ok ! that worked!
I have a timeline in one scene, just one animation that i have the timeline during a conversation, but for some reason when the scene loads the character is doing that drinking animation, instead of his usual idle animation. any i…
I was messing around with this general idea, but i noticed that when i was running the game on one window AND had youtube on another the performance dropped significantly, what would you suggest as a way to optimize a game? or are there ways to chec…
OOOOOH also! the hotspot on the buildings is stuck at the top portion of the building, where id like it to be more centered? ive adjusted where the hot spot box is but its still only showing near the top?
Hello again ! Another question, i am making a demo game and i want my character to refuse to go into any of the buildings before going to the tavern first, is the easiest way to do this, to make a variable and then have each action list on every bui…
i just updated to the most recent version, my version was a bit older. in you wanted a cutscene to go thru different locations, would that be possible on one timeline event? or how would you set that up?
like if a character goes from one room, thro…
I have used the cut scene for ON LOAD when coming back to the 1st scene from the second, and in that action list, i have a scene switch action at the very end, everything in the OnLoad cutscene/action list works but it doesnt change scenes at the en…
ok i have added the activation track, but the particles ( steam ) did not activate, i have a "active" activation clip on the time line activation track, and the steam as the track object but nothing seems to work as of yet.