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Multiple scenarios in a single scene

Hi everyone, here's my problem:
I have lots of scene in my game where there are certain possible conversations, lootable items ecc...
These scenes needs tobe different after the player goes to other locations.
By different I mean with others npcs and items.
What solution do you think could be suitable for my problem? Copy & pasting all the scenes and modyfying them? Or there's a specif option in AC?


  • Variables are the main tool when it comes to changing your game according to the player's choices / situation.

    Variables can either be global (accessible across the whole game) or local (accessible only in a specific scene), and are defined in the Variables Manager.  They can be set at runtime with the Variable: Set Action, and read with Variable: Check.

    You can therefore, for example, have a Global Boolean Variable named "Have spoken to chief?", the value of which you set to True when you have a conversation with the village chief.  Then, in the OnStart Cutscene for your village scene, you can read this variable's value and make necessary changes to the scene's appearance as appropriate.

    Similarly, you can use the Inventory: Check Action to make similar queries about what the player is carrying, Hotspot: Check interaction enabled for queries about what Hotspot interactions are enabled, and Scene: Check previous for queries about what scene the player previously came from.
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