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Creating a Dialogue Box

edited February 2018 in Technical Q&A
Hi , 
I want to create a scroll-able dialogue system like here
The things I'm unable to crack are : 

1. How do I make the text not disappear after each dialogue?
2. How do I place it in a UI separate from the character?


  • Welcome to the community, @yaffa.

    It is possible to have a speech line display on-screen indefinitely by use of the [hold] token - see the "Text tokens" chapter of the Manual.

    However, as AC still places each line in its own menu, I suspect that something like this is best achieved with a custom-made UI system.  AC's speech/translation/audio systems can still be used, I'm only talking about the way in which dialogue itself is displayed on screen.

    You should look into using the OnStartSpeech custom event, a tutorial for which can be found here.  This essentially allows you to run your own code whenever a line of dialogue begins, allowing you to forego AC's own dialogue displaying functionality in favour of your own one, which instead adds each line to the same UI.
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