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Want to buy, but want to make sure A.C. can do what I need...

Hey, all.

I'm in the alpha stages of developing an open-world adventure game.  

Screenshots here:

I have most of my world/characters built, and I'm currently using Ootii character/camera controller, and Behavior Designer.

How easy would it be for me to "plug" my project into A.C.?  Scripting all of this from the ground up would be out of scope, personally, so I am looking for a few shortcuts...

Thanks in advance for any advice/input ya have!!!


  • Welcome to the community, @eblumrich.

    Though AC does aim to make the process of adventure game creation easier, it does require time to understand how it works and to use it.  It doesn't "plug" into an existing project easily, and your screenshots don't give much away in terms of how you would be using AC over what you have already.

    Personally, I wouldn't recommend "moving over" to AC midway through a project, especially if you're not yet familiar with it.  That said, the Unity adventure tutorial does cover the process of taking a pre-existing game (a traditional point-and-click, mind) and converting it to AC.  If you are keen to switch to AC but want to learn more about the potential process, I'd say watching that carefully is your best bet.
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