Not much in the way of major new features this time, but the focus is on small improvement and refinements.
The biggest new feature in this update is the ability to locate all references made to a given inventory item or variable, which can be useful if you want to e.g. see if it's safe to remove one.
The full changelog:
Upgrade notes- The scrolling direction of the ActionList Editor has been reversed for consistency with other windows - but can be set back in the Actions Manager
- The InventoryBox menu element's "Only show items referenced in Interactions" property is now hidden if it is not directly clicked to run interactions
Editor- Added: Ability to search for references made to individual variables and inventory items
- Added: Dialog windows to report the completion of the "Gather text" and "Reset text" operations in the Speech Manager
- Added: Usability improvements for fixing a project if the References asset file is accidentally deleted
- Changed: The scrolling direction of the ActionList Editor has been reversed for consistency with other windows - but can be set back in the Actions Manager
- Changed: The relative speeds of scrolling and panning in the ActionList Editor have been made more consistent with one another
- Changed: Console messages written by the Game Editor outside of play mode are now always shown, regardless of Debug settings
- Changed: Touch-screen settings now appear further up the Settings Manager
- Fixed: The Settings Manager's "Turning type" field not appearing if using first-person movement in conjunction with custom touch-screen input
- Fixed: "ActionList: Set parameter" Action not auto-generating Constant IDs for scene objects assigned to ActionList assets via scene-based ActionLists
- Fixed: Error when attempting to open a scene that has been deleted but still present in the Build Settings
- Fixed: Minor annoyances when wiring output sockets in the ActionList Editor window
- -Fixed: Actions Manager’s "Search all instances" button missing certain ActionList asset files
- Fixed: Compilation warnings with the Unity 2018.2 beta
Interactions- Added: Ability to use per-icon "Unhandled interactions" in "Choose Hotspot Then Interaction" mode provided "Auto-hide Interaction icons based on Hotspot?" is unchecked
- Added: Ability to define multiple tags and component names for Triggers that react to them
- Fixed: Minor interaction issues if a game has no Player character
Inventory- Added: Ability for "Hotspot Based" InventoryBox menu elements to be limited by category
- Changed: If Inventory items are combined via "Hotspot Based" InventoryBox menu elements, self-combining is permitted
- Changed: The InventoryBox menu element's "Only show items referenced in Interactions" property is now hidden if it is not directly clicked to run interactions
- Fixed: Inventory items that the player can only carry one of becoming lost if another is removed from a Container
- Fixed: ContainerItem class's GetLinkedInventoryItem method searching the player's inventory, as opposed to the original list of items in the Inventory Manager
- Fixed: Display issues with inventory menus limited by category
Menus- Added: Method to MenuDialogList to aid with retrieving Conversation option data associated with a given DialogList element slot
- Added: Ability for AC menu elements with multiple slots to show background textures per-slot, rather than per-element
- Fixed: The "OnMenuTurnOff" event firing repeatedly if a Menu's FadeOut method is called while already fading out
- Fixed: Graphic menu elements not being able to display RenderTextures when linked to Unity UI RawImage components
- Fixed: Hotspot labels showing "Walk to" prefix when hovering over Inventory items
Events- Added: OnContainerRemoveFail custom event - called whenever an Inventory item cannot be removed from a Container
- Added: OnCharacterSetPath and OnCharacterEndPath custom events - called when a character starts and stops moving along a path
- Added: OnCompleteScenePreload custom event - called once a request to preload a scene has completed
- Added: OnSetHardwareCursor event - called whenever the Hardware cursor’s texture is changed
Speech- Added: Ability to set the name of the "Speech" and "Lipsync" Resources subfolders in which speech files are automatically pulled from
- Fixed: Speech Manager's "Gather text" button missing certain ActionList asset files
- Fixed: Dialogue not ending in extremely rare circumstances
- Fixed: Minor issue with character expressions
Misc- Added: Method to the NPC script to get the character they are currently following
- Added: Ability to set the position of the simulated cursor, which is used for Keyboard Or Controller input
- Fixed: Positioning issues with Follow Sorting Map components attached to sprites with a non-zero local position
- Fixed: First-person head-bobbing not working correctly in some cases
- Fixed: Possibility of floating-point precision errors
- Fixed: Minor issues with the demo scenes
Also some scripts are missing renewed copyright years, that would be: Highlight.cs, VarPreset.cs, LocalVariable.cs, WorldSpaceCursorExample.cs, UltimateFPSIntegration.cs, tk2DIntegration.cs, Resource.cs, PlayMakerIntegration.cs, OuyaIntegration.cs, FaceFXIntegration.cs, DrawStraightLine.cs, CSVReader.cs, ClickByHoveringCursorExample.cs, SelectiveLoad.cs, RememberVisibility.cs, RememberTrigger.cs, RememberTransform.cs, RememberSound.cs, RememberShapeable.cs, RememberNPC.cs, RememberName.cs, RememberMoveable.cs, RememberMaterial.cs, RememberConversation.cs, RememberContainer.cs, RememberCollider.cs, ParticleSwitch.cs, Moveable.cs, MenuLink.cs, LimitVisibility.cs, LightSwitch.cs, Invisible.cs, AlignToCamera.cs, StaticObstacle.cs, SortingMap.cs, SortingArea.cs, PlayerStart.cs, NavMeshSegment.cs, NavigationMesh.cs, Marker.cs, _Collision.cs, Moveable_PickUp.cs... I sort of gave up at this point
Upgrade notes
- Fixed: Issues with the "Undo" feature of the ActionList Editor
Praise the sun!The 3D demo in the meantime works perfectly. Any chance this will be patched? Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks. Been a few years since I cracked this open and figured since I now have all the assets I need to make a game, I better start putting it together.
So I think it would be better if the variables settings were remembered.
I'll probably pop on the forums if I hit a brick wall in the next week or so.
Thanks again!
Char.cs has this:
public void EndPath ()
EndPath (null);
and this
public void EndPath (Paths optionalPath)
These can be simplified into
public void EndPath (Paths optionalPath=null)
Just for simpler code readability