@myq sorry for the late reply. Using AC's subtitles is the expected behaviour, you'll have to tinker with the code to use something different. You also have to set up a separate menu for choices and assign it to the ACInkIntegrationScript attached t…
Updated this again to work with the latest version of AC v1.74.5. This was a large overhaul and now uses the various static methods in AC's Actions to create an Action List.
Assuming you have 'EXTERNAL getValue(a)' at the top of your ink file, put an empty function declaration below that:
== function getValue(a) == ~ return true
That should really be in the readme shouldn't it?
getValue and #set are for AC var…
Thanks @ChrisIceBox!
@thatguynm, sorry about that, I was aware the latest release broke the integration, it is in need of updating so I should probably get right on that!
The package gives you a new action called Ink Script which is under Third Party, use that instead of AC's normal dialogue action as per the readme on git. If you're new to AC you might want to stick with vanilla AC for a bit, at least until you have…
Yeah, I have it in a function:
bool TestSteamAchievment(string ID)
bool unlockTest = false;
SteamUserStats.GetAchievement(ID, out unlockTest);
return unlockTest;
So I can just test lik…
You can use:
bool unlockTest = false;SteamUserStats.GetAchievement(ID, out unlockTest);
unlockTest will be true or false depending on if it's been achieved or not.
This dump is in order of execution, with the last thing to happen at the top. So the last action list is ActionCharAnim, looking at line 116 it is giving you the warning above, and the reason is because the runtimeAnimChar is null.
I'm not sure what information you have, but here's a hacky way to get started from no information.
This gets a list of all active speech, then gets all the menus assigned to that speech, and then the character that is speaking from the speech objec…
I've started development of my next game so I've started adding features and squashing bugs to this package.
You can now add/remove inventory items, switch cameras and change scenes. You can also query if the player has a particular item in their i…
Have a look in your Menu's for what displays dialogue. Ideally you would create a separate menu for either this NPC or background lines, and set the 'For speakers of type' and "For speech of type' fields suitably.
Also! For your action list, …
Now I check for input using the following:
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
int mask = LayerMask.GetMask("Phone");
RaycastHit2D[] hits = Physics2D.RaycastAll(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoin…
I don't actively do a check, the individual buttons have a collider and a script with the OnMouseDown (as above).
I've reverted the phone buttons back to BoxCollider2D to demonstrate it not working.
First I show where…