I'm probably missing something obvious. This can't be difficult to do. But I can't figure out how to lower the narrator volume across the board. I notice the game automatically creates a sound object for the narrator, but it starts with a relative volume of 1, and I'd like that to be lower. I can lower the volume of all the speech and it lowers it, but then I can't raise the volume of the other characters because the slider doesn't go higher than 1. How can I adjust the narrator volume aside from going in and editing all the individual audio files, of which there are many.
if (narratorAudioSource == null)
GameObject narratorSoundExist = GameObject.Find("Narrator");
if (narratorSoundExist != null)
narratorAudioSource = narratorSoundExist.GetComponent<AudioSource>();
return narratorAudioSource;
I'll look into making this more convient, likely by adding a "Narration override Sound" field to the Dialog component.