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Animated Cursor on Click During Gameplay

I'd like to have my circle cursor change to an "animated cursor" whenever the user clicks, then back to the circle cursor. I see how to change the cursor this with interactions on hotspots, but I'd like it to happen anywhere the user clicks on the scene. This is mainly because I'm making a touch-screen game and I'd like the user to know where they've tapped the screen.

Any suggestions on how to do this?


  • Welcome to the community, @sonicjoy.

    Cursor animations can be set to play when hovering over interactive objects, but given the complexity of the different kinds of cursor "modes", and the fact that you're using touch-screen and not a "real" cursor - this is best left to a custom script.

    Try this:

    Paste it into a new C# script named AnimateOnTouch.cs, and attach it to an Image UI component on a UI Canvas in your scene.  The script will position this image at the cursor/touch position, and animate it whenever a touch is made.

    This will be done by invoking a Trigger parameter on an Animator also attached to the Image - so you'll need to add that component, and create an Animator Controller that plays a "click" animation when the named Trigger parameter is invoked.

  • Thank you, Chris! I'm having a lot of fun making a game with Adventure Creator (and learning Unity concurrently!)
  • Does anyone have a working link to this script? The link in the post is no longer working unfortunately.

    I want to play a short animation momentarily each time the player clicks anywhere on the screen and at the click location of the cursor. For example, a small ripple will appear when clicking on water or a puff of dust when clicking on ground.

    Is there any way to achieve this with the AC engine or will I have to use a script like this? Thank you.

  • I'll paste the script below, but since the original post AC has a "Unity UI" option for cursor rendering at the top of the Cursor Manager.

    With this option, the cursor is drawn using Unity UI components, which allow it to be controlled/modified through Animations that can be set to trigger when clicking.

    See the Manual's "Unity UI Cursor rendering" chapter for more details.


    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using UnityEngine.UI;
    using AC;
    public class AnimateOnTouch : MonoBehaviour
        public Animator _animator;
        public string clickEffectTrigger = "ClickEffect";
        public string clickIconInt = "IconID";
        private RectTransform rectTransform;
        private void Awake ()
            rectTransform = _animator.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
        private void Update ()
            rectTransform.position = Input.mousePosition;
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0) && KickStarter.stateHandler.IsInGameplay ())
                Hotspot activeHotspot = KickStarter.playerInteraction.GetActiveHotspot ();
                if (activeHotspot == null)
                    // Clicked on nothing
                    Debug.Log ("Clicked on nothing");
                    PlayAnim (-1);
                else if (activeHotspot.IsSingleInteraction ())
                    // Clicked on single-use Hotspot
                    int iconID = activeHotspot.GetFirstUseIcon ();
                    Debug.Log ("Clicked " + iconID);
                    PlayAnim (iconID);
        private void PlayAnim (int ID)
            _animator.SetInteger (clickIconInt, ID);
            _animator.SetTrigger (clickEffectTrigger);
  • Thanks Chris. I don't full understand it yet but I will see if I can work it out.

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