So yeh the AC menu is totally gone from the top of unity for me (latest AC, but was happening before too), the only ac related warning I see is:
Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Menu/Menu classes/Menu.cs(602,6): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Object.DestroyObject(UnityEngine.Object)' is obsolete: `use Object.Destroy instead.'
Im presuming thats not related to it, I wonder how this could happen ? Only affects my project, a fresh one it works as expected.
Got red errors in unity too not ac related but may affect things (not sure what this means)
Unloading broken assembly Library/ScriptAssemblies/Assembly-CSharp-Editor.dll, this assembly can cause crashes in the runtime
0x00000001415173A8 (Unity) StackWalker::GetCurrentCallstack
0x000000014151D8E6 (Unity) StackWalker::ShowCallstack
0x00000001413EDA5B (Unity) GetStacktrace
0x00000001408A19A0 (Unity) DebugStringToFile
0x0000000140BC5E5B (Unity) MonoManager::SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies
0x0000000140BBAB8C (Unity) MonoManager::EndReloadAssembly
0x0000000140BC4D8D (Unity) MonoManager::ReloadAssembly
0x0000000140E59943 (Unity) ReloadAllUsedAssemblies
0x0000000140E53FE1 (Unity) HandleCompileStatus
0x0000000140E5016A (Unity) CompileScriptsWait
0x0000000140E4F8B1 (Unity) CompileDirtyScriptsForEditorSyncInternal
0x0000000140E4F71D (Unity) CompileDirtyScriptsForEditorSync
0x0000000140E5A48E (Unity) ScriptCompilationPipelinePostProcessAssets
0x0000000141F87A4F (Unity) Postprocess
0x0000000141FA8B84 (Unity) AssetInterface::ApplyDefaultPostprocess
0x0000000141FB91AC (Unity) AssetInterface::ProcessAssetsImplementation
0x0000000141FC224A (Unity) AssetInterface::StopAssetEditing
0x0000000141FBDF81 (Unity) AssetInterface::Refresh
0x0000000141F74870 (Unity) AssetDatabase::Refresh
0x000000014141AB6E (Unity) Application::AutoRefresh
0x00000001415A489F (Unity) ContainerWindow::ContainerWndProc
0x00007FFB397FB85D (USER32) CallWindowProcW
0x00007FFB397FB54C (USER32) CallWindowProcW
0x00007FFB398119C3 (USER32) GetTopWindow
0x00007FFB39EF3F94 (ntdll) KiUserCallbackDispatcher
0x00007FFB371F10A4 (win32u) NtUserPeekMessage
0x00007FFB398102ED (USER32) PeekMessageW
0x00007FFB39810156 (USER32) PeekMessageA
0x00000001415C7FAE (Unity) MainMessageLoop
0x00000001415CA468 (Unity) WinMain
0x00000001423F953A (Unity) __scrt_common_main_seh
0x00007FFB39341FE4 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007FFB39EBF061 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart
Quote from Substance's integrations site: The built-in support for Substance materials will be deprecated in Unity 2018.1. To maintain compatibility, we are
working on a new external plugin, with plans to release it on the Asset Store for 2018.1.
Thanks for all the advice though guys. I tried deleting Library/ScriptAssemblies/ and reloading unity. Didnt help, im assuming substances are causing compile issues, so im hoping they release a way to fix after the event, I think I read that on forum. Otherwise I need to wipe all substances I guess, then that might fix it.
Really annoying though as I have ideas I cannot implement with AC until they're fixed.. I guess in the meantime im going to code them myself.
Weird thing is I used to consider compiler errors were red warnings that *did not* go away when you clear the console, but these ones do. So I assumed there were serious warnings but not compile errors, for example I can still run my game. Anyway I blame it all on substances lol, real shame my game looked great before they removed the support and didnt warn me about the upgrade process - their upgrade note went up after I had done it.
Other menus still turn up like RAIN, UMA and the new "substance" one.
This is not the first time unity has held me up for absolutely months as I painstakingly tear apart my project, lose hope and almost lose half a decades worth of work. I swear im getting quite sick of unitys performance and stability - not to mention the error messages dont lead you to anywhere. It has me in awful situations at least once a month, not to mention how damn slow it is.
Just tried latest unity beta deleted rain, uma and a ton of others but still the same. I wish quite often id picked unreal, unity is terrible in so many ways, only reason I stick with it is because ive just wasted 6 yrs full time learning how to use it. So yeah stuck, will neeed to think of another part of the game to implement instead, wish is a shame because the thing I was working on was meant to be played on huge projectors with cinema sized screens(!) on saturday to a huge crowd.. it was going to be some awesome exposure..
Anyway the unity fight continues, awful tool.
LE: I had some compilation error with Cinemachine. I deleted Cinemachine and AC got back. So conclusion is that if u have compiler warnings it wont show. Now it shows.
are you saying you also have problems with AC not working correctly? does the menu show up?
I see many optimisations that could be made, im thinking you have actually addressed many of them though because i was looking at old code, the hoptspot thing I think you fixed with layers or something, ie hotspots being detected miles away? I havent yet put that into play I dont think. My main optimisation which is not really a problem of yours is to stop npcs doing anything at all when off screen. I noticed a huge amount of cpu in npc or char fixed update i think about angles and stuff and my game dragged hellishly. So for better or for worse I made npcs bail out of that routine until a counter reaches a predefined amount. Ie, off screne