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  • @ChrisIceBox I want to have multiple variables saved as options-linked, including preferences that affect performance and should be device-specific. However, there are two variables that I need to have access to before the profile is loaded, so that…
  • (Quote) I understand what you're saying now. No we don't overwrite any variables with stuff from steam. At least not with Steam Auto-Cloud. It overwrites entire files, not individual lines within files.
  • @ChrisIceBox (Quote) By "Global Variables" I meant from AC. (Quote) I'm not actually using the Steam Cloud API to sync the files; I'm using Steam Auto-Cloud. Steam Auto-Cloud allows you to identify multiple file extensions from different…
  • By the way, when I mentioned an issue with Steam Auto-cloud, I meant that if you link the variables to the Options data and use the Profile Name when listing the profiles, neither of that data is saved in the folder where the Global variables are sa…
  • @ChrisIceBox So, what I have is that a bunch of different UI objects (specifically chat messages in a simulated desktop experience) are parented under a single game object (the conversation box that holds the chat messages), which has the "Vert…
  • I'm trying to achieve a similar thing, but the only problem with what I'm doing is that an issue arises when you try to use Steam Auto-Cloud. I need only two specific variables from the options data to be saved in the same location as the global var…
  • @ChrisIceBox The parent is not a spawned object. But the parent doesn't start as active in the hierarchy. Does the parent need to be active in the hierarchy in order for it to parent it correctly? Actually, I just checked right now, and it's becaus…
  • Thank you @ChrisIceBox . My game is now spawning all the MessageObjects, but it's not saving its parentage, even though its direct parent has a constantID. The scene loads with their parent not active in the hierarchy, though. Would that have anyth…
  • What are all of AC's requirements @ChrisIceBox ? What's the naming convention and the other requirements?
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