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Multiple navemesh problem

edited May 2019 in Technical Q&A

Ive got couple navemesh and player are moving around them (just using hotspots and gameobject.transform.position into mesh area). I want also disable smaller and enable bigger navemesh that player is currently in, to expand its range. For now everything its working fine, but suddently only 2 navemesh working fine and the other 3 not respond (I moving the player inside it and he cannot walk anymore). Also i find out whenever Ive change my Scene (for example to menu) and then come back to my game I cannot use anny triggers/ character doesnt move/ inventory dont work. I try to create ActionList that fire and turn on the engine features but it isnt work

EDIT: Im a moron and forget that i need to make an action script whenever I change nave script. But im still struggling with changing scene issue


  • You'll need to share more detail. How are you changing scene, and does the new scene feature a GameEngine prefab (i.e. it's an "AC scene")?

    Scene switching should generally be handled with the Scene: Switch Action, but you can also do it through script:

    SceneInfo sceneInfo = new SceneInfo ("MySceneName");
    KickStarter.sceneChanger.ChangeScene (sceneInfo, true);

    (Note that when switching AC scene through script, you need to use the above instead of Unity's own OpenScene method)

    If you're trying to disable AC in the other scene, try making it an "AC scene" by organising scene objects in the Scene Manager, and then disabling any system you don't want with the Engine: Manage systems Action.

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