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playing movie clip before the game starts

hey guys, so i started messing about with AC recently.
Im currently trying to make a movie clip play before the game starts but i cant quite figure it out.
I've made a on load cutscene and the movie clip plays but the game is still on running on screen
is there a way to hide or pause the entire game through the action script editor?
or even trigger the cutscene before the game first loads.
thanks in advance guys :)


  • Welcome to the community, @justsomeguy.

    There's been a few ways to play back movie clips over the various Unity releases - how are you doing it?  The recommended method is to use the Engine: Play movie clip Action to control a Video Player component.

    Playing a video in itself won't block gameplay, but the Action that runs it can do.  If you check Wait until finish? in that Action, and the ActionList's When running field is set to Pause Gameplay, then gameplay will be prevented for its duration.

    In order to have the video play "over" the gameplay, you'll need to tinker with the Video Player component's settings - likely to have it play on the Main Camera's "Near Clip Plane".

    If things are still problematic after following the steps above, please share details in the form of screenshots and AC/Unity version numbers.
  • hi chris :) thank alot for the help.
    i am struggling with another problem.
    i made a new character and i assigned it to the existing nav mesh but when i set the player start to the ground and press play the charecter has a y offset.
    how do i change the root of the player start on the sprite?
  • In future, please post new questions in separate threads.

    A 2D character's "sprite child" must have a zero local position - i.e. their Position in their Transform component must be (0,0,0).  You'll get a warning about this in the Console if this is not the case, and you'll need to make the correction manually.

    If it is at this position, then you can also adjust the sprite's percieved position by adjusting the "Pivot Point" in the Import settings of the Sprite asset file itself.  This should generally be at the bottom, but may need to be raised a little so that it's between the character's feet for improved accuracy.

    If you still have trouble, please post screenshots to illustrate the issue.
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