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Help/issues with the menu system


i have several questions about the menu system :

- is it possible to set the "appear type" to manual AND key ? In my case i would like that the player could open the diary ( a custom one, not the AC feature one) at any moment. So the best way is to set appear to "key". But i also would like to open the diary within custscenes. So i should use "manual".. is it possible to have both options available ?

- when the diary is open, the player can enter some text and  i would like to run an AC at the same time ( speeches that can help the player ). So i can't pause the game when the diary is open. The only way i found to allow the player to move the mouse inside the diary and click inside is the "constrain" method ( i block left,right, up, down and change the free looking possibility). Is there a more elegant way to achieve my purpose ? ( my game is a 3d with free looking)

- i noticed that when the player have typed some text in the diary, even if the diary is closed, the game continue to record the player actions on keyboard. So the next time the player opens his diary to write something down, the diary is filled with "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzddsssssssszzzzzzzzzzzzz...". Is there a way to disable the text input when the diary is not active ?

- when the player enters a text in the diary, some other menus pop up because they re set to appear on "key" and unfortunately the text of the player contains these keys ( for example if the player type M in his text,

Appart this small issues, i really like the menu system and how flexible it is with the use of the global variables ! thanks a lot !


    • is it possible to set the "appear type" to manual AND key ?
    Whenever you need more control over when a Menu is shown, set it to Manual.  The On Input Key behaviour can be recreated by defining an Active Input that runs an ActionList, when a key is pressed, that toggles the Menu's display.  When you want to manually show it during Cutscenes, you can disable the Active Input using the Input: Toggle active Action.  For more on this, see the Manual's "Active Inputs" chapter.

    • when the diary is open, the player can enter some text and  i would like to run an AC at the same time ( speeches that can help the player ).
    Both the Player: Constrain and Engine: Manage systems Actions are available methods of disabling "regular gameplay" - which one you use depends on what you want to temporarily disable.  If by "more elegant" you mean not needing the player to click on the diary, the input box can be "selected" through scripting if your Menu is rendered with Unity UI:

    MenuInput myInput = PlayerMenus.GetElementWithName ("MyMenu", "MyInput") as MenuInput;
    GameObject myInputObject = myInput.uiInput.gameObject;
    KickStarter.playerMenus.SelectUIElement (myInputObject);

    • Is there a way to disable the text input when the diary is not active ?
    It should be automatic.  What are your AC/Unity version numbers, and let's see a screenshot of the Menu's full properties as they appear in the Menu Manager.

    • when the player enters a text in the diary, some other menus pop up because they re set to appear on "key" and unfortunately the text of the player contains these keys
    Again, you can switch to Active Inputs for full control over when/how the game responds to input key pressed.  When the diary menu turns on, you can run an ActionList that disables all the other "toggle menu" active inputs.
  • Regarding the input box still being manipulated when turned off: I've recreated the issue.  Don't worry about posting screenshots, and this should be fixed in the next release.
  • Hello Chris,

    Thanks a lot , it s very clear.
    I'm experiencing some weirds situations with  the active inputs.
    So it set up an active input for opening my diary menu and set my menu to manual.
    It's fine.
    But , if the active input is set to "normal" it s still available during cutscenes.
    If i set the active input to"cutscene", it s not working at all.

    And the "toogle active" menu for active input is mysterious, specially the "new state" button. First, i thought that i ve to tick this button to change the state of the input ( from active to passive, and passive to active). But after many trials what i get is :
    - to set from active to passive, leave the button empty
    - to set from passive to active,tick the butto

    Am i right , or i am experiencing some bugs ? Or did misunderstood a part ?

    Have a nice day !
  • The behaviour of the Input: Toggle active Action is as intended.  It's not a toggle, but a way to set an input's state explicitly.  Checking the New state box will enable it, unchecking it will disable it.

    An active input should only ever work when the Game State matches that defined in the Active Inputs window.  Are you sure it's in Cutscene mode?  You can display the current Game State value in the top-left corner by enabling the Status box at the bottom of the Settings Manager.

    Are you also sure that it is the Active Input that's triggering, and not a Menu reacting directly?  If you temporarily re-assign the input's ActionList to a new one with a single Engine: End game Action, does it quit the game during a gameplay-blocking Cutscene?  Let's see your Active Inputs list.
  • Hello,

    Thanks for your comments. It s working now. I misunderstood hthe way of "input toogle active" was working. And the game was running in "normal mode " and not "cutscene". I will dig into the manual to undestand the difference. ( the action list has been created in the _custcene folder).
  • The presence of the ActionList has no bearing of what mode it places the game in.  That's determined only by the When running field in its Inspector, which by default is set to Block Gameplay.
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