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  • The var you're trying to test on your screenshot seems to be a string. That's why you can't choose less than/more than. Global/local should not change anything about that.
  • Did you select the player prefab in the settings in the game editor?
  • Yes but not the video tutorial which I started with. And the tutorial you linked doesn't explain why you would need a rigidbody or not. The information exists but it's not super clear.
  • Had the same problem. It's explained in the manual there : in the 3.1 section. You have to add a rigidbody 2D component and a 2D collider to your Player/NPC. I think there should be a small tutorial…
  • yes it's a 2D game. I didn't know about this option and I don't really know what it's for. I tried to set it to 1 but it's not better.
  • Reported the same problem here : Mine is on 2D mode but in the end I think it's the same. So if you have hints on how to solve this Chris, you would make both of us happ…
  • Good thinking. I personaly include my player prefab in every scene because when you want to change something on it in one scene it might cause inventory troubles between scenes if you include the player prefab in one scene but not the others as I d…
  • Thanks for sharing this script @deroesi and everyone for all the ideas. I firstly tried to use normal maps or just the "sprite-diffuse" material on sprites to have dynamic lights as it sounded awesome and as I didn't know these technics. B…
  • Maybe what happened to me will help. I had something quite similar. When I was switching from my first scene to other scenes my inventory items were disappearing. As it was happening just between first scene to others and not between others, I wond…
  • Ok, after these different tries, I went back to normal and now I don't know why but it works even if I still get the same error message...
  • I tried with the 2D demo game, just duplicating the scene and adding a hotspot to change scene, and made the same loading screen. It worked. I noticed that the difference is that I have music playing accross scenes. So I tried disabling the "p…
  • Also tried it already. Had the same issue.
  • Ok, for my use it would be enough. It's just I liked the idea of having more control on the double click interaction. Maybe just add a "skip action list" option too when double click set to "instant interact" if you can. Because …
  • When you say "instant interact" you mean it would skip (if I understand skipping cutscene in the manual, it goes through the action list doing everything instantly) the action list affected to the "use interaction"? If so I think…
  • I'm also interested in this feature. I also would like to make my character change scene instantly on double click. I'm ok with what surfinsocks just proposed, having a double click interaction on each hotspot. Would give the possibility to make th…
  • Ok; I just have to blame myself... thought I did it but no I forgot. So after assigning a plyer prefab in the game settings everything is ok:)
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