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Help on warning message

Good day!

Running an action list located in a scene (let's call it "Foo", I have an "ActionList:Run" that runs (and awaits) an action list defined as an asset (let's call it "Bar"), it returns without any warnings. Later in Foo I have another "ActionList:Run" that runs Bar again, annd when executed AC gives the the following warning:

"Ended asset Bar, but ActiveList data is retained."

Later Foo calls Bar a second time and the same warning is displayed. Later still, Foo calls Bar many more times and no warning are displayed.

Could you please elaborate on this, should I be doing something differently?



  • It means that data about the ActionList asset is still being stored. This could be because it's involved with a Conversation override, or is part of the skip queue - likely the latter.

    Try unchecking Can be skipped? in the asset's properties - does that remove the message?

  • edited February 2019

    Unchecking "Is skippable?" made it go away, thanks!

    I found a bug while doing this: When changing properties on an action list asset such as "Is skippable" and "When running" in the editor, the asset file isn't registered as updated on disk. I had to modify the actual content of the asset list to get Git to notice that anything had changed.

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