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Camera shifting on switch scene

Hi Guys,

Sorry to bother but I have a problem with a camera shift every time I switch scenes.

It's something simple but i can't figure out why - I did search the forums but I couldn't find anything

I get gaps in the top right section of the screen every time I switch scene

you can see where my cursor moves over the gap.

It only happens when I switch scene (I suppose there's some setting i've neglected)

Thanks in advance


  • edited April 2019

    Does it happen with every scene, or just one in particular? Does this occur in Builds too, or just the Editor?

    Other than your GameCameras and your MainCamera, does your scene contain any other Camera components?

    Is that MainCamera screenshot taken in the new scene? Let's see a screenshot of it in the old scene, to compare with.

    Please state your AC and Unity version numbers, and the platform you're working on. Let's also see a screenshot of your Settings Manager's "Camera settings" panel.

  • HI Chris, thanks for the reply.

    It occurs in builds and editors, the scene doesn't have any other camera elements that I can find. It's only occurs when the scene switches, never when I just test the individual scene. Also, it doesn't occur when I have aspect ratio ticked

    AC 1.67.3
    Unity 2018.2.18f1

    first scene

    switch to second scene

    It's probably something simple that I haven't done.
    I also tried setting up a second camera and switching to it OnSceneStart, same thing occurs


  • Create a .unitypackage of your game's Managers, both scenes, the background graphics, and the ActionList used to switch the scene - and PM it to me so that I can take a look.

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