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Missing apostrophes

Hi Chris. For some reason, some of the text I am entering into the play speech is lacking apostrophes and some punctuation marks. For the dialogue, I am using your script that enables the use of TMP through normal dialogue play speech actions.

The marks appear during use in a plain scene, but not during gameplay in game scenes. Are there any scene settings that might disable certain punctuation?


  • The marks appear during use in a plain scene, but not during gameplay in game scenes.

    As in, a scene that uses TMPro (and the same font) but not AC displays correctly? Which characters exactly are being removed?

    AC will evaluate speech text for tags (e.g. [wait:X]) and rich text tokens (e.g. ), but regular punctuation shouldn't be affected.

    I can't recreate such behaviour, but this evaluation occurs in Speech.cs from lines 237-240 (in the current release, v1.69.1). Try replacing it with the following:

    if (Application.isPlaying)
        Debug.Log ("A: " + _message);
        _message = FindSpeakerTag (_message, realName);
        Debug.Log ("B: " + _message);
        _message = DetermineGaps (_message);
        Debug.Log ("C: " + _message);
        log.textWithRichTextTags = _message;
        _message = DetermineRichTextTags (_message, KickStarter.dialog.richTextTags);
        Debug.Log ("D: " + _message);

    This will display the message in the Console after each evaluation stage. At what point (if any) does the text have characters removed?

  • These are the lines as they should be in the text.

    And these are the lines that show up on the screen. For some reason, the apostrophy does not appear. The only character that I can tell is being removed is apostrophes. This works in one sample scene, but not the alleyway scene.

  • This works in one sample scene, but not the alleyway scene.

    Again though, the difference between these two being what?

    The debug logs don't show anything wrong, and the screenshot shows that the gap for the apostrophe is still there, so it looks more like a rendering issue. I can't rule out this being an issue with TMPro or your font. Bear in mind that there can be two types of apostrophe: ’ and ' - do both types disappear?

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