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Changing Player Speed on entering Scene with Sprites Unity Complex

Hello everybody,
I just moved from Sprites Unity to Sprites Unity Complex for my 2D Adventure Game.
Unity 2018.3.6f1

With regular Sprites Unity on my actions list "OnStartScene" I had set different walking/running speed. Because I want my player to have different speed according to the scene (for example on a very wide Scene I like it to move fast, while for example on a scene that is almost frontal, therefore moving in "depth", I'd like it slow).

Anyway, everything was easy with Sprites Unity, just setting walk/run speed on "Character - Animate/SetStandard".
But now that I switched to Sprites Unity Complex, I don't have anymore the walk/run parameters, but I can either "change the name" of the parameter or, if I choose "Change Parameter Value", I can write "Speed" on "Parameter to affect" and "Set (float) value" followed by a number. But this is not changing the walking/running speed of my character...

How does it work?
How can I change the walking/running speed scale of my player on starting a scene?

Thanks a lot!


  • edited March 2019

    You can do it through script:

    AC.KickStarter.player.walkSpeedScale = 10f;

    However, I'll add the ability to do this with the Character: Animate Action in the next release.

  • Awesome, thanks!

  • One more thing that is somehow related with the size of the scene is the subtitles position when "Above Speaking Character".
    All work good in a "normal" scale, but when my characters are getting very small (for example on a wide area or when going further away), the subtitles are covering them and not being on top.
    Of course I've set the position to be "Above Speaking Character", then I've an X value of 50 (to be centered) and a Y set at 55 (that position the subtitles perfectly when the sprite is about 80-100% of its scale, but starts to cover it when at 50% or below).
    Am I forced to move to UnityUI for the subtitles and write a script that change the Y position according to the scale of my character (if so, how?)? Or is there a way to handle that within AC?
    Thanks a lot!

  • You should generally use Unity UI for your menu display, as it gives you much more control over its appearance.

    You may be able to improve things, however, with the alignement of your Label element / Text within the Label element. The Menu's position will be centered to above the character, but if the text itself is aligned to the top half of the Menu, it shouldn't cover the character.

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