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3D Character placed in the scene, disappeard when start playing??

Hi ,

my 3d character disappears when i press the play button, any idea? Thank you (Unity 2017)


  • Is the character being moved to the player start? The player will be moved to the player start when the scene starts.

    If the character is actually being deleted from the scene, then I have no idea. That doesn't sound like anything AC would be doing unless you are running an action that removes the player object.
  • Welcome to the community, @REPORTER.

    Is this character supposed to be the player?  If so, have they been configured to be an "AC" player, i.e. by running the model through the Charater Wizard?  Please see the "Creating characters" chapter of the Manual for more on this.

    If AC finds an object tagged as Player, but with no Player component, then it will remove it to make way for one correctly configured or assigned in the Settings Manager.
  • Hi thanks for the answer - now i have the problem that my character rotates when it moves (left/right etc) and get smaller etc but i want him only face to the camera on one axis without rotating? Any help? Thanks Volker
  • This is a 3D character?  3D characters need to rotate in 3D space to face the direction theire moving, but if the model / Animator is in a child of the root object, then you could attach a simple custom script that rotates the model to face the camera every frame.
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