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Unitychan model cannot move by point-and-click

I'm beginner. At first,
I verified navmesh (just plane object) using unity navigation with simple cube as player.
(I tried mesh collider, it was same behavior)
I put cube as player on plane and the cube can move by point and click.
But instead of cube, I remove cube from scene, I put unitychan as player in setting.
unitychan model version is (1.2.1) , it cannot move.

My procedure is following.
I imported unitychan model and put the unitychan fbx model (not prefab) into scene.
I used character wizard to add several components to unitychan object.
Then I dragged the unitychan in scene to asset window to convert original prefab.
I put the created prefab as player in setting. Then i played.
I pointed and clicked, the model looked at the pointed position, but did not move to the position.


  • Welcome to the community, @hotpeperoncino.

    Is Apply root motion checked on the Animator component? This should be left unchecked unless the animations actually use them, and are correctly set up to play when the character moves.

    Otherwise, please share images of your Player's Inspector - I can only guess the issue without seeing them.

  • Thank you for your support!. i uncheck Apply root motion then it works well.
    I understand there is some conditional relation between "apply root motion"and "character animation setup" and "point and click behavior".
    Sorry i didnot attach player's inspector snapshot.

  • If "Apply Root Motion" is checked, then AC will assume that the animations that the character uses (i.e. walk/run) rely on root motion. This means that - instead of the character's position being changed through script - the character is moved purely by animation playback. That is, if the walk animation plays, the character automatically moves forward.

    AC can still work fine with root motion - it just needs to be set up with animations. The "Move speed float" parameter must be listed in the character's Inspector, and also used in the Animator transitions so that a positive value causes the walk animation to play. When AC instructs the character to move, the "Move speed float" value will increase. If root motion is used, however, it'll be up to the animation playback to make him physically move - so your Animator's "Move speed" float parameter will have to then cause the walk animation to start playing.

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