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Can you access the 'object to highlight' property of Hotspot via a C# script?

edited June 2018 in Technical Q&A
Hey folks,

I'm trying to create a more global solution to highlight / object flashing in my game. Basically I want everything to do it and I'd rather not have to setup ActionLists...etc on every object manually just to make them trigger highlights. It feels like it could be a more globaly assumed behaviour.

Anyway, my first question is when you setup a hotspot, you can pass it a gameObject in the 'object to highlight' field. Is this property / field accessible in a C# script? What I mean is when I do a dot access on a Hotspot object I'm not seeing anything in the list which seems to refer to that field.



  • edited June 2018
     I've managed to achieve the effect I was after using Hotspot.Select() & Hotspot.Deselect().

    I wasn't aware about the API guide!

  • Custom events are also a good way of triggering custom code when AC performs common tasks.  In this case, the OnHotspotSelect / OnHotspotDeselect events may be what you're after.

    For more, see the "Interaction scripting" and "Custom events" chapters of the Manual.
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