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  • @ChrisIceBox What do you suggest to be done if one would like the player to also animate when he steps the zone and trigggers the Raven's Flight?
  • Thanks @ChrisIceBox It is working now. I used Sprites Unity Complex and the animation is triggered when the player hits the zone of the Trigger Object. The animation was playing in a loop, so i ve added a transition from RavenFly to a new state Rave…
  • Hi @Guran I am having the same problem. I've already started a discussion about it named Player Trigger Animation Hope we can figure it out as soon as possible. PEACE
  • Ok! I apologize for the inconvenience. Won´t happen again. Here is screenshot of what I've done. (Image) Thanks!!
  • @ChrisIceBox Could you help me? i am having problems setting objects to animate.
  • Thank You Very Much @Harkenin I do get it how one can assemble various animation and defining them to different states from the Sprite Sheet using the Animation and Animator tabs. But still I wasn't able to make it work when I run the Scene. Obje…

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