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A standard way to know if the player is playing a custom animation

edited June 2018 in Technical Q&A
Hi. I am sorry that this may be a super simple question, but I searched the forum and manual without finding the answer. I am trying to find whether there is a standard Action or script to know if the player animator is playing a custom animation. The Charstate.custom seems not for this purpose?

I am now using a Global variable to handle this, but hoping to find a "faster" way. Thank you very much.


  • It depends on a few things.  What is your player's animation engine, and how are you triggering the custom animation, exactly?  If you can post screenshots of the relevant Player Inspector / ActionList / Animator, that will help in understanding.
  • I set the animation engine to Custom, but then I didn't put the script name into the Players' inspector. Instead I attached script to the Player game object. I did this because the animation played is not only controlled by the input, but also depends on the movement speed of the Player. I don't know how to do that by overriding the IDLE() etc. functions, so I just attached the script. This works well so far.

    For playing the custom animation, I always use the Object > Animate action. Because probably due to the way I control the animation by an attached script, the Character > Animation action is overtaken by the script (even if I make the animation engine change to Unity Sprite during GameState.Cutscene). That is also the reason I need to use a variable to ask the script to "make way" for the action. Thus I wish to know if there is a single line of code to tell the script that the Object > Animate action is playing.

    Maybe this way is not how AC is intended to be used?
  • edited July 2018
    Checking the Object: Animate Action's Wait until finish? Action will cause it to linger until the custom animation is played.  Otherwise, you can do it with script:

    bool isFinishedCurrentAnimation = AC.KickStarter.player.GetAnimator ().GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo (0).normalizedTime >= 1f);

    You haven't shared too much detail on why you're relying on a custom script for your animation, but you should be able to rely on "Sprites Unity Complex" animation - because animation playback then relies on Animator parameters as opposed to calling animations by name.

    Movement is then dictated by your own animator transitions - typically the "Move speed" float causing a Idle -> Walk transition.  However, you can also attach your own custom scripts to affect other parameters that also affect your animation playback.
  • I will try. I didn't use "Sprites Unity Complex" mainly because there are too many transitions that I think using a script is easier.
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