Hi everyone,
I'm trying to make a first-person adventure game where one of the main draws is being able to interact with computers in the game world in a similar way to how they do it in Fallout 3 and 4. I want to be able to zoom into the computer screen and play retry style games on the in-game computer. Here is a gif of where I've gotten to.

I've managed to use the scene load command to load in a game from another scene. It is output to a render texture and displayed on the model. However,
I can't seem to get the level to unload when I want to quit out of it. Also, I can't get the camera to move into the correct position.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Scene: Add or Remove
So the scene I was using for the dungeon crawler was not an Adventure Creator scene. After converting it to one it now loads and unloads just fine!
Camera Switch
I still can't get this to do anything. In the ActonList Editor the 'Camera: Switch' component now highlights for the 5 seconds that the transition time is set to but does not move. Right now all I'm doing is setting the movement method to none and then continuing to the switch camera action.
I was getting an error message about the NavMesh, so I thought maybe I needed a navmesh for the thing to move. So I set the Pathfinding method to Unity Navigation and backed a NavMesh into the scene. It didn't' have any effect.
Could it have something to do with the kind of camera I'm using? I think I created a normal 'Game Camera' from the camera menu in AC. It has a 'game camera' script with everything locked on it. All the view and axis movements I mean.
I placed the pre-fab fist person player controler in the scene because I wanted to have a different post processing effect on the camera within the cabin. But otherwise, I'm pretty sure it's the same one I'm using everywhere else. Here are the stats laid out for the camera... More text below. Hope this helps.
And here is the Hotspot and the Action list that I have.
And here is the readout from the console, if that helps.
Ok, I have gone into the player pre-fab and set the camera to inactive. I've set the PlayC64 camera to inactive and have deleated the first person player that I had in the scene... and it works!!
"However, I suspect that you don't wish to switch back to first-person mode until after your minigame is complete"
So, Idealy, I'd like to have a system set up where the player can look around, interact with things on the courk board, interact with the tape deck ect. If there isn't an easy solution for this I'll settle for just zooming in on the screan. This is for a uni assesment and I only have a few more weeks until it is due.
Anyway, thanks a lot for helping me out. Here is the current result.
I also created a second hotspot over the screen so I could zoom into that, though when it dose the camera snaps into a specific position before going into the move. I did some experimentation and it seems that the system doesn't like moving from cameras that follow the mouse to ones that don't. As when I made all the cameras stationary, the transition was nice and smooth.
I'm using the 'Game Camera' for all of them.
What I'm doing is, when the player clicks the 'Sit Down' hotspot, it sets the movement to none, then moves the camera to the desk. It moves nice and smooth from the first person camera to the 'Game Camera' with follow the mouse enabled.
The player can then interact with the Data Deck or the C64 Monitor. If they use the screen, it seems to snap to the desks mouse look camera and then move to the other game camera.
I think that covers everything.
Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. The last couple of weeks of Uni are hectic. Anyway, your fix worked really well. The player can now look around the desk and when they click on the screen it will smoothly transition into the zoom in camera. The movement is a little wonky, but it's smooth.
Thanks a lot!