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Use interaction problems

I'm having some trouble with the use interaction on transform object. i want to make a garage gate to translate(x,y) and rotate at the same time wich is working
fine, but im having trouble to make it close. as i have been reading i understand i can use both open and close on the same hotspot interaction(?) also i seem to understand that i can make multiple use interactions on the same hotspot to make it work somehow? quite stuck here. Thanks in advance


  • edited January 2018
    What's your "Interaction method"?  That'll affect whether or not a Hotspot can have multiple use interactions at a time.

    The Hotspot: Change interaction Action can be used to enable/disable Use interactions at runtime.  If your Interaction method is Context Sensitive (i.e. only one Use interaction at a time) then you can create both your Open and Close interactions as separate Use interactions on the same Hotspot.

    In this method, only the first enabled one will be used by AC. Therefore, once the gate is opened, you can use the above Action to disable the first one (that opens the gate), to make the second one (that shuts the gate) to then become the first-enabled one and hence the one that runs when the Hotspot is interacted with.

    If you still have trouble, please post screenshots of your Settings Manager, Hotspot Inspector and ActionLists so that we can see what's going on.
  • Got it fixed by using variables check . but i have a small problem that i can interact with my open and close button while the object is transforming, witch is causing the object to get "out of sync" of its open and closed position, any ideas sir?
  • If the ActionList that causes the opening/closing lasts as long as the motion, then you can control its interactivity.

    If you're using the Object: Transform Action to move it, you can do this by checking Wait until finish?.  Alternatively, you can insert an Engine: Wait Action to wait for however long the motion takes.

    Your ActionList's default When running field is set to Pause Gameplay, which means player movement and interactivity will be blocked while it runs - and therefore prevent the player from being able to click again while the gate moves.

    If you'd like the player to be able to move around and interact at this time - just not with the gate - then you can set this field to Run In Background so that it no longer blocks gameplay.  You can then temporarily disable the Hotspot's interactivity with two Hotspot: Enable or disable Actions - one at the start of the motion to disable it, and another at the end to re-enable it.
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