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Visual Novel style

I'm making a game in Visual Novel style, and I have a few questions. First of all, I will present here my setup to better visualize.
unity_scene_01 - intro - it plays the movie - it works perfectly
unity_scene_02 - MainMenu - there I have default AC menu /new game/load etc/
unity_scene_03 - it is the first scene of my game - inside it, I have let's say 10 background images, each of one present one scene from my game + dialogues, 10 cameras connected to each image, few global variables: money, points.
unity_scene_04/05/06 etc - looks the same as 03

And now questions:
1) I have a problem with save system, I want to save my game when a player wants it - I have read that in AC saving on the Dialogues is impossible, only with PixelCrushers addon ( I have it), there is a tutorial says how to connect AC with PC, also info about bridges etc - all I think is done right, but still - I can't save during dialogues.
2) how to setup OnLoad - now after load (after dialogues) all my GUI is off, ESC only works
3) my action is correct? - OnStart "Cutscene" - dialogue 01/02 - switch camera to CAM_02 -> dialogue 01/02/03, some Var+,  switch camera to CAM_03 -> dialogue 01/02 - switch scene to Unity_Scene_04 and OnStart same setup.
If anyone can help me with that I will be very grateful, says what and where to click. I have read a lot of tutorials here but when more I read that dumber I'm.
Thank You


  • Welcome to the community, @NeoX.

    What are your AC and Unity version numbers?

    1) By "Dialogues", do you mean when an AC Conversation's dialogue options are displayed on-screen.  This is becoming possible via the new Allow regular gameplay during Conversations? option under the Settings Manager's list of Interface settings.

    When enabled, AC will treat the game state during Conversations as that during normal gameplay, i.e. Hotspots are selectable, saving is possible, etc.  It does, therefore, mean that you need to actively prevent Hotspot interactions etc during this time by having your Conversation menu run ActionLists when it turns on and off, in order to run the Engine: Manage systems Action.

    An issue does currently exist whereby the active Conversation does not close when loading a save game made when not one was not active, but I'll be addressing this as part of the upcoming update.

    So far as integrating AC with Dialogue System, that is maintained by the latter asset's developer, @PixelCrushers - so he'll be the one to clarify.

    2) OnLoad will be called when the scene is loaded outside of natural gameplay (i.e. loading a save game), but it's rare that you'd need it to correct Menus.

    Please elaborate on what you mean by "ESC only works".  Do subtitles not display when they should, etc?  Also, what is the general state of your UI?  Are you relying on the default AC interface - if not, how does it differ?  Are you locking any of your Menus?  Any screenshots you can provide that illustrate the issue will help with the diagnosis.

    Please also try temporarily setting your Menu Manager's asset file to Default_MenuManager, and try a new save/load - does the issue remain even then?

    3) That sounds correct.  ActionLists will not carry over upon changing the scene, so you do need to begin a new one via your OnStart Cutscene each time.  You can, however, use the Scene: Check Action to determine the previous scene, which can cut down on the number of variables needed to keep track of things.
  • Hi, thx for answers.
    Unity - 2018.2.2f1
    AC - 1.64.5
    Lets focus on question "1"
    By "Dialogues" I mean text on screen ex Adam - Hi!, / Eva - wasssap / etc
    I have made very simple scene, screens below
    There you have my template, options, and how it looks ...
    Here still - there is no save option when it is in PLAY mode, only after my cutscene is end - then in menu is save option.

  • Hi @NeoX

    To save the state of the active Dialogue System for Unity conversation, add a Conversation State Saver component to your Dialogue Manager.

    Make sure you've also added a Remember Dialogue System component to AC's PersistentEngine as described here. This is what ties the Dialogue System into AC's save system.
  • In AC terminology, a Conversation refers to the moment a Conversation logic object has its options displayed on-screen.  This is not the same as the Subtitles, or the moment that a character speaks.

    When your game is mid-way through a gameplay-blocking ActionList, the game cannot be saved: see the Manual's "Saving and loading overview" for the conditions under which saving is possible.

    For saving mid-speech, you will need to rely on Dialogue System.
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