I found the key option in this case is that I have set Directly navigate menu during conversation in the menu manager. Is there a default action I can toggle this value? Or can I use a custom script to control this option?
I found my mistake:
I was suppose to set the objective state by KickStarter.runtimeObjectives.SetObjectiveState(21,1);
but I wrongly used
KickStarter.runtimeObjectives.GetObjective(21).CurrentState.stateType == ObjectiveStateType.Complete
I tried adding that to the beginning of Run() but it doesn't work:
public override float Run() { runtimeSpriteFader = KickStarter.player.spriteChild.GetComponent<SpriteFader>(); if (runtimeSpriteFader == null) …
I would like to confirm something when using "Allow player switching":
* When a player go to the next scene, would the same animator controller retain if the player's sprite animator controller is changed from the default animator control…
One more information is that, when I click on the error in the console, it points to the "GameEngine" object of AC.
Also in the scenes, I have the switch player action in the OnStart actionlist.
I am trying to use a hybrid of option 1 & 2: "Allow play switching" + make prefab variants if the scene's player has a too specialized component to be tuned in an actionlist.
Since I have to assign the Cinemachine to follow the player…
Oh yes, the errors are different. When set to "Do Not Allow", the error is:
ArgumentException: Gameobject is not a root in a scene
UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene (UnityEngine.GameObject go, UnityEngine.Scen…
In additional the to error in the previous post, if I do not allow Player Switching, the player objects except the last one would disappear on scene start, so the assigned myNewPlayer would become null.
I have tried usingAC.KickStarter.player = myNewPlayer; but I run into a problem. It happens both with or without Player Switching allowed:
What I did is:
* Use the code:
public AC.player myNewPlayer;
public void AssignPlayer() {
Sorry for multiple posts, but to elaborate the question in the previous post, I mean would switching the game objects active and inactive at OnCompleteScenePreload, OnAwaitSceneActivation, OnInitialiseScene, or OnAfterChangeScene, etc. be fast enoug…
Thank you for the ideas. Option 1 seems to be more convenient for me. May I ask would there be a limit or performance concern for a large number of player prefabs in the Character Settings?
It turned out I got it working with a weird combination. I used the default Unity Input System UI Input Module as you suggested. But I also need the Optional Mouse Input Module attached but inactive. I have no idea why it has to be there, but I can …
Yes. It worked when using the old system. If I set Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Active Input Handling to Both, it would still work. But it is not a long term solution, and difficult to support various controllers.