are not properly activating either. It seems …
  • There we go. Now it works. (Though I just noticed the accidental 2 I put in the script and corrected that on my end). Thanks a lot. However, is there a reason why this doesn't work? public bool MGActive;public void Awake(){ MGActive = AC.Gl…
  • I just tried this and the issue is that you have to put this on the overall canvas container first, which, while not an issue now would be a problem later. I didn't try the first method since, due to weird issues I've had for another reason, I'm avo…
  • I put that code in MainCamera.cs, but nothing seems to have changed. Glitch still occurs on that camera.
  • Yes, please do. I haven't touched the camera, but it started happening again. Seems to be a glitch with the system. Also, this is the third time I've made this post and it keeps glitching out existence when I put the code here in case that might be…
  • Okay, well this was dumb... I removed the script from Camera A while I worked for a bit. Then I reattached it again with the exact same configuration to test it again and now... It works... For some reason. I even went back a version in my collab a…
  • Just checked the Status Window and everything checks out. It's on the right camera, it's just not running that same camera's code, which makes no sense. Upon closer look at the checks I made in the console on Update, it seems like for like a very sm…
  • Ah thanks that works really well. However, I'm running into an issue that I'll try to explain the best I can. This script is essentially made so that when the Player Right-Clicks, they go back to a previous area/camera. I had tried automating it th…
  • Interesting. I was having issues with the Return to last Gameplay function when I was testing it earlier and I didn't see it in your manual, so I assumed that wasn't what it did and stopped using it. Just tried it again with an Action Input I setup …
  • Okay so one last issue with this feature and then we'll hopefully be done with it. I'm making my game for HTML5/WebGL. Just tested some builds and found a weird issue. The first time I'll hover over an inventory item, the menu will be misaligned, bu…
  • Looks like making empty Use ActionLists works like a charm. Hoping that's the end of this issue. Thanks a lot!
  • Hey Chris, Thanks a lot. Got the hover feature working now. I actually found a different way to centre the menu by making a Vector2D variable and defining its x & y as screen.width & screen.height divided by 2. Seems to work, even without t…
  • Okay so, unfortunately I didn't get this feature done in time for my showcase, but I've re-appraoched this feature since and while I got it to kinda work, it has a few bugs. 1. The Panel from the tutorial appears around where the mouse hovers over …
  • Alright, I added another File Name property and this worked. However, the way your code is written, the debug.log reads out "Hovering over Book7; Blurb = An Anatomy book by someone, Sprite:" again, ignoring the new variable. This time, I a…
  • Okay, I tried your method and put the script on the GameEngine as the Kickstarter property recommended (Can you please explain the Kickstarter call to me, I don't understand) and added a new Inventory Property. It worked. At the moment it just says…
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