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Trigger 2D that halts movement.

edited March 2018 in Technical Q&A
Hello everyone,
I want to create a 2D Trigger that when the player try to pass from left to right it will stop his movement and pop up a dialog message, also if he tries to continue the movement to the right to prevent it again with another dialog message but not to trigger if he goes to the left. My setup is 2D with only left right movement using point & click control. ( I did it with a very thin navmesh (5 pixels high) and use only Left Right Animations. Is something like that possible with AC? thank you very much


  • A Trigger with a When running field is set to Block Gameplay will automatically halt the player's movement when they enter it.

    The Dialogue: Play speech Action can be used to play dialogue messages, and if no speaking character is assigned it will be considered a narration.  Narration lines have their own behaviour settings in the Speech Manager, and the Menu Manager can be used to create a separately-styled Subtitles menu that only shows narration.

    Two such Triggers side-by-side should be able to do this.  If you make them both wide enough to cover the whole right area, but have the first Trigger's left edge slightly to the left of the second, then you won't accidentally re-run it when the player tries to go back - since a Trigger is by default set to run when the target enters it.
  • That's great! Thank you very much Chris!
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