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Physics Tutorial

I've looked at the project source but can't seem to understand so I'm wondering if there's a tutorial for the new physics? 


  • I'll continue to add these, but here's the first
  • Thank, Chris but I'll wait for the other tutorials as I can't seem to grasp how it's actually working and where to place things etc, especially for a simple cube that I need to simply drag in a straight line to a certain point. It seems simple but I just can't grasp it :(
  • For sure.  In the meantime, look at the drawers in the new Physics demo - they're a perfect example of what can be done with a Straight Track.
  • Thanks Chris, I have done. In my little test I have a cube which can be slid in a straight line over a solid surface. However, it seems to catapult all over the screen or sink into the ground or vibrate :/
  • Brilliant! Thanks, Chris. I'll have a bash at these. Much appreciated my friend :)
  • damn, I wasn't able to do the door tutorial. Everything works fine, the door is shown "on the floor" in the scene and correctly when I click on play, but no matter what, when I click on it or try to drag it nothing happens. Anyone kind enough to upload a very simple scene with a door opening like in the tutorial? =(
  • I found I needed to add a mesh collider to my object or else it wouldn't budge. I was using my own 3D model so I used a custom mesh but I'm sure a mesh cube collider would do.
  • edited October 2014
    Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately I had already put a box collider on the door. I even randomly tried to put the collider not on the child but one step above, but it says "Ignore collision failed. Both colliders need to be activated when calling this IgnoreCollision". Not sure what it means, but I doubt I had to put it there anyway, I was just trying random stuff haha.

    I suspect there's something wrong with the click area, maybe, but I'm lost :(. Don't know how many times I tried to re-read it. If you or someone would be so kind to send me and empty scene with just the working door (just put any mesh, even a plane, even if it's not a door ) it would be a huge help. PM me for email address...
  • Check the raycasting ray length settings in the Settings Manager. I found if the physics one was too short it then touch physics stopped working.
  • Thanks, but I also have other stuff with physics that it's working, so I'm not sure. I even tried to put on AC's "blue collider" instead of a mesh\box one but no luck. I was thinking that, even without sending me stuff, maybe the problem is about the position of the objects... If someone could wrote me the transform positions of their door - child of the door (door mesh) and Hinge I could try to paste them and see if it works.
  • I don't use a door as such myself. I have a set of rotating objects all with the same transforms
    (0, 200, 0) but the tracks are lined up down the z axis by just over 1 unit each. The tracks makes them line up to have actual depth.

    I have them at 200 in Y because they sit way out of my scene so I can camera switch to them as a 'cut-away' without switching to another scene.

    Did you nevertheless try to alter the physics raycasting?

  • edited October 2014
    first of all, thanks a lot for your patient help....
    It seems that I finally managed to get it work: the problem is that the only thing I did was, well, re-starting everything from scratch, I put a Door on 0-0-0 so that it was easier to follow, and started from there. After I finished, it wasn't working but I added the box collider and finally it did! I'm really not sure why in the world it wasn't working before... *sigh*. Feels like I wasted everyone's time.
    One key thing to notice is that if you don't add a collider to the door, it won't work. I understand that it might have sound obvious, but still... should be made clear in the tutorial
  • Yea I also found the tutorial missed that bit out. I totally wracked my brain on it until I decided to stick the mesh collider on and - voila.
  • My mistake - tutorial updated with the need for a Collider.

    Expect some improvements to Draggables - particular with Hinges - in 1.40.
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